666,700 research outputs found

    Old tales, untold : Lu Xun against world literature

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    World literature has smiled on Lu Xun 魯迅. He stands, if not as the foremost, then as a major representative of modern Chinese literature in anthologies. Though anthologies are not the ultimate arbiters of literary worldliness, they are influential discursive sites because of their accessibility and classroom utility. To wit, he is a common figure on university syllabi in world literature surveys. Professionally, scholarship on Lu Xun’s work reaches far beyond disciplinary Chinese studies. His works have been translated and retranslated many times in less than a century. All this is perhaps fitting considering his extraordinary services rendered to world literature as a reader and translator. Following David Damrosch’s (2003) provisional definition of world literature as circulation beyond a national origin (281), Lu Xun enabled dozens of works to circulate in Chinese, and in turn his works circulate beyond the Sinosphere. But not all of them. If, following Franco Moretti (2013), we were to look at world literature as a market, a work’s circulation has to do with the demands of readers as much as with its innate qualities (69-70). These demands reflect geopolitical realities, to be sure, but can also constitute an apologetics for them

    Chinese Delegation of Business Executives Opt for Lecture Instead of Turkey; American Family will Celebrate Thanksgiving with UD Chinese Student

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    Feature leads for the media: A delegation of business executives from China will attend a seminar on international trade on Thanksgiving rather than partake in Thanksgiving festivities; student David Lu of China will take his adopted American family to a Chinese Thanksgiving church program

    Technical Reports (2004 - 2009)

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    Authors of Technical Reports (2005-2009): Choueiry, Berthe Cohen, Myra Deogun, Jitender Dwyer, Matthew Elbaum, Sebastian Goddard, Steve Henninger, Scott Jiang, Hong Lu, Ying Ramamurthy, Byrav Rothermel, Gregg Scott, Stephen Seth, Sharad Soh, Leen-Kiat Srisa-an, Witty Swanson, David Variyam, Vinodchandran Wang, Jun Xu, Lison

    PI3K Is Required between E14.5-16.5 for the Normal Development of Cochlear Hair Cells

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    From the Washington University Senior Honors Thesis Abstracts (WUSHTA), Spring 2018. Published by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Joy Zalis Kiefer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences; Lindsey Paunovich, Editor; Helen Human, Programs Manager and Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences Mentor: Lu Yang and David M. Ornit

    Session 1D

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    The Carboxylic Acid-Bound Iodine Layer – Towards an Anti- Fouling Coating for Water Sensors and Water Treatment Facilities, Lingbo Lu and Yuguang Cai, Dept of Chemistry, UK Aqueous Arsenic Removal by Thiol-Containing Filtration Columns, Partha Jana and David Atwood, Dept of Chemistry, UK Green Construction in an Urban Landscape, Elizabeth Bullock and others, CDP Engineers, Lexington, KY Developing a Storm Water Management Plan in the Jackson Ditch Watershed, City of Trenton, Butler County, Ohio, Erman Caudill, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., Lexington, K

    Selection and stabilization of endocytic sites by Ede1, a yeast functional homologue of human Eps15.

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    During clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME), endocytic-site maturation can be divided into two stages corresponding to the arrival of the early and late proteins at the plasma membrane. The early proteins are required to capture cargo and position the late machinery, which includes proteins involved in actin assembly and membrane scission. However, the mechanism by which early-arriving proteins select and stabilize endocytic sites is not known. Ede1, one of the earliest proteins recruited to endocytic sites, facilitates site initiation and stabilization. Deletion of EDE1 results in fewer CME initiations and defects in the timing of vesicle maturation. Here we made truncation mutants of Ede1 to better understand how different domains contribute to its recruitment to CME sites, site selection, and site maturation. We found that the minimal domains required for efficient Ede1 localization at CME sites are the third EH domain, the proline-rich region, and the coiled-coil region. We also found that many strains expressing ede1 truncations could support a normal rate of site initiation but still had defects in site-maturation timing, indicating separation of Ede1 functions. When expressed in yeast, human Eps15 localized to the plasma membrane, where it recruited late-phase CME proteins and supported productive endocytosis, identifying it as an Ede1 functional homologue
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