762 research outputs found

    A shape-preserving data embedding algorithm for NURBS curves and surfaces

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    Watermarking three-dimensional polygonal models through geometric and topological modifications

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    On the popularization of digital close-range photogrammetry: a handbook for new users.

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Γεωπληροφορική

    Generative agent-based architectural design computation : behavioral strategies for integrating material, fabrication and construction characteristics in design processes

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the generative potential of agent-based systems for integrating material and fabrication characteristics into design processes. This generative agent-based system reflects the significance of behavioral strategies in computational design and construction. This work presents a generative behavioral approach for integrating fabrication processes with material specifications. The development of a computational framework facilitates this integration via an agent-based system. A series of experiments with related case studies emphasizes behavioral strategies within the processes of formation and materialization. This research proposes the integration of material and fabrication processes through an agent-based system. The utilization of this system reflects a theoretical framework in developing an integrative computational method. The implementation of this theoretical framework in practical studies demonstrates the applicability of this research. The practical developments highlight the importance of behavioral strategies to establish integral design computation. Chapter 1 introduces the extended behavioral strategies to integration design. Chapter 2 provides a study about integrative design computation to abstract the main drivers of design integration through agent-based modeling. Chapter 3 presents agent-based systems in architectural design, specifically, in regards to material, fabricational, and environmental principles. Chapter 4 explores experiments and case studies to adjust the development of a generative agent-based system for integrating material and fabrication characteristics in design processes. Chapter 5 explains procedures for setting-up a generative agent-based design computation. Chapter 6 discusses the significance of behavioral strategies to develop different behavioral layers within a generative agent-based architectural design. Chapter 7 concludes the integral behavioral strategies by proposing trends to minimize the gap between formation and materialization through coalescing computational and physical agent-based systems.Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die generativen Potentiale von Agenten-basierten Systemen zur Integration von Material- und Fertigungseigenschaften im Entwurfsprozess zu untersuchen. Diese generative, Agenten-basierten Systeme spiegeln die Bedeutung von Regel- und Verhaltens-basierten Strategien für das digitale Entwerfen, Planen und Konstruieren wider. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit stellt einen generativen Ansatz zur Integration der Charakteristika von Material und Fertigung dar. Dies erfolgt über die Entwicklung einer digitalen Methode, die die Integration in ein Agent-basiertes System ermöglicht, was an einer Reihe von Experimenten und Fallstudien und der dazugehörigen Verhaltensstrategien für die Formgenerierung und Materialisierung erprobt wurde. Das operative Potential des theoretischen Rahmens wird in diesen praktischen Studien demonstriert und belegt die Anwendbarkeit der Forschung. Die theoretischen und praktischen Entwicklungen zeigen die Bedeutung von Verhaltensstrategien für das architektonische Entwerfen und einen ganzheitlichen digitalen Gestaltungs- und Bildungsprozess

    Information visualization for DNA microarray data analysis: A critical review

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    Graphical representation may provide effective means of making sense of the complexity and sheer volume of data produced by DNA microarray experiments that monitor the expression patterns of thousands of genes simultaneously. The ability to use ldquoabstractrdquo graphical representation to draw attention to areas of interest, and more in-depth visualizations to answer focused questions, would enable biologists to move from a large amount of data to particular records they are interested in, and therefore, gain deeper insights in understanding the microarray experiment results. This paper starts by providing some background knowledge of microarray experiments, and then, explains how graphical representation can be applied in general to this problem domain, followed by exploring the role of visualization in gene expression data analysis. Having set the problem scene, the paper then examines various multivariate data visualization techniques that have been applied to microarray data analysis. These techniques are critically reviewed so that the strengths and weaknesses of each technique can be tabulated. Finally, several key problem areas as well as possible solutions to them are discussed as being a source for future work

    Surface Shape Perception in Volumetric Stereo Displays

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    In complex volume visualization applications, understanding the displayed objects and their spatial relationships is challenging for several reasons. One of the most important obstacles is that these objects can be translucent and can overlap spatially, making it difficult to understand their spatial structures. However, in many applications, for example medical visualization, it is crucial to have an accurate understanding of the spatial relationships among objects. The addition of visual cues has the potential to help human perception in these visualization tasks. Descriptive line elements, in particular, have been found to be effective in conveying shape information in surface-based graphics as they sparsely cover a geometrical surface, consistently following the geometry. We present two approaches to apply such line elements to a volume rendering process and to verify their effectiveness in volume-based graphics. This thesis reviews our progress to date in this area and discusses its effects and limitations. Specifically, it examines the volume renderer implementation that formed the foundation of this research, the design of the pilot study conducted to investigate the effectiveness of this technique, the results obtained. It further discusses improvements designed to address the issues revealed by the statistical analysis. The improved approach is able to handle visualization targets with general shapes, thus making it more appropriate to real visualization applications involving complex objects

    Cardiac organoid technology and computational processing of cardiac physiology for advanced drug screening applications

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    Stem cell technology has gained considerable recognition since its inception to advance disease modeling and drug screening. This is especially true for tissues that are difficult to study due to tissue sensitivity and limited regenerative capacity, such as the heart. Previous work in stem cell-derived cardiac tissue has exploited how we can engineer biologically functional heart tissue by providing the appropriate external stimuli to facilitate tissue development. The goal of this dissertation is to explore the potentials of stem cell cardiac organoid models to recapitulate heart development and implement analytical computational tools to study cardiac physiology. These new tools were implemented as potential advancements in drug screening applications for better predictions of drug-related cardiotoxicity. Cardiac organoids, generated via micropatterning techniques, were explored to determine how controlling engineering parameters, specifically the geometry, direct tissue fate and organoid function. The advantage of cardiac organoid models is the ability to recapitulate and study human tissue morphogenesis and development, which has currently been restricted through animal models. The cardiac organoids demonstrated responsiveness manifested as impairments to tissue formation and contractile functions as a result of developmental drug toxicity. Single-cell genomic characterization of cardiac organoids unveiled a co-emergence of cardiac and endoderm tissue, which is seen in vivo through paracrine signaling between the liver and heart. We then implemented computational tools based on nonlinear mathematical analysis to evaluate the cardiac physiological drug response of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. This dissertation discusses in vitro tissue platforms as well as computational tools to study drug-induced cardiotoxicity. Using these tools, we can extend current toolboxes of understanding cardiac physiology for advanced investigations of stem-cell based cardiac tissue engineering

    Modeling and Simulation in Engineering

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    This book provides an open platform to establish and share knowledge developed by scholars, scientists, and engineers from all over the world, about various applications of the modeling and simulation in the design process of products, in various engineering fields. The book consists of 12 chapters arranged in two sections (3D Modeling and Virtual Prototyping), reflecting the multidimensionality of applications related to modeling and simulation. Some of the most recent modeling and simulation techniques, as well as some of the most accurate and sophisticated software in treating complex systems, are applied. All the original contributions in this book are jointed by the basic principle of a successful modeling and simulation process: as complex as necessary, and as simple as possible. The idea is to manipulate the simplifying assumptions in a way that reduces the complexity of the model (in order to make a real-time simulation), but without altering the precision of the results