29,237 research outputs found

    Neural data mining for credit card fraud detection

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    The prevention of credit card fraud is an important application for prediction techniques. One major obstacle for using neural network training techniques is the high necessary diagnostic quality: Since only one financial transaction of a thousand is invalid no prediction success less than 99.9% is acceptable. Due to these credit card transaction proportions complete new concepts had to be developed and tested on real credit card data. This paper shows how advanced data mining techniques and neural network algorithm can be combined successfully to obtain a high fraud coverage combined with a low false alarm rate

    A critical assessment of imbalanced class distribution problem: the case of predicting freshmen student attrition

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    Predicting student attrition is an intriguing yet challenging problem for any academic institution. Class-imbalanced data is a common in the field of student retention, mainly because a lot of students register but fewer students drop out. Classification techniques for imbalanced dataset can yield deceivingly high prediction accuracy where the overall predictive accuracy is usually driven by the majority class at the expense of having very poor performance on the crucial minority class. In this study, we compared different data balancing techniques to improve the predictive accuracy in minority class while maintaining satisfactory overall classification performance. Specifically, we tested three balancing techniques—oversampling, under-sampling and synthetic minority over-sampling (SMOTE)—along with four popular classification methods—logistic regression, decision trees, neuron networks and support vector machines. We used a large and feature rich institutional student data (between the years 2005 and 2011) to assess the efficacy of both balancing techniques as well as prediction methods. The results indicated that the support vector machine combined with SMOTE data-balancing technique achieved the best classification performance with a 90.24% overall accuracy on the 10-fold holdout sample. All three data-balancing techniques improved the prediction accuracy for the minority class. Applying sensitivity analyses on developed models, we also identified the most important variables for accurate prediction of student attrition. Application of these models has the potential to accurately predict at-risk students and help reduce student dropout rates

    A Neuro-Classification Model for Socio-Technical Systems

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    This paper presents an original classifier model based on an artificial neural network (ANN) architecture that is able to learn a specific human behavior and can be used in different socio-economic systems. After a training process, the system can identify and classify a human subject using a list of parameters. The model can be further used to analyze and build a safe socio-technical system (STS). A new technique is applied to find an optimal architecture of the neural network. The system shows a good accuracy of the classifications even for a relatively small amount of training data. Starting from a previous result on adaptive forecasting, the model is enhanced by using the retraining technique for an enlarged data set.artificial neural network, training process, classification, socio-technical system

    Corporation robots

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    Nowadays, various robots are built to perform multiple tasks. Multiple robots working together to perform a single task becomes important. One of the key elements for multiple robots to work together is the robot need to able to follow another robot. This project is mainly concerned on the design and construction of the robots that can follow line. In this project, focuses on building line following robots leader and slave. Both of these robots will follow the line and carry load. A Single robot has a limitation on handle load capacity such as cannot handle heavy load and cannot handle long size load. To overcome this limitation an easier way is to have a groups of mobile robots working together to accomplish an aim that no single robot can do alon