5 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Inkuiri Dalam Pemilihan Topik Tulisan Akademik

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan prosedur penerapan metode inkuiri dalam proses pemilihan topik penelitian serta memaparkan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pemebelajaran inkuiri pada pemilihan topik penelitian. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Sumber data penelitian yakni 24 mahasiswa semester tujuh D4 Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Malang. Instrumen penelitian berupa pedoman observasi dan kuisioner tentang respon mahasiswa. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) prosedur pembelajaran inkuiri pada materi pemilihan topik penelitian memiliki enam tahapan yaitu orientasi, merumuskan masalah, merumuskan hipotesis, mengumpulkan data, merumuskan kesimpulan dan refleksi dan (2) persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran menunjukkan secara positif dapat membantu menentukan topik penelitian. Dengan demikian, pembelajaran inkuiri dalam proses pemilihan topik penelitian disarankan sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan keterampilan penulisan akademik mahasiswa karena metode tersebut menggabungkan pembelajaran berorientasi aktivitas dan argumen logis

    Successful Strategies for Adopting Open-Source Software

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    Middle-level information systems managers (ISMs) in small-scale organizations often have challenges in determining the most appropriate strategy for adopting open-source software (OSS) in their organizations. The ISMs need to determine the right strategy for adopting OSS to protect the organizations’ information technology infrastructure. Grounded in the diffusion of innovation theory, the objective of this multiple case study was to explore strategies middle-level ISMs used to adopt OSS in their small-scale organizations. Six middle-level ISMs from three small-scale organizations with experience of not less than six years in OSS adoption strategy in the city of Frederick, Maryland, shared their strategies during semistructured online interviews. Data from archival documents augmented data collection. Thematic analysis yielded four themes: Relative advantage, cost control, support services, and staff knowledge. The study’s findings revealed that ISMs employ different strategies when adopting OSS in their small-scale organizations. These strategies seek to ensure the small-scale organizations gain a relative advantage, incur minimal costs, are guaranteed support and services, and enjoy staff knowledge. The implications for positive social change include the potential for organization leaders to provide customers affordable products and services and gain a competitive advantage in improved services

    Successful Strategies for Adopting Open-Source Software

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    Middle-level information systems managers (ISMs) in small-scale organizations often have challenges in determining the most appropriate strategy for adopting open-source software (OSS) in their organizations. The ISMs need to determine the right strategy for adopting OSS to protect the organizations’ information technology infrastructure. Grounded in the diffusion of innovation theory, the objective of this multiple case study was to explore strategies middle-level ISMs used to adopt OSS in their small-scale organizations. Six middle-level ISMs from three small-scale organizations with experience of not less than six years in OSS adoption strategy in the city of Frederick, Maryland, shared their strategies during semistructured online interviews. Data from archival documents augmented data collection. Thematic analysis yielded four themes: Relative advantage, cost control, support services, and staff knowledge. The study’s findings revealed that ISMs employ different strategies when adopting OSS in their small-scale organizations. These strategies seek to ensure the small-scale organizations gain a relative advantage, incur minimal costs, are guaranteed support and services, and enjoy staff knowledge. The implications for positive social change include the potential for organization leaders to provide customers affordable products and services and gain a competitive advantage in improved services