758 research outputs found

    Data mining in bioinformatics using Weka

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    The Weka machine learning workbench provides a general purpose environment for automatic classification, regression, clustering and feature selection-common data mining problems in bioinformatics research. It contains an extensive collection of machine learning algorithms and data exploration and the experimental comparison of different machine learning techniques on the same problem. Weka can process data given in the form of a single relational table. Its main objectives are to (a) assist users in extracting useful information from data and (b) enable them to easily identify a suitable algorithm for generating an accurate predictive model from it

    Towards a Taxonomically Intelligent Phylogenetic Database

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    This note outlines some of the key intellectual obstacles that stand in the way of creating a usable phylogenetic database. These challenges include the need to accommodate multiple taxonomic names and classifications, and the need for tools to query trees in biologically meaningful ways. Until these problems are addressed, and a taxonomically intelligent phylogenetic database created, much of our phylogenetic knowledge will languish in the pages of journals

    Decoding Sequence Classification Models for Acquiring New Biological Insights

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    Classifying biological sequences is one of the most important tasks in computational biology. In the last decade, support vector machines (SVMs) in combination with sequence kernels have emerged as a de-facto standard. These methods are theoretically well-founded, reliable, and provide high-accuracy solutions at low computational cost. However, obtaining a highly accurate classifier is rarely the end of the story in many practical situations. Instead, one often aims to acquire biological knowledge about the principles underlying a given classification task. SVMs with traditional sequence kernels do not offer a straightforward way of accessing this knowledge.

In this contribution, we propose a new approach to analyzing biological sequences on the basis of support vector machines with sequence kernels. We first extract explicit pattern weights from a given SVM. When classifying a sequence, we then compute a prediction profile by distributing the weight of each pattern to the sequence positions that match the pattern. The final profile not only allows assessing the importance of a position, but also determining for which class it is indicative. Since it is unfeasible to analyze profiles of all sequences in a given data set, we advocate using affinity propagation (AP) clustering to narrow down the analysis to a small set of typical sequences.

The proposed approach is applicable to a wide range of biological sequences and a wide selection of sequence kernels. To illustrate our framework, we present the prediction of oligomerization tendencies of coiled coil proteins as a case study.

    An efficient parallel method for mining frequent closed sequential patterns

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    Mining frequent closed sequential pattern (FCSPs) has attracted a great deal of research attention, because it is an important task in sequences mining. In recently, many studies have focused on mining frequent closed sequential patterns because, such patterns have proved to be more efficient and compact than frequent sequential patterns. Information can be fully extracted from frequent closed sequential patterns. In this paper, we propose an efficient parallel approach called parallel dynamic bit vector frequent closed sequential patterns (pDBV-FCSP) using multi-core processor architecture for mining FCSPs from large databases. The pDBV-FCSP divides the search space to reduce the required storage space and performs closure checking of prefix sequences early to reduce execution time for mining frequent closed sequential patterns. This approach overcomes the problems of parallel mining such as overhead of communication, synchronization, and data replication. It also solves the load balance issues of the workload between the processors with a dynamic mechanism that re-distributes the work, when some processes are out of work to minimize the idle CPU time.Web of Science5174021739