23 research outputs found

    Davenport constant with weights

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    For the cyclic group G=Z/nZG=\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} and any non-empty AZA\in\mathbb{Z}. We define the Davenport constant of GG with weight AA, denoted by DA(n)D_A(n), to be the least natural number kk such that for any sequence (x1,...,xk)(x_1, ..., x_k) with xiGx_i\in G, there exists a non-empty subsequence (xj1,...,xjl)(x_{j_1}, ..., x_{j_l}) and a1,...,alAa_1, ..., a_l\in A such that i=1laixji=0\sum_{i=1}^l a_ix_{j_i} = 0. Similarly, we define the constant EA(n)E_A(n) to be the least tNt\in\mathbb{N} such that for all sequences (x1,>...,xt)(x_1, >..., x_t) with xiGx_i \in G, there exist indices j1,...,jnN,1j1<...<jntj_1, ..., j_n\in\mathbb{N}, 1\leq j_1 <... < j_n\leq t, and ϑ1,>...,ϑnA\vartheta_1, >..., \vartheta_n\in A with i=1nϑixji=0\sum^{n}_{i=1} \vartheta_ix_{j_i} = 0. In the present paper, we show that EA(n)=DA(n)+n1E_A(n)=D_A(n)+n-1. This solve the problem raised by Adhikari and Rath \cite{ar06}, Adhikari and Chen \cite{ac08}, Thangadurai \cite{th07} and Griffiths \cite{gr08}.Comment: 6page

    Multi-wise and constrained fully weighted Davenport constants and interactions with coding theory

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    We consider two families of weighted zero-sum constants for finite abelian groups. For a finite abelian group (G,+)( G , + ), a set of weights WZW \subset \mathbb{Z}, and an integral parameter mm, the mm-wise Davenport constant with weights WW is the smallest integer nn such that each sequence over GG of length nn has at least mm disjoint zero-subsums with weights WW. And, for an integral parameter dd, the dd-constrained Davenport constant with weights WW is the smallest nn such that each sequence over GG of length nn has a zero-subsum with weights WW of size at most dd. First, we establish a link between these two types of constants and several basic and general results on them. Then, for elementary pp-groups, establishing a link between our constants and the parameters of linear codes as well as the cardinality of cap sets in certain projective spaces, we obtain various explicit results on the values of these constants

    Arithmetic-Progression-Weighted Subsequence Sums

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    Let GG be an abelian group, let SS be a sequence of terms s1,s2,...,snGs_1,s_2,...,s_{n}\in G not all contained in a coset of a proper subgroup of GG, and let WW be a sequence of nn consecutive integers. Let WS={w1s1+...+wnsn:  wiatermofW,wiwjforij},W\odot S=\{w_1s_1+...+w_ns_n:\;w_i {a term of} W,\, w_i\neq w_j{for} i\neq j\}, which is a particular kind of weighted restricted sumset. We show that WSmin{G1,n}|W\odot S|\geq \min\{|G|-1,\,n\}, that WS=GW\odot S=G if nG+1n\geq |G|+1, and also characterize all sequences SS of length G|G| with WSGW\odot S\neq G. This result then allows us to characterize when a linear equation a1x1+...+arxrαmodn,a_1x_1+...+a_rx_r\equiv \alpha\mod n, where α,a1,...,arZ\alpha,a_1,..., a_r\in \Z are given, has a solution (x1,...,xr)Zr(x_1,...,x_r)\in \Z^r modulo nn with all xix_i distinct modulo nn. As a second simple corollary, we also show that there are maximal length minimal zero-sum sequences over a rank 2 finite abelian group GCn1Cn2G\cong C_{n_1}\oplus C_{n_2} (where n1n2n_1\mid n_2 and n23n_2\geq 3) having kk distinct terms, for any k[3,min{n1+1,exp(G)}]k\in [3,\min\{n_1+1,\,\exp(G)\}]. Indeed, apart from a few simple restrictions, any pattern of multiplicities is realizable for such a maximal length minimal zero-sum sequence

