5 research outputs found

    Compensation of Modelling Errors for the Aeroacoustic Inverse Problem Using a Deep Neural Network

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    In the field of aeroacoustic source imaging one seeks to reconstruct acoustic source powers from microphone array measurements. For most setups one cannot expect a perfect reconstruction. The main effects that contribute to this reconstruction error are data noise and modelling errors. While the data noise is accounted for in most advanced reconstruction methods e.g. by a proper regularization strategy, the modelling error is usually neglected. This article proposes an approach that extends regularized inverse methods with a mechanism that takes modelling error into account. The presented algorithmic framework utilizes the representation of the FISTA algorithm by a neural network and uses standard gradient schemes from the field of deep learning. It is directly applicable to a single measurement i.e. a prior training phase on previously generated data is not required. The capabilities of the method are illustrated by several numerical examples

    Deep learning methods for solving linear inverse problems: Research directions and paradigms

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    The linear inverse problem is fundamental to the development of various scientific areas. Innumerable attempts have been carried out to solve different variants of the linear inverse problem in different applications. Nowadays, the rapid development of deep learning provides a fresh perspective for solving the linear inverse problem, which has various well-designed network architectures results in state-of-the-art performance in many applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the recent progress in the development of deep learning for solving various linear inverse problems. We review how deep learning methods are used in solving different linear inverse problems, and explore the structured neural network architectures that incorporate knowledge used in traditional methods. Furthermore, we identify open challenges and potential future directions along this research line

    Data-driven Methods in Inverse Problems

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    In this thesis on data-driven methods in inverse problems we introduce several new methods to solve inverse problems using recent advancements in machine learning and specifically deep learning. The main goal has been to develop practically applicable methods, scalable to medical applications and with the ability to handle all the complexities associated with them. In total, the thesis contains six papers. Some of them are focused on more theoretical questions such as characterizing the optimal solutions of reconstruction schemes or extending current methods to new domains, while others have focused on practical applicability. A significant portion of the papers also aim to bringing knowledge from the machine learning community into the imaging community, with considerable effort spent on translating many of the concepts. The papers have been published in a range of venues: machine learning, medical imaging and inverse problems. The first two papers contribute to a class of methods now called learned iterative reconstruction where we introduce two ways of combining classical model driven reconstruction methods with deep neural networks. The next two papers look forward, aiming to address the question of "what do we want?" by proposing two very different but novel loss functions for training neural networks in inverse problems. The final papers dwelve into the statistical side, one gives a generalization of a class of deep generative models to Banach spaces while the next introduces two ways in which such methods can be used to perform Bayesian inversion at scale

    Data-driven Methods in Inverse Problems

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    In this thesis on data-driven methods in inverse problems we introduce several new methods to solve inverse problems using recent advancements in machine learning and specifically deep learning. The main goal has been to develop practically applicable methods, scalable to medical applications and with the ability to handle all the complexities associated with them. In total, the thesis contains six papers. Some of them are focused on more theoretical questions such as characterizing the optimal solutions of reconstruction schemes or extending current methods to new domains, while others have focused on practical applicability. A significant portion of the papers also aim to bringing knowledge from the machine learning community into the imaging community, with considerable effort spent on translating many of the concepts. The papers have been published in a range of venues: machine learning, medical imaging and inverse problems. The first two papers contribute to a class of methods now called learned iterative reconstruction where we introduce two ways of combining classical model driven reconstruction methods with deep neural networks. The next two papers look forward, aiming to address the question of "what do we want?" by proposing two very different but novel loss functions for training neural networks in inverse problems. The final papers dwelve into the statistical side, one gives a generalization of a class of deep generative models to Banach spaces while the next introduces two ways in which such methods can be used to perform Bayesian inversion at scale

    Data-driven Methods in Inverse Problems

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    In this thesis on data-driven methods in inverse problems we introduce several new methods to solve inverse problems using recent advancements in machine learning and specifically deep learning. The main goal has been to develop practically applicable methods, scalable to medical applications and with the ability to handle all the complexities associated with them. In total, the thesis contains six papers. Some of them are focused on more theoretical questions such as characterizing the optimal solutions of reconstruction schemes or extending current methods to new domains, while others have focused on practical applicability. A significant portion of the papers also aim to bringing knowledge from the machine learning community into the imaging community, with considerable effort spent on translating many of the concepts. The papers have been published in a range of venues: machine learning, medical imaging and inverse problems. The first two papers contribute to a class of methods now called learned iterative reconstruction where we introduce two ways of combining classical model driven reconstruction methods with deep neural networks. The next two papers look forward, aiming to address the question of "what do we want?" by proposing two very different but novel loss functions for training neural networks in inverse problems. The final papers dwelve into the statistical side, one gives a generalization of a class of deep generative models to Banach spaces while the next introduces two ways in which such methods can be used to perform Bayesian inversion at scale