196 research outputs found

    The Station Information System (SIS): A Centralized Repository for Populating, Managing, and Distributing Metadata of the Advanced National Seismic System Stations

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    Creating, maintaining, and archiving accurate station metadata is critical for successful seismic network operations, data discovery, and research. The Station Information System (SIS) is a centralized repository of seismic station equipment inventory, instrument response, and site information of stations operated by regional seismic networks (RSNs) of the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS; Filson and Arabasz, 2017). It has a web‐based user interface that enables the creation and manipulation of the corresponding metadata. The system can track the installation, maintenance, and removal of equipment from a site, which often results in the creation of new metadata epochs. SIS also computes the overall response, including gain, of a data channel by combining the responses of the underlying hardware components. SIS distributes this information in standard formats such as Federation of Digital Seismic Networks StationXML and dataless Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data. SIS can also be used to manage inventory of field equipment such as power, telemetry, or Global Positioning System antenna, as well as links to other site‐related repositories external to SIS to give the network operator the most complete view of a site and the overall network. This article summarizes the main features in SIS. We present its basic infrastructure, holdings, workflow, and how RSNs retrieve data from it. We also explain the reasoning to pursue one centralized repository and why it supports the goals of SIS and the ANSS. We demonstrate that by providing the ANSS network operator with a comprehensive site view, SIS enables the production of high‐quality metadata, a necessary prerequisite for producing high‐quality seismic data

    A burst-mode word-serial address-event link--II: receiver design

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    We present a receiver for a scalable multiple-access inter-chip link that communicates binary activity between two-dimensional arrays fabricated in deep submicron CMOS. Recipients are identified by row and column addresses but these addresses are not communicated simultaneously. The row address is followed sequentially by a column address for each active cell in that row; this cuts pad count in half without sacrificing communication capacity. Column addresses are decoded as they are received but cells are not written individually. An entire burst is written to a row in parallel; this increases communication capacity with integration density. Rows are written one by one but bursts are not processed one at a time. The next burst is decoded while the last one is being written; this increases capacity further. We synthesized an asynchronous implementation by performing a series of program decompositions, starting from a high-level description. Links using this design have been implemented successfully in three generations of submicron CMOS technology

    Open-Source ANSS Quake Monitoring System Software

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    ANSS stands for the Advanced National Seismic System of the U.S.A., and ANSS Quake Monitoring System (AQMS) is the earthquake management system (EMS) that most of its member regional seismic networks (RSNs) use. AQMS is based on Earthworm, but instead of storing files on disk, it uses a relational database with replication capability to store pick, amplitude, waveform, and event parameters. The replicated database and other features of AQMS make it a fully redundant system. A graphical user interface written in Java, Jiggle, is used to review automatically generated picks and event solutions, relocate events, and recalculate magnitudes. Add‐on mechanisms to produce various postearthquake products such as ShakeMaps and focal mechanisms are available as well. It provides a configurable automatic alarming and notification system. The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, one of the Tier 1 ANSS RSNs, has modified AQMS to be compatible with a freely available, capable, open‐source database system, PostgreSQL, and is running this version successfully in production. The AQMS Software Working Group has moved the software from a subversion repository server hosted at the California Institute of Technology to a public repository at gitlab.com. The drawback of AQMS as a whole is that it is complex to fully configure and comprehend. Nevertheless, the fact that it is very capable, documented, and now free to use, might make it an attractive EMS choice for many seismic networks

    On-the-Fly Model Checking for Extended Action-Based Probabilistic Operators

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    International audienceThe quantitative analysis of concurrent systems requires expressive and user-friendly property languages combining temporal, data-handling, and quantitative aspects. In this paper, we aim at facilitating the quantitative analysis of systems modeled as PTSs (Probabilistic Transition Systems) labeled by actions containing data values and probabilities. We propose a new regular probabilistic operator that computes the probability measure of a path specified by a generalized regular formula involving arbitrary computations on data values. This operator, which subsumes the Until operators of PCTL and their action-based counterparts, can provide useful quantitative information about paths having certain (e.g., peak) cost values. We integrated the regular probabilistic operator into MCL (Model Checking Language) and we devised an associated on-the-fly model checking method, based on a combined local resolution of linear and Boolean equation systems. We implemented the method in the EVALUATOR model checker of the CADP toolbox and experimented it on realistic PTSs modeling concurrent systems

    The Programmable City

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    AbstractThe worldwide proliferation of mobile connected devices has brought about a revolution in the way we live, and will inevitably guide the way in which we design the cities of the future. However, designing city-wide systems poses a new set of challenges in terms of scale, manageability and citizen involvement. Solving these challenges is crucial to making sure that the vision of a programmable Internet of Things (IoT) becomes reality. In this article we will analyse these issues and present a novel programming approach to designing scalable systems for the Internet of Things, with an emphasis on smart city applications, that addresses these issues

    CAMAC bulletin: A publication of the ESONE Committee Issue #13 September 1975 Supplement A

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    CAMAC is a means of interconnecting many peripheral devices through a digital data highway to a data processing device such as a computer

    Using CAMAC hardware for access to a particle accelerator

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    Includes bibliographical references and index.The design and implementation of a method to software interface high level applications programs used for the control and monitoring of a Particle Accelerator is described. Effective methods of interfacing the instrumentation bus system with a Real time multitasking computer operating system were examined and optimized for efficient utilization of the operating system software and available hardware. Various methods of accessing the instrumentation bus are implemented as well as demand response servicing of the instruments on the bus