23,695 research outputs found

    Perceptually-Driven Video Coding with the Daala Video Codec

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    The Daala project is a royalty-free video codec that attempts to compete with the best patent-encumbered codecs. Part of our strategy is to replace core tools of traditional video codecs with alternative approaches, many of them designed to take perceptual aspects into account, rather than optimizing for simple metrics like PSNR. This paper documents some of our experiences with these tools, which ones worked and which did not. We evaluate which tools are easy to integrate into a more traditional codec design, and show results in the context of the codec being developed by the Alliance for Open Media.Comment: 19 pages, Proceedings of SPIE Workshop on Applications of Digital Image Processing (ADIP), 201

    Estimating forest structure in a tropical forest using field measurements, a synthetic model and discrete return lidar data

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    Tropical forests are huge reservoirs of terrestrial carbon and are experiencing rapid degradation and deforestation. Understanding forest structure proves vital in accurately estimating both forest biomass and also the natural disturbances and remote sensing is an essential method for quantification of forest properties and structure in the tropics. Our objective is to examine canopy vegetation profiles formulated from discrete return LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar) data and examine their usefulness in estimating forest structural parameters measured during a field campaign. We developed a modeling procedure that utilized hypothetical stand characteristics to examine lidar profiles. In essence, this is a simple method to further enhance shape characteristics from the lidar profile. In this paper we report the results comparing field data collected at La Selva, Costa Rica (10° 26′ N, 83° 59′ W) and forest structure and parameters calculated from vegetation height profiles and forest structural modeling. We developed multiple regression models for each measured forest biometric property using forward stepwise variable selection that used Bayesian information criteria (BIC) as selection criteria. Among measures of forest structure, ranging from tree lateral density, diameter at breast height, and crown geometry, we found strong relationships with lidar canopy vegetation profile parameters. Metrics developed from lidar that were indicators of height of canopy were not significant in estimating plot biomass (p-value = 0.31, r2 = 0.17), but parameters from our synthetic forest model were found to be significant for estimating many of the forest structural properties, such as mean trunk diameter (p-value = 0.004, r2 = 0.51) and tree density (p-value = 0.002, r2 = 0.43). We were also able to develop a significant model relating lidar profiles to basal area (p-value = 0.003, r2 = 0.43). Use of the full lidar profile provided additional avenues for the prediction of field based forest measure parameters. Our synthetic canopy model provides a novel method for examining lidar metrics by developing a look-up table of profiles that determine profile shape, depth, and height. We suggest that the use of metrics indicating canopy height derived from lidar are limited in understanding biomass in a forest with little variation across the landscape and that there are many parameters that may be gleaned by lidar data that inform on forest biometric properties

    Quality assessment by region in spot images fused by means dual-tree complex wavelet transform

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    This work is motivated in providing and evaluating a fusion algorithm of remotely sensed images, i.e. the fusion of a high spatial resolution panchromatic image with a multi-spectral image (also known as pansharpening) using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT), an effective approach for conducting an analytic and oversampled wavelet transform to reduce aliasing, and in turn reduce shift dependence of the wavelet transform. The proposed scheme includes the definition of a model to establish how information will be extracted from the PAN band and how that information will be injected into the MS bands with low spatial resolution. The approach was applied to Spot 5 images where there are bands falling outside PAN’s spectrum. We propose an optional step in the quality evaluation protocol, which is to study the quality of the merger by regions, where each region represents a specific feature of the image. The results show that DT-CWT based approach offers good spatial quality while retaining the spectral information of original images, case SPOT 5. The additional step facilitates the identification of the most affected regions by the fusion process

    Algorithm Diversity for Resilient Systems

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    Diversity can significantly increase the resilience of systems, by reducing the prevalence of shared vulnerabilities and making vulnerabilities harder to exploit. Work on software diversity for security typically creates variants of a program using low-level code transformations. This paper is the first to study algorithm diversity for resilience. We first describe how a method based on high-level invariants and systematic incrementalization can be used to create algorithm variants. Executing multiple variants in parallel and comparing their outputs provides greater resilience than executing one variant. To prevent different parallel schedules from causing variants' behaviors to diverge, we present a synchronized execution algorithm for DistAlgo, an extension of Python for high-level, precise, executable specifications of distributed algorithms. We propose static and dynamic metrics for measuring diversity. An experimental evaluation of algorithm diversity combined with implementation-level diversity for several sequential algorithms and distributed algorithms shows the benefits of algorithm diversity