439,234 research outputs found

    Teaching Agile Development with DevOps in a Software Engineering and Database Technologies Practicum

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    [EN] DevOps is a new concept for Software Engineering. Teaching DevOps can be challenging with the limited resources that are available at many universities. This paper exams how to teach of an Agile Development Methodology using a DevOps approach for the Regis University (RU) M.S. in Software Engineering and Database Technologies Practicum. With faculty support, heavy stakeholder involvement and RU Information Technology Services (Operations Support) mentoring, students were able to successfully follow the Agile Development methodology to create an application that was incoporated into the RU Web-site infrastructure.Mason, R.; Masters, W.; Stark, A. (2017). Teaching Agile Development with DevOps in a Software Engineering and Database Technologies Practicum. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1353-1362. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5607OCS1353136

    A multi-tenant database framework for software and cloud computing applications

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Cloud Computing is a new computing paradigm that transforms accessing computing resources from internal data centres to external service providers. This approach is rapidly becoming a standard for offering cost effective and elastic computing services that are used over the internet. Software as a service (SaaS) is one of the Cloud Computing service models that exploits economies of scale for SaaS service providers by offering the same software and computing environment for multiple tenants. This contemporary multi-tenant service requires a multi-tenant database design that can accommodate data for multiple tenants in one single database schema. Due to multi-tenant database resource sharing in this service, the multi-tenant schema should be highly secured, optimized, configurable, and extendable during runtime execution to fulfil the applications’ requirements of different tenants. However, traditional Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) do not support such multi-tenant database schema capabilities, and it is a significant challenge to enable RDBMS to support these capabilities. Therefore, one solution is using an intermediate software layer that mediates multi-tenant applications and RDBMS, to convert multi-tenant queries into regular database queries, and to execute them in a RDBMS. Developing such a multi-tenant software layer to manage and access tenants’ data is a hard and complex problem to solve and has significant complexities that involve longer development lifecycle. There are two main contributions of this thesis. Firstly, a proposal for a novel multi-tenant schema technique called Elastic Extension Tables (EET). Secondly, a proposal for a multi-tenant database framework prototype to implement EET schema in a RDBMS. This approach can be used to develop a software layer that mediates software applications and a RDBMS. This software layer aims to facilitate the development of software applications, and multi-tenant SaaS and Big Data applications for both cloud service providers and their tenants. Extensive experiments were conducted to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of EET multi-tenant database schema by comparing it with Universal Table Schema Mapping (UTSM), which is commercially used. Significant performance improvements obtained using EET when compared to UTSM, makes the EET schema a good candidate for implementing multi-tenant databases and multi-tenant applications. Furthermore, the prototype of the EET framework was developed, and several experiments were performed to verify the practicability and the effectiveness of using this framework that based on EET multi-tenant database schema. The results of the experiments indicate that the EET framework is suitable for the development of software applications in general, and multi-tenant SaaS and Big Data applications in particular

    Defining and validating a multimodel approach for product architecture derivation and improvement

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41533-3_24Software architectures are the key to achieving the non-functional requirements (NFRs) in any software project. In software product line (SPL) development, it is crucial to identify whether the NFRs for a specific product can be attained with the built-in architectural variation mechanisms of the product line architecture, or whether additional architectural transformations are required. This paper presents a multimodel approach for quality-driven product architecture derivation and improvement (QuaDAI). A controlled experiment is also presented with the objective of comparing the effectiveness, efficiency, perceived ease of use, intention to use and perceived usefulness with regard to participants using QuaDAI as opposed to the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM). The results show that QuaDAI is more efficient and perceived as easier to use than ATAM, from the perspective of novice software architecture evaluators. However, the other variables were not found to be statistically significant. Further replications are needed to obtain more conclusive results.This research is supported by the MULTIPLE project (MICINN TIN2009-13838) and the Vali+D fellowship program (ACIF/2011/235).González Huerta, J.; Insfrán Pelozo, CE.; Abrahao Gonzales, SM. (2013). Defining and validating a multimodel approach for product architecture derivation and improvement. En Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. Springer. 388-404. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-41533-3_24S388404Ali-Babar, M., Lago, P., Van Deursen, A.: Empirical research in software architecture: opportunities, challenges, and approaches. 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In: 8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2012), Lisbon, Portugal, September 3-6 (2012)Gonzalez-Huerta, J., Insfran, E., Abrahao, S., McGregor, J.D.: Non-functional Requirements in Model-Driven Software Product Line Engineering. In: 4th Int. Workshop on Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages, Insbruck, Austria (2012)Guana, V., Correal, V.: Variability quality evaluation on component-based software product lines. In: 15th Int. Software Product Line Conference, Munich, Germany, vol. 2, pp. 19.1–19.8 (2011)Insfrán, E., Abrahão, S., González-Huerta, J., McGregor, J.D., Ramos, I.: A Multimodeling Approach for Quality-Driven Architecture Derivation. In: 21st Int. Conf. on Information Systems Development (ISD 2012), Prato, Italy (2012)ISO/IEC 25000:2005, Software Engineering. 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    Parametric and machine learning-based analysis of the seismic vulnerability of adobe historical buildings damaged after the September 2017 Mexico earthquakes

