4 research outputs found

    Data Exploration through Dot-driven Development (Artifact)

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    This artifact presents The Gamma, a simple programming environment for data exploration that uses member access as the primary mechanism for constructing queries. The artifact consists of two parts. The user facing web-based component allows users to explore a simple dataset of Olympic medal winners while a back-end service provides the data and evaluates queries executed by the user. The purpose of the artifact is to illustrate the pivot type provider, which provides a simple way for constructing queries in a object-based programming language equipped with member access. The pivot type provider can be use to construct new queries from code or using the user interface, but it also encourages the user to modify existing code

    Language integrated relational lenses

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    Relational databases are ubiquitous. Such monolithic databases accumulate large amounts of data, yet applications typically only work on small portions of the data at a time. A subset of the database defined as a computation on the underlying tables is called a view. Querying views is helpful, but it is also desirable to update them and have these changes be applied to the underlying database. This view update problem has been the subject of much previous work before, but support by database servers is limited and only rarely available. Lenses are a popular approach to bidirectional transformations, a generalization of the view update problem in databases to arbitrary data. However, perhaps surprisingly, lenses have seldom actually been used to implement updatable views in databases. Bohannon, Pierce and Vaughan propose an approach to updatable views called relational lenses. However, to the best of our knowledge this proposal has not been implemented or evaluated prior to the work reported in this thesis. This thesis proposes programming language support for relational lenses. Language integrated relational lenses support expressive and efficient view updates, without relying on updatable view support from the database server. By integrating relational lenses into the programming language, application development becomes easier and less error-prone, avoiding the impedance mismatch of having two programming languages. Integrating relational lenses into the language poses additional challenges. As defined by Bohannon et al. relational lenses completely recompute the database, making them inefficient as the database scales. The other challenge is that some parts of the well-formedness conditions are too general for implementation. Bohannon et al. specify predicates using possibly infinite abstract sets and define the type checking rules using relational algebra. Incremental relational lenses equip relational lenses with change-propagating semantics that map small changes to the view into (potentially) small changes to the source tables. We prove that our incremental semantics are functionally equivalent to the non-incremental semantics, and our experimental results show orders of magnitude improvement over the non-incremental approach. This thesis introduces a concrete predicate syntax and shows how the required checks are performed on these predicates and show that they satisfy the abstract predicate specifications. We discuss trade-offs between static predicates that are fully known at compile time vs dynamic predicates that are only known during execution and introduce hybrid predicates taking inspiration from both approaches. This thesis adapts the typing rules for relational lenses from sequential composition to a functional style of sub-expressions. We prove that any well-typed functional relational lens expression can derive a well-typed sequential lens. We use these additions to relational lenses as the foundation for two practical implementations: an extension of the Links functional language and a library written in Haskell. The second implementation demonstrates how type-level computation can be used to implement relational lenses without changes to the compiler. These two implementations attest to the possibility of turning relational lenses into a practical language feature