    On weighted zero-sum sequences

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    Let G be a finite additive abelian group with exponent exp(G)=n>1 and let A be a nonempty subset of {1,...,n-1}. In this paper, we investigate the smallest positive integer mm, denoted by s_A(G), such that any sequence {c_i}_{i=1}^m with terms from G has a length n=exp(G) subsequence {c_{i_j}}_{j=1}^n for which there are a_1,...,a_n in A such that sum_{j=1}^na_ic_{i_j}=0. When G is a p-group, A contains no multiples of p and any two distinct elements of A are incongruent mod p, we show that s_A(G) is at most D(G)/A+exp(G)1\lceil D(G)/|A|\rceil+exp(G)-1 if |A| is at least (D(G)-1)/(exp(G)-1), where D(G) is the Davenport constant of G and this upper bound for s_A(G)in terms of |A| is essentially best possible. In the case A={1,-1}, we determine the asymptotic behavior of s_{{1,-1}}(G) when exp(G) is even, showing that, for finite abelian groups of even exponent and fixed rank, s_{{1,-1}}(G)=exp(G)+log_2|G|+O(log_2log_2|G|) as exp(G) tends to the infinity. Combined with a lower bound of exp(G)+sumi=1rlog2niexp(G)+sum{i=1}{r}\lfloor\log_2 n_i\rfloor, where G=Zn1...ZnrG=\Z_{n_1}\oplus...\oplus \Z_{n_r} with 1<n_1|... |n_r, this determines s_{{1,-1}}(G), for even exponent groups, up to a small order error term. Our method makes use of the theory of L-intersecting set systems. Some additional more specific values and results related to s_{{1,-1}}(G) are also computed.Comment: 24 pages. Accepted version for publication in Adv. in Appl. Mat

    Representation of Finite Abelian Group Elements by Subsequence Sums

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    Let GCn1...CnrG\cong C_{n_1}\oplus ... \oplus C_{n_r} be a finite and nontrivial abelian group with n1n2...nrn_1|n_2|...|n_r. A conjecture of Hamidoune says that if W=w1...wnW=w_1... w_n is a sequence of integers, all but at most one relatively prime to G|G|, and SS is a sequence over GG with SW+G1G+1|S|\geq |W|+|G|-1\geq |G|+1, the maximum multiplicity of SS at most W|W|, and σ(W)0modG\sigma(W)\equiv 0\mod |G|, then there exists a nontrivial subgroup HH such that every element gHg\in H can be represented as a weighted subsequence sum of the form g=i=1nwisig=\sum_{i=1}^{n}w_is_i, with s1...sns_1... s_n a subsequence of SS. We give two examples showing this does not hold in general, and characterize the counterexamples for large W1/2G|W|\geq {1/2}|G|. A theorem of Gao, generalizing an older result of Olson, says that if GG is a finite abelian group, and SS is a sequence over GG with SG+D(G)1|S|\geq |G|+D(G)-1, then either every element of GG can be represented as a G|G|-term subsequence sum from SS, or there exists a coset g+Hg+H such that all but at most G/H2|G/H|-2 terms of SS are from g+Hg+H. We establish some very special cases in a weighted analog of this theorem conjectured by Ordaz and Quiroz, and some partial conclusions in the remaining cases, which imply a recent result of Ordaz and Quiroz. This is done, in part, by extending a weighted setpartition theorem of Grynkiewicz, which we then use to also improve the previously mentioned result of Gao by showing that the hypothesis SG+D(G)1|S|\geq |G|+D(G)-1 can be relaxed to SG+d(G)|S|\geq |G|+d^*(G), where d^*(G)=\Sum_{i=1}^{r}(n_i-1). We also use this method to derive a variation on Hamidoune's conjecture valid when at least d(G)d^*(G) of the wiw_i are relatively prime to G|G|