688 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Visualization and Group Analysis of Multichannel EEG Coherence with Functional Units

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    Multichannel EEG Visualization

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) measures electrical brain activity by electrodes attached to the scalp. Multichannel EEG refers to a measurement with a large number of electrodes. EEG has clinical as well as scientific applications, including neurology, psychology, pharmacy, linguistics, and biology. In particular for multichannel EEG, existing visualizations do not always provide the desired insight. Therefore, this thesis introduces two new multichannel EEG visualization methods. The first method is suitable for a combination of a large number of electrodes with many time steps. This method shows a schematic overview of all electrode positions, shows measured values for specific time steps, and is provided with a context of the remaining time steps. This new method, referred to as tiled parallel coordinates, is 40% faster than an existing clinical method without loss of information. The second method visualizes the functional relationship between brain activities in different locations using EEG coherence. Existing visualizations for multichannel EEG coherence are either hypothesis-driven or result in visual clutter. Therefore, a data-driven method was developed which reduces clutter, preserves electrode positions, and presents a clear overview. This method consists of visualizations of so-called functional units for both individual datasets and group data. This results in a summary of an extensive collection of results which otherwise would be very difficult and time-consuming to assess. Results visualize differences in EEG coherence between younger and older adults, and between people in a non-fatigued and fatigued condition

    Visualization of Multichannel EEG Coherence Networks Based on Community Structure

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    An electroencephalography (EEG) coherence network is a representation of functional brain connectivity. However, typical visualizations of coherence networks do not allow an easy embedding of spatial information or suffer from visual clutter, especially for multichannel EEG coherence networks. In this paper, a new method for data-driven visualization of multichannel EEG coherence networks is proposed to avoid the drawbacks of conventional methods. This method partitions electrodes into dense groups of spatially connected regions. It not only preserves spatial relationships between regions, but also allows an analysis of the functional connectivity within and between brain regions, which could be used to explore the relationship between functional connectivity and underlying brain structures. In addition, we employ an example to illustrate the difference between the proposed method and two other data-driven methods when applied to coherence networks in older and younger adults who perform a cognitive task. The proposed method can serve as an preprocessing step before a more detailed analysis of EEG coherence networks

    Visual Exploration of Dynamic Multichannel EEG Coherence Networks

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) coherence networks represent functional brain connectivity, and are constructed by calculating the coherence between pairs of electrode signals as a function of frequency. Visualization of such networks can provide insight into unexpected patterns of cognitive processing and help neuroscientists to understand brain mechanisms. However, visualizing dynamic EEG coherence networks is a challenge for the analysis of brain connectivity, especially when the spatial structure of the network needs to be taken into account. In this paper, we present a design and implementation of a visualization framework for such dynamic networks. First, requirements for supporting typical tasks in the context of dynamic functional connectivity network analysis were collected from neuroscience researchers. In our design, we consider groups of network nodes and their corresponding spatial location for visualizing the evolution of the dynamic coherence network. We introduce an augmented timeline-based representation to provide an overview of the evolution of functional units (FUs) and their spatial location over time. This representation can help the viewer to identify relations between functional connectivity and brain regions, as well as to identify persistent or transient functional connectivity patterns across the whole time window. In addition, we introduce the time-annotated FU map representation to facilitate comparison of the behaviour of nodes between consecutive FU maps. A colour coding is designed that helps to distinguish distinct dynamic FUs. Our implementation also supports interactive exploration. The usefulness of our visualization design was evaluated by an informal user study. The feedback we received shows that our design supports exploratory analysis tasks well. The method can serve as a first step before a complete analysis of dynamic EEG coherence networks

    Data-driven visualization of multichannel EEG coherence networks based on community structure analysis

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    An electroencephalography (EEG) coherence network is a representation of functional brain connectivity, and is constructed by calculating the coherence between pairs of electrode signals as a function of frequency. Typical visualizations of coherence networks use a matrix representation with rows and columns representing electrodes and cells representing coherences between electrode signals, or a 2D node-link diagram with vertices representing electrodes and edges representing coherences. However, such representations do not allow an easy embedding of spatial information or they suffer from visual clutter, especially for multichannel EEG coherence networks. In this paper, a new method for data-driven visualization of multichannel EEG coherence networks is proposed to avoid the drawbacks of conventional methods. This method partitions electrodes into dense groups of spatially connected regions. It not only preserves spatial relationships between regions, but also allows an analysis of the functional connectivity within and between brain regions, which could be used to explore the relationship between functional connectivity and underlying brain structures. As an example application, the method is applied to the analysis of multichannel EEG coherence networks obtained from older and younger adults who perform a cognitive task. The proposed method can serve as a preprocessing step before a more detailed analysis of EEG coherence networks

    The sleeping brain's connectivity and family environment: characterizing sleep EEG coherence in an infant cohort.

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    Brain connectivity closely reflects brain function and behavior. Sleep EEG coherence, a measure of brain's connectivity during sleep, undergoes pronounced changes across development under the influence of environmental factors. Yet, the determinants of the developing brain's sleep EEG coherence from the child's family environment remain unknown. After characterizing high-density sleep EEG coherence in 31 healthy 6-month-old infants by detecting strongly synchronized clusters through a data-driven approach, we examined the association of sleep EEG coherence from these clusters with factors from the infant's family environment. Clusters with greatest coherence were observed over the frontal lobe. Higher delta coherence over the left frontal cortex was found in infants sleeping in their parents' room, while infants sleeping in a room shared with their sibling(s) showed greater delta coherence over the central parts of the frontal cortex, suggesting a link between local brain connectivity and co-sleeping. Finally, lower occipital delta coherence was associated with maternal anxiety regarding their infant's sleep. These interesting links between sleep EEG coherence and family factors have the potential to serve in early health interventions as a new set of targets from the child's immediate environment

    Visualization and exploration of multichannel EEG coherence networks

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    Visualization and exploration of multichannel EEG coherence networks

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