14 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Arsitektur Mobile Commerce Usaha Mikro Menggunakan EAP Dan Togaf ADM Framework

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    Keterbatasan pada penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan serta teknologi akan menyulitkan perkembangan usaha mikro. Salah satu penerapan teknologi pada usaha mikro yang sangat penting untuk dilakukan agar usaha mikro dapat berkembang adalah dengan membangun sebuah aplikasi mobile commerce. Maka, perlu membuat acuan, panduan dan rencana yang jelas bagi pengembangan aplikasi mobile commerce secara keseluruhan untuk usaha mikro. Pemodelan arsitektur mobile commerce untuk usaha mikro dilakukan dengan menggunakan Enterprise Architecture Planning dan TOGAF Framework yang didasari oleh hasil content analysis data yang dikumpulkan melalui teknik wawancara. Pengujian model arsitektur dilakukan oleh sepuluh responden dengan menggunakan Enterprise Architecture Score Card (EA Score Card) dengan hasil perhitungan yang berarti arsitektur tersebut dinyatakan layak atau tidak layak untuk menjadi acuan pengembangan

    Organization Cybernetics for Railway Supplier Selection

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    The comprehensive stimulation for this research arises from the necessity to continually understand and investigate the Information System (IS) discipline body of knowledge from organizational practice. Specifically, in this study, we focus on comparing a few available excellence frameworks, data analytics, and cybernetics approaches. Such knowledge and skill practice in the IS field is predominant for both IS research and teaching. On the other hand, to propose a relevant performance reporting model using data analytics and cybernetics that entail a body of knowledge and skill is crucial for the development and transformation of organizational excellence. Yet, it helps to design an online real-time organizational dashboard that produces knowledge for its application and decision-making within an organizational practice. IS discipline in an organization is comparatively young and its specification in academia as well as in practice is rapidly changing, we focus on the practical design, and IS structure for organizational excellence through employing information technologies

    Perencanaan Arsitektur Teknologi Informasi Kelurahan Babau Menggunakan TOGAF ADM

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    Abstract. Information technology architecture planning for Baubau Village using TOGAF ADM. Babau Village is a village located in Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Currently, Babau Village has implemented information technology as a centre for information and administrative services. To improve the quality of service to the community, existing information technology needs to be further developed because the amount of information in the system will continue to increase along with population growth. The problem faced if information technology is not developed is a system performance problem. For further development to be more focused, research on an information technology architecture design for Babau Village. The design using TOGAF ADM is a blueprint and a roadmap for the development of advanced information technology services. The aim is that the existing business processes within the Babau Village related to information and administrative services continue to develop according to the needs of the community and the organizational management of Babau Village.Keywords: enterprise architecture planning, TOGAF, ADM, Babau VillageAbstrak. Kelurahan Babau adalah sebuah kelurahan yang terletak di Kabupaten Kupang, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Saat ini Kelurahan Babau sudah menerapkan teknologi informasi sebagai pusat pelayanan informasi dan administrasi. Demi meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat, teknologi informasi yang ada perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut karena jumlah informasi yang ada dalam sistem akan terus meningkat seiring pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk. Masalah yang dihadapi apabila teknologi informasi tidak dikembangkan ialah masalah kinerja sistem. Agar pengembangan tahap lanjut lebih terarah, penelitian mengenai sebuah perancangan arsitektur teknologi informasi untuk Kelurahan Babau. Perancangan yang menggunakan TOGAF ADM tersebut merupakan blueprint dan juga roadmap untuk pengembangan pelayanan teknologi informasi tahap lanjut. Tujuannya ialah proses bisnis yang ada didalam Kelurahan Babau terkait pelayanan informasi dan administrasi terus berkembang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan pengurus organisasi Kelurahan Babau.Kata Kunci: arsitektur teknologi informasi, TOGAF, ADM, Kelurahan Baba


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    PT Tjimindi Subur adalah perusahaan tertua yang berada di daerah Cimindi Kota Cimahi Bandung Barat. Tujuan strategi perusahaan ini adalah meningkatkan pertumbuhan perekonomian di sektor textile dan juga perusahaan ini sangat mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggannya maka untuk mencapai target perusahaan tersebut dibutuhkan pemasaran dan penjualan produk yang baik dan juga memberikan pelayanan pelanggan yang memuaskan. Maka di perlukannya teknologi informasi yang menunjang segala aktivitas yang ada diperusahaan agar tercapainya target yang diinginkan. Perancangan enterprise architecture pada perusahaan bertujuan untuk menyelaraskan antara strategi bisnis perusahaan dengan teknologi informasi. Dalam penelitian ini perancangan enterprise architecture dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode TOGAF ADM karena sangat mendukung keselarasan antara teknologi dan bisnis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara kepada salah satu karyawan PT Tjimindi Subur terkait permasaslahan yang ada pada perusahaan dan target perusahaan kedepannya. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini berupa blurprint dalam membuat IT Roadmap yang didalamnya berupa usulan aplikasi Odoo menggunakan modul warehouse management¸ marketing management, sales management, dan customer relationship management. Kata Kunci : PT Tjimindi Subur, enterprise architecture, TOGAF ADM, penjualan, pemasaran, blueprint, textile

