12 research outputs found

    Embedding Error Based Data Hiding in Color Images for Distortion Tolerance

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    In this paper, a data hiding scheme with distortion tolerance for color image is proposed. Data hiding is used to embed secret information into the cover image for secure transmission and protecting copyright. The secret information feasibly a text or an image. To protect the copyright of a true color image, a signature (a watermark), which is represented by a sequence of binary data, is embedded in the color image. In this proposed scheme, we first calculate the embedding error between the cover image and the secret information. Based on this embedding error, the stego image is computed then the embedded data are extracted by the extraction procedure. This scheme can tolerate some distortion such us salt and pepper noise, Gaussian noise, uniform noise, and JPEG lossy compression when transmitting a stego image through any network. Experimental results and discussions reveal that the proposed scheme tolerates those distortions with acceptable image quality

    A secure audio steganography approach

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    A wide range of steganography techniques has been described in this paper. Beside the evaluation of embedding parameters for the existing techniques, two problems -weaknesses- of substitution techniques are investigated which if they could be solved, the large capacity - strength- of substitution techniques would be practical. Furthermore, a novel, principled approach to resolve the problems is presented. Using the proposed genetic algorithm, message bits are embedded into multiple, vague and higher LSB layers, resulting in increased robustness

    Best Fit Method of Sample Selection in Data Hiding and Extraction

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    Today data security and its transmission over the wireless network need special attention. Intruder always has a watch on sensitive data transmitted over a wireless network. This work proposes an approach that minimizes the quantization error between the original and result carrier by selecting optimize samples during Data Hiding. Propose work find out best matching carrier components during the data hiding process. Results also imply that achieved results are far better than any other steganographic method

    Near-Lossless Bitonal Image Compression System

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    The main purpose of this thesis is to develop an efficient near-lossless bitonal compression algorithm and to implement that algorithm on a hardware platform. The current methods for compression of bitonal images include the JBIG and JBIG2 algorithms, however both JBIG and JBIG2 have their disadvantages. Both of these algorithms are covered by patents filed by IBM, making them costly to implement commercially. Also, JBIG only provides means for lossless compression while JBIG2 provides lossy methods only for document-type images. For these reasons a new method for introducing loss and controlling this loss to sustain quality is developed. The lossless bitonal image compression algorithm used for this thesis is called Block Arithmetic Coder for Image Compression (BACIC), which can efficiently compress bitonal images. In this thesis, loss is introduced for cases where better compression efficiency is needed. However, introducing loss in bitonal images is especially difficult, because pixels undergo such a drastic change, either from white to black or black to white. Such pixel flipping introduces salt and pepper noise, which can be very distracting when viewing an image. Two methods are used in combination to control the visual distortion introduced into the image. The first is to keep track of the error created by the flipping of pixels, and using this error to decide whether flipping another pixel will cause the visual distortion to exceed a predefined threshold. The second method is region of interest consideration. In this method, lower loss or no loss is introduced into the important parts of an image, and higher loss is introduced into the less important parts. This allows for a good quality image while increasing the compression efficiency. Also, the ability of BACIC to compress grayscale images is studied and BACICm, a multiplanar BACIC algorithm, is created. A hardware implementation of the BACIC lossless bitonal image compression algorithm is also designed. The hardware implementation is done using VHDL targeting a Xilinx FPGA, which is very useful, because of its flexibility. The programmed FPGA could be included in a product of the facsimile or printing industry to handle the compression or decompression internal to the unit, giving it an advantage in the marketplace

    High Capacity Analog Channels for Smart Documents

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    Widely-used valuable hardcopy documents such as passports, visas, driving licenses, educational certificates, entrance-passes for entertainment events etc. are conventionally protected against counterfeiting and data tampering attacks by applying analog security technologies (e.g. KINEGRAMS®, holograms, micro-printing, UV/IR inks etc.). How-ever, easy access to high quality, low price modern desktop publishing technology has left most of these technologies ineffective, giving rise to high quality false documents. The higher price and restricted usage are other drawbacks of the analog document pro-tection techniques. Digital watermarking and high capacity storage media such as IC-chips, optical data stripes etc. are the modern technologies being used in new machine-readable identity verification documents to ensure contents integrity; however, these technologies are either expensive or do not satisfy the application needs and demand to look for more efficient document protection technologies. In this research three different high capacity analog channels: high density data stripe (HD-DataStripe), data hiding in printed halftone images (watermarking), and super-posed constant background grayscale image (CBGI) are investigated for hidden com-munication along with their applications in smart documents. On way to develop high capacity analog channels, noise encountered from printing and scanning (PS) process is investigated with the objective to recover the digital information encoded at nearly maximum channel utilization. By utilizing noise behaviour, countermeasures against the noise are taken accordingly in data recovery process. HD-DataStripe is a printed binary image similar to the conventional 2-D barcodes (e.g. PDF417), but it offers much higher data storage capacity and is intended for machine-readable identity verification documents. The capacity offered by the HD-DataStripe is sufficient to store high quality biometric characteristics rather than extracted templates, in addition to the conventional bearer related data contained in a smart ID-card. It also eliminates the need for central database system (except for backup record) and other ex-pensive storage media, currently being used. While developing novel data-reading tech-nique for HD-DataStripe, to count for the unavoidable geometrical distortions, registra-tion marks pattern is chosen in such a way so that it results in accurate sampling points (a necessary condition for reliable data recovery at higher data encoding-rate). For more sophisticated distortions caused by the physical dot gain effects (intersymbol interfer-ence), the countermeasures such as application of sampling theorem, adaptive binariza-tion and post-data processing, each one of these providing only a necessary condition for reliable data recovery, are given. Finally, combining the various filters correspond-ing to these countermeasures, a novel Data-Reading technique for HD-DataStripe is given. The novel data-reading technique results in superior performance than the exist-ing techniques, intended for data recovery from printed media. In another scenario a small-size HD-DataStripe with maximum entropy is used as a copy detection pattern by utilizing information loss encountered at nearly maximum channel capacity. While considering the application of HD-DataStripe in hardcopy documents (contracts, official letters etc.), unlike existing work [Zha04], it allows one-to-one contents matching and does not depend on hash functions and OCR technology, constraints mainly imposed by the low data storage capacity offered by the existing analog media. For printed halftone images carrying hidden information higher capacity is mainly attributed to data-reading technique for HD-DataStripe that allows data recovery at higher printing resolution, a key requirement for a high quality watermarking technique in spatial domain. Digital halftoning and data encoding techniques are the other factors that contribute to data hiding technique given in this research. While considering security aspects, the new technique allows contents integrity and authenticity verification in the present scenario in which certain amount of errors are unavoidable, restricting the usage of existing techniques given for digital contents. Finally, a superposed constant background grayscale image, obtained by the repeated application of a specially designed small binary pattern, is used as channel for hidden communication and it allows up to 33 pages of A-4 size foreground text to be encoded in one CBGI. The higher capacity is contributed from data encoding symbols and data reading technique