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    In September 2017, two strong earthquakes hit the central region of Mexico, producing substantial damage to the historical buildings. A retroactive analysis for assessing the pre-event seismic vulnerability of these constructions allowed for testing the suitability of an existing parameter-based approach based on material and geometrical features. More than 160 adobe buildings in four municipalities of the State of Morelos were surveyed and included in a vulnerability-oriented GIS database. Data were collected on-site and managed by resorting to open-source GIS software combined with a Python-based database management tool and a cloud-based platform for onsite data collection using mobile devices. The parameter-based approach was used for assessing the analytical seismic vulnerability of the buildings and implementing a secondary, more conservative assessment that considers uncertainties associated with the data acquisition process. The capabilities of the database were further used to train a Machine Learning algorithm aimed at overcoming some representativeness limitations of the parameter-based analytical method. This third approach was found to be suitable for assessing the vulnerability of the building typologies addressed in this investigation. Although the implementation discussed in this paper is limited to a specific vernacular typology, it can be used to conduct customized local calibrations.- This work was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R & D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020. This research was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through grant number PD/BD/150385/2019. The field campaigns in the State of Morelos were financed by the Instituto de Ingenieria - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Institute of Engineering - National Autonomous University of Mexico) through the project R562

    Towards a new approach for enterprise integration : the semantic modeling approach

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    Manufacturing today has become a matter of the effective and efficient application of information technology and knowledge engineering. Manufacturing firms’ success depends to a great extent on information technology, which emphasizes the integration of the information systems used by a manufacturing enterprise. This integration is also called enterprise application integration (here the term application means information systems or software systems). The methodology for enterprise application integration, in particular enterprise application integration automation, has been studied for at least a decade; however, no satisfactory solution has been found. Enterprise application integration is becoming even more difficult due to the explosive growth of various information systems as a result of ever increasing competition in the software market. This thesis aims to provide a novel solution to enterprise application integration. The semantic data model concept that evolved in database technology is revisited and applied to enterprise application integration. This has led to two novel ideas developed in this thesis. First, an ontology of an enterprise with five levels (following the data abstraction: generalization/specialization) is proposed and represented using unified modeling language. Second, both the ontology for the enterprise functions and the ontology for the enterprise applications are modeled to allow automatic processing of information back and forth between these two domains. The approach with these novel ideas is called the enterprise semantic model approach. The thesis presents a detailed description of the enterprise semantic model approach, including the fundamental rationale behind the enterprise semantic model, the ontology of enterprises with levels, and a systematic way towards the construction of a particular enterprise semantic model for a company. A case study is provided to illustrate how the approach works and to show the high potential of solving the existing problems within enterprise application integration

    London SynEx Demonstrator Site: Impact Assessment Report

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    The key ingredients of the SynEx-UCL software components are: 1. A comprehensive and federated electronic healthcare record that can be used to reference or to store all of the necessary healthcare information acquired from a diverse range of clinical databases and patient-held devices. 2. A directory service component to provide a core persons demographic database to search for and authenticate staff users of the system and to anchor patient identification and connection to their federated healthcare record. 3. A clinical record schema management tool (Object Dictionary Client) that enables clinicians or engineers to define and export the data sets mapping to individual feeder systems. 4. An expansible set of clinical management algorithms that provide prompts to the patient or clinician to assist in the management of patient care. CHIME has built up over a decade of experience within Europe on the requirements and information models that are needed to underpin comprehensive multiprofessional electronic healthcare records. The resulting architecture models have influenced new European standards in this area, and CHIME has designed and built prototype EHCR components based on these models. The demonstrator systems described here utilise a directory service and object-oriented engineering approach, and support the secure, mobile and distributed access to federated healthcare records via web-based services. The design and implementation of these software components has been founded on a thorough analysis of the clinical, technical and ethico-legal requirements for comprehensive EHCR systems, published through previous project deliverables and in future planned papers. The clinical demonstrator site described in this report has provided the solid basis from which to establish "proof of concept" verification of the design approach, and a valuable opportunity to install, test and evaluate the results of the component engineering undertaken during the EC funded project. Inevitably, a number of practical implementation and deployment obstacles have been overcome through this journey, each of those having contributed to the time taken to deliver the components but also to the richness of the end products. UCL is fortunate that the Whittington Hospital, and the department of cardiovascular medicine in particular, is committed to a long-term vision built around this work. That vision, outlined within this report, is shared by the Camden and Islington Health Authority and by many other purchaser and provider organisations in the area, and by a number of industrial parties. They are collectively determined to support the Demonstrator Site as an ongoing project well beyond the life of the EC SynEx Project. This report, although a final report as far as the EC project is concerned, is really a description of the first phase in establishing a centre of healthcare excellence. New EC Fifth Framework project funding has already been approved to enable new and innovative technology solutions to be added to the work already established in north London
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