    The Interplay of Data-Driven Organizations and Data Spaces: Unlocking Capabilities for Transforming Organizations in the Era of Data Spaces

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    This research paper highlights the relationship between data-driven organizations and data spaces and focuses on unlocking capabilities that can be used to transform organizations and to remain competitive in the era of data spaces. The increasing availability and diversity of data, as well as advances in technology, have led to the emergence of data spaces. However, to fully leverage these opportunities, organizations must be able to effectively access, process and utilize data from these data spaces. Through an in-depth examination of current literature, this paper explores the capabilities required for organizations to participate in data space activities. The TOE framework was used to structure the derived capabilities. The findings of this research provide insights into the capabilities that organizations and data spaces must consider when looking to co-innovate and realize new business cases. We anticipate that our paper will have significant implications for both practitioners and researchers

    From Knowing to Data-Driven Organizations: Review and Conceptual Framework

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    With companies and other organizations increasingly striving to become (more) data-driven, there has been growing research interest in the notion of a data-driven organization (DDO). In existing literature, however, it seems that different understandings of such an organization emerged. The study at hand sets forth to synthesize the fragmented body of research through a review of DDO understandings in the IS and related literatures. Based on the review results and drawing on the concept of the ‘knowing organization,’ our study identifies five core elements of a DDO (data sourcing & sensemaking, data capabilities, data-driven culture, data-driven decision-making, and data-driven value creation), which we integrate into a conceptual DDO framework. Most notably, the proposed framework suggests that an ideal-typical DDO combines an outside-in view with an inside-out view, thereby setting itself apart from its predecessor, the knowing organization. Theoretical and practical contributions as well as directions for future research are discussed

    Investigating the Role of Enterprise Architecture in Big Data Analytics Implementation: A Case Study in a Large Public Sector Organization

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    Big Data Analytics (BDA) offers capabilities that can support a wide range of business areas across an organization. Organizations are increasingly turning to Enterprise Architecture (EA) to manage BDA implementation complexities. Through a case study in a large public sector organization, how EA supports various stages of BDA implementation is examined. The findings show that EA can address BDA challenges through 18 specific roles, which are categorised into four domains: Strategy (6 roles), Technology (4 roles), Collaboration (3 roles) and Governance (5 roles). While EA appears to have the most prominent role in strategy planning process, our study also identifies factors that can lead to the ineffectiveness of EA roles, such as frequent changes in business strategy. This study offers important implications to research and practice in EA and BDA implementation

    Embarking on the Digital Transformation Journey Toward a Data-Driven Organization: Empirical Insights Into Transformation Starting Points

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    Organizations are increasingly initiating and expanding their digital transformation initiatives to become more data-driven. Given that such digital transformations are highly complex and idiosyncratic endeavors, organizations striving to become a data-driven organization (DDO) have many options on where to start. To better understand such transformation starting points, we analyzed 13 companies of various industries and sizes currently undertaking DDO transformations. On this empirical basis, we find that top-level managers embark on transformation journeys by either focusing on the transformation foundations (asset-driven, workforce-driven), or on the outcome (exploitative use case-driven, explorative use case-driven), with each starting point showing different DDO elements being addressed first. Our data suggest that the selection of a specific starting point is mainly based on managers’ understandings of a DDO and the motivation to become such an organization. Finally, our work points to advantages and disadvantages of the respective starting points. Contributions and practical implications are discussed

    Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: A Comparative Case Study on Digital Transformation Strategies

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    In today’s data-centric era, organizations increasingly aim to operate more data-driven and therefore engage in digital transformations toward becoming a data-driven organization (DDO). To govern such transformations, top managers develop digital transformation strategies (DTS) characterized by different organizational ambidexterity approaches. This study analyzes how such DTS influence the process and (intermediate) outcomes of organizations’ digital transformations toward becoming a DDO by studying two organizations undertaking such DDO transformations using the concept of organizational ambidexterity as a theoretical lens. On this empirical basis, we find that DTS characterized by different organizational ambidexterity approaches lead to different transformation processes and (intermediate) outcomes. Thereby, this study contributes to existing academic literature in the field of DDOs and DTS, as such transformation journeys toward becoming a DDO have not been studied in its entirety yet. Furthermore, our paper offers practical guidance for top managers to develop and implement a DTS suitable for their organization