1,217 research outputs found

    Fuchs seminar n.2

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    Blessings for all? Community-based ecotourism in Bali between global, national, and local interests - a case study

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    'Bali gilt innerhalb der Tourismusindustrie als Inbegriff von Exotik und als eines der letzen Paradiese auf Erden. Seit jeher werden die vielfältigen Auswirkungen des Tourismus auf der Insel kontrovers diskutiert. Während vornehmlich Eliten an der in nationalem Interesse forcierten Tourismusentwicklung der südostasiatischen Top-Destination profitieren, kritisiert die einheimische Bevölkerung unzureichende Mitspracherechte und die Vernachlässigung von Nachhaltigkeitskriterien. In Reaktion wurden seitens der Balinesen Projekte des gemeindebasierten Tourismus ins Leben gerufen. Das Ökotourismus-Dorf-Netzwerk Jaringan Ekowisata Desa ist eine solche Initiative, die sich der lokalen Eigentümerschaft und der Minimierung negativer ökologischer Folgen verschreibt. Anhand der hier präsentierten Fallstudie zu dem zivilgesellschaftlichen Projekt soll beantwortet werden, inwiefern gemeindebasierter Ökotourismus eine Alternative zu den in Zusammenhang mit Massentourismus in Verbindung gebrachten Übeln darstellt.' (Autorenreferat)'As a major island destination in South-East Asia, Bali has won a global reputation as one of the last paradises on earth. As one of the largest industries in the world, global tourism is utilized by the governments of many developing countries as an agent for development and national integration. However, local communities level the criticism that mass tourism has not only brought economic growth but also caused ecological and social costs. In reaction to the excessive developments of the past decades, local Balinese have started to actively implement community-based tourism. The ecotourism village-network Jaringan Ekowisata Desa seeks a more sustainable approach to tourism through stronger ownership and the minimization of negative ecological impacts. The case study presented is based on fieldwork which took place in 2010. It aims to find answers to the questions of whether and to what extent community-based ecotourism initiatives may constitute a sustainable alternative to the negative effects associated with mass tourism.' (author's abstract

    Оценка условий кратковременного отдыха в малых агломерациях Казахстана (Актобе, Кызылорда, Жаркент)

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    The importance of touristic development depends not only on big cities that have international value but also on small and medium cities that has regional value. In this article we analyze current conditions of short-term vacation in three small size metropolises of Kazakhstan — Aktobe, Kizilorda, Zharkent. The research is devoted to architectural and planning aspects of Kazakhstan’s tourism development. The most important original data for analysis resulted from social and on-site surveys of considered territories. The results of the survey could be used to enhance current architectural and planning practice.Большую роль в развитии туристической отрасли играют не только крупнейшие города (обладающие международным значением), но также малые и средние города (обладающие региональным значением). Данная статья посвящена анализу существующих условий для кратковременного отдыха в трех городах Казахстана, обладающих признаками агломераций — Актобе, Кызылорда, Жаркент. Анализ проводится в контексте изучения архитектурно-планировочных аспектов развития туризма в Казахстане. Исходными данными для анализа послужили результаты анкетного опроса и натурного обследования рассматриваемых территорий. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в архитектурной и градостроительной практике

    Wohin geht die Reise?

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    Proceedings of the BEST EN Think Tank XVI: Corporate Responsibility in Tourism: standards practices and policies

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    BEST EN is an international consortium of educators committed to the development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of sustainable tourism. The organization's annual Think Tank brings together academics and industry representatives from around the world to discuss a particular theme related to sustainable tourism in order to move research and education in this specific field forward. We are pleased to present the proceedings of the BEST Education Network (BESTEN) Think Tank XVI entitled Corporate Responsibility in Tourism – Standards Practices and Policies. The event was held in Berlin-Eberswalde, July 12-15, 2016, in conjunction with the ZENAT Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Eberswalde, considered one of Germany's greenest universities. The concept of corporate responsibility in tourism is a challenging one; it is subject to much critical debate, especially with regard to finding an appropriate balance between the different dimensions of standards, practices and policies. The proceedings present work by academics and practitioners worldwide, conducted on various aspects of corporate responsibility in tourism. They include abstracts and papers accepted by the scientific committee following a double blind peer review process

    Fuchs seminar n.1

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    Greek Economy Needs Growth Strategy

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    Greece has been living beyond its means for a long time now and has accumulated foreign debt. The high level of national debt is merely a reflection of the problems; the actual cause is insufficient economic power. The top-priority political objective is to strengthen the substance of the economy-in particular, the export base-to such an extent that in future, the balance of payments is at least equalized. This means Greece needs a growth strategy to catch-up industrialization. So far, revenue in the economic exchange with other countries has been mainly generated by tourism. However, this pillar is far from sufficient; although there are growth prospects in tourism in southern Europe, these should not be overestimated. On the other hand, Greece's industrial base is only small and heavily biased towards the domestic market. Its production structure and foreign trade links for goods show that the Greek economy presents virtually no competition for developed industrialized nations. Consequently, contrary to claims, the wage restraint in Germany has not put the Greek economy under significant pressure, either. The manufacturing sector and large sections of the economy are to a large extent marked by small-scale production. Overall, in Greece, there is one self-employed worker for every two employees; the employment structure more typical of a transition economy.Greece, economic structures and problems

    Improvement of the relationship between environment and tourism: case study of the national park Djerdap in Serbia

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    The relationship between the environment and tourism can be perceived from several different aspects. The concept of sustainability and its principles are one of the most frequently analysed approaches and the motivational basis for visiting can show how much the protected nature and healthy environment matter to the tourists. Based on the internal motivators, we examined whether the tourism in Derdap is controlled, on a smaller scale, and qualitatively focused. A total of 484 respondents participated in the survey research. The comparison of attitudes was performed in relation to the demographic attributes of the respondents (gender, age, education). Target getups of tourists who prefer sustainable tourism have been identified. Sustainable tourism is a significant determinant in the further development of tourism in the protected area National Park Derdap. The results of the research, based on 12 statements, performed t-testing and one-factor variance analysis (ANOVA), show that the visitors 'greatest interests are related to the environment (natural as well as cultural value of the area). The researched motivational factors (new experiences and events, relaxation and rest, acquiring new knowledge - cultural and educational motivation) are based on sustainability. The results of this research can be applied in practice by implementing them through various management and marketing plans in the National Park Derdap

    Evaluation, Adaptation und Modifikation quantitativer Methoden in der Anthropogeographie

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