12,263 research outputs found

    Machine learning based data-driven discovery of nonlinear phase-field dynamics

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    One of the main questions regarding complex systems at large scales concerns the effective interactions and driving forces that emerge from the detailed microscopic properties. Coarse-grained models aim to describe complex systems in terms of coarse-scale equations with a reduced number of degrees of freedom. Recent developments in machine learning (ML) algorithms have significantly empowered the discovery process of the governing equations directly from data. However, it remains difficult to discover partial differential equations (PDEs) with high-order derivatives. In this paper, we present new data-driven architectures based on multi-layer perceptron (MLP), convolutional neural network (CNN), and a combination of CNN and long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM) structures for discovering the non-linear equations of motion for phase-field models with non-conserved and conserved order parameters. The well-known Allen--Cahn, Cahn--Hilliard, and the phase-field crystal (PFC) models were used as the test cases. Two conceptually different types of implementations were used: (a) guided by physical intuition (such as local dependence of the derivatives) and (b) in the absence of any physical assumptions (black-box model). We show that not only can we effectively learn the time derivatives of the field in both scenarios, but we can also use the data-driven PDEs to propagate the field in time and achieve results in good agreement with the original PDEs

    Data-driven discovery of stochastic dynamical equations of collective motion

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    Coarse-grained descriptions of collective motion of flocking systems are often derived for the macroscopic or the thermodynamic limit. However, many real flocks are small sized (10 to 100 individuals), called the mesoscopic scales, where stochasticity arising from the finite flock sizes is important. Developing mesoscopic scale equations, typically in the form of stochastic differential equations, can be challenging even for the simplest of the collective motion models. Here, we take a novel data-driven equation learning approach to construct the stochastic mesoscopic descriptions of a simple self-propelled particle (SPP) model of collective motion. In our SPP model, a focal individual can interact with k randomly chosen neighbours within an interaction radius. We consider k = 1 (called stochastic pairwise interactions), k = 2 (stochastic ternary interactions), and k equalling all available neighbours within the interaction radius (equivalent to Vicsek-like local averaging). The data-driven mesoscopic equations reveal that the stochastic pairwise interaction model produces a novel form of collective motion driven by a multiplicative noise term (hence termed, noise-induced flocking). In contrast, for higher order interactions (k > 1), including Vicsek-like averaging interactions, yield collective motion driven primarily by the deterministic forces. We find that the relation between the parameters of the mesoscopic equations describing the dynamics and the population size are sensitive to the density and to the interaction radius, exhibiting deviations from mean-field theoretical expectations. We provide semi-analytic arguments potentially explaining these observed deviations. In summary, our study emphasizes the importance of mesoscopic descriptions of flocking systems and demonstrates the potential of the data-driven equation discovery methods for complex systems studies

    Sub-grid modelling for two-dimensional turbulence using neural networks

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    In this investigation, a data-driven turbulence closure framework is introduced and deployed for the sub-grid modelling of Kraichnan turbulence. The novelty of the proposed method lies in the fact that snapshots from high-fidelity numerical data are used to inform artificial neural networks for predicting the turbulence source term through localized grid-resolved information. In particular, our proposed methodology successfully establishes a map between inputs given by stencils of the vorticity and the streamfunction along with information from two well-known eddy-viscosity kernels. Through this we predict the sub-grid vorticity forcing in a temporally and spatially dynamic fashion. Our study is both a-priori and a-posteriori in nature. In the former, we present an extensive hyper-parameter optimization analysis in addition to learning quantification through probability density function based validation of sub-grid predictions. In the latter, we analyse the performance of our framework for flow evolution in a classical decaying two-dimensional turbulence test case in the presence of errors related to temporal and spatial discretization. Statistical assessments in the form of angle-averaged kinetic energy spectra demonstrate the promise of the proposed methodology for sub-grid quantity inference. In addition, it is also observed that some measure of a-posteriori error must be considered during optimal model selection for greater accuracy. The results in this article thus represent a promising development in the formalization of a framework for generation of heuristic-free turbulence closures from data

    Stratification relieves constraints from steric hindrance in the generation of compact acto-myosin asters at the membrane cortex

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    Recent in-vivo studies have revealed that several membrane proteins are driven to form nanoclusters by active contractile flows arising from F-actin and myosin at the cortex. The mechanism of clustering was shown to be arising from the dynamic patterning of transient contractile platforms (asters) generated by actin and myosin. Myosin-II, which assemble as minifilaments consisting of tens of myosin heads, are rather bulky structures and hence a concern could be that steric considerations might obstruct the emergence of nanoclustering. Here, using coarse-grained, agent-based simulations that respect the size of constituents, we find that in the presence of steric hindrance, the patterns exhibited by actomyosin in two dimensions, do not resemble the steady state patterns observed in our in-vitro reconstitution of actomyosin on a supported bilayer. We then perform simulations in a thin rectangular slab, allowing the separation of a layer of actin filaments from those of myosin-II minifilaments. This recapitulates the observed features of in-vitro patterning. Using super resolution microscopy, we find direct evidence for stratification in our in-vitro system. Our study suggests the possibility that molecular stratification may be an important organising feature of the cortical cytoskeleton in-vivo
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