931,846 research outputs found

    Gathering preliminary data

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    Prior to any large-scale basic science or clinical research project being funded, it is important for researchers to gather preliminary data. This is essential for providing evidence for the feasibility of research projects and helping to design larger-scale studies. When gathering preliminary data one needs to consider how many data are required, how this work is to be funded and where and when the data will be generated. Most importantly researchers should ensure that the planned data collection will be meaningful, serve its intended purpose and follow the principles of good clinical practice

    Quantum data gathering

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    Measurement of a quantum system – the process by which an observer gathers information about it – provides a link between the quantum and classical worlds. The nature of this process is the central issue for attempts to reconcile quantum and classical descriptions of physical processes. Here, we show that the conventional paradigm of quantum measurement is directly responsible for a well-known disparity between the resources required to extract information from quantum and classical systems. We introduce a simple form of quantum data gathering, “coherent measurement”, that eliminates this disparity and restores a pleasing symmetry between classical and quantum statistical inference. To illustrate the power of quantum data gathering, we demonstrate that coherent measurements are optimal and strictly more powerful than conventional one-at-a-time measurements for the task of discriminating quantum states, including certain entangled many-body states (e.g., matrix product states)

    Transform-based Distributed Data Gathering

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    A general class of unidirectional transforms is presented that can be computed in a distributed manner along an arbitrary routing tree. Additionally, we provide a set of conditions under which these transforms are invertible. These transforms can be computed as data is routed towards the collection (or sink) node in the tree and exploit data correlation between nodes in the tree. Moreover, when used in wireless sensor networks, these transforms can also leverage data received at nodes via broadcast wireless communications. Various constructions of unidirectional transforms are also provided for use in data gathering in wireless sensor networks. New wavelet transforms are also proposed which provide significant improvements over existing unidirectional transforms

    Gathering Data

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    The revolution in data gathering systems

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    Data acquisition systems used in NASA's wind tunnels from the 1950's through the present time are summarized as a baseline for assessing the impact of minicomputers and microcomputers on data acquisition and data processing. Emphasis is placed on the cyclic evolution in computer technology which transformed the central computer system, and finally the distributed computer system. Other developments discussed include: medium scale integration, large scale integration, combining the functions of data acquisition and control, and micro and minicomputers

    Gathering realistic authentication performance data through field trials

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    Most evaluations of novel authentication mechanisms have been conducted under laboratory conditions. We argue that the results of short-term usage under laboratory conditions do not predict user performance “in the wild”, because there is insufficient time between enrolment and testing, the number of authentications is low, and authentication is presented as a primary task, rather then the secondary task as it is “in the wild”. User generated reports of performance on the other hand provide subjective data, so reports on frequency of use, time intervals, and success or failure of authentication are subject to the vagaries of users ’ memories. Studies on authentication that provide objective performance data under real-world conditions are rare. In this paper, we present our experiences with a study method that tries to control frequency and timing of authentication, and collects reliable performance data, while maintaining ecological validity of the authentication context at the same time. We describe the development of an authentication server called APET, which allows us to prompt users enrolled in trial cohorts to authenticate at controlled intervals, and report our initial experiences with trials. We conclude by discussing remaining challenges in obtaining reliable performance data through a field trial method such as this one

    Gathering Data

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    In 2012, RICS developed a methodology to calculate the embodied carbon of construction materials issued as an information paper. A guidance note is due for release later this year, with a Code of Practice and practice statement also likely to be published. This RICS guidance will then become mandatory. In Construction Journal April/May, we considered embodied carbon and carbon accounting. Here we investigate how the existing guidance could be expanded on to assess the true carbon cost of new sustainable technologies. It is considered that between 85% and 97% of the buildings in existence within the UK in 2006 will remain in use in 2050. To meet the government’s demanding carbon reduction targets set for that year, the majority of these buildings will need to consider sustainable refurbishment of some form or other. In an ideal situation, all buildings would take a ‘fabric-first’ approach and apply passive design rather than relying on technical solutions. In reality, a large number of buildings will require an ‘embodied carbon intensive’ technical solution. How significant is this stage, and can the new RICS guidance be expanded on to include all sustainable technologies
