799,598 research outputs found

    Being digital: The challenge for career-change beginning teachers

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    The pedagogical challenge of supporting learning in a digital world requires an understanding of how, where, when and when not to use information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching and learning. This paper builds on existing research on the integral use of ICT for teaching and learning, that is, digital pedagogies. Additionally, the research that highlights the value of skills and experiences that career-change beginning teachers bring to the profession is advanced. Through an interpretative analysis of quantitative and qualitative data collated via an online survey, the paper builds a profile of (N=64) career-change beginning teachers currently entering the profession from a one year graduate diploma program at a Queensland university. The responses showed that (a) career-change beginning teachers have diverse backgrounds (b) a range of ICT skills related to former careers exist; (c) beliefs about how ICT should be used for teaching and learning are firmly grounded in past experience; (d) confidence to manage data and teach ICT skills is high in contrast to confidence in using digital pedagogies; and (e) expectations about how ICT will be used in school contexts are also related to past experiences. The paper concludes that influencing beliefs about contemporary learning may be central to supporting career-change beginning teachers to develop familiarity and confidence in the use of digital pedagogies

    Adding value to open access research data : the eBank UK Project

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    This presentation will briefly examine the changing landscape of e-research and data-intensive science, together with associated trends in scholarly communications. In this context the eBank UK project will be described, which is seeking to enable open access to research data generated from an e-Science application, and to build links from e-research outputs through to e-learning materials. The role of digital repositories and OAI-based aggregator services in facilitating the linking of data-sets from Grid-enabled research applications to e-prints through to peer-reviewed articles, as resources in portals and Learning Management Systems, will be assessed. Recent developments from the eBank UK project will be presented with discussion about integration in research and learning workflows and the challenge of assuring long-term access to open data archives


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    AbstractThis research aims to describe the design of e-learning Edmodo-based teachingmaterials in heat materials in Junior High School and obtain data on validity andstudents’ response. The Research and Development method was used in this research.The development of e-learning Edmodo-based teaching materials follows the Design ofDick and Carey learning system. The development of e-learning Edmodo-basedteaching materials involved seventh grader of Pelita Cemerlang Junior High School asrespondents. Data was collected by direct communications, indirect communication,and documenter techniques. Questionnaire was used as data instrument in order todetermine the validity and students’ response toward the teaching materials. The resultof the research shows that the e-learning Edmodo-based teaching materials is “valid”with an average value of validity of 3.62 in material aspect, design aspect, languageaspect, and media aspect. Students’ response are “very good” with the acquisition ofscores of 3.18 in the one-on-one trial, small group tryout, and field trial.Keywords: e-learning Edmodo, teaching materials, heat, Dick and Care


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran E-Learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran berbasis E-Learning dengan menggunakan Edmodo yang diaplikasikan untuk siswa kelas XI TEI di SMK Negeri 1 Jetis Mojokerto. Materi yang disajikan adalah materi mengenai komunikasi data dengan berbantu media. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada metode model Research and Development (R&D). Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 7 (tujuh) tahapan yaitu tahap potensi masalah, tahab tahap pengumpulan data, tahab desain produk, tahab validasi desain, tahap revisi produk, tahab uji coba produk, tahab analisa dan pelaporan. Hasil penelitian pengembangan ini diperoleh dari hasil penilaian validator yang menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran ini dinyatakan layak digunakan dan sangat valid. Adapun penilaian yang diberikan pada tiap-tiap pernyataan adalah sebagai berikut: dari aspek format dalam pembelajaran E-Learning ini dinyatakan sangat valid dengan rating 82.71 %, aspek ilustrasi dinyatakan sangat valid dengan hasil rating 92.37%, aspek bahasa dinyatakan sangat valid dengan hasil rating 89%, dan aspek isi dinyatakan valid dengan hasil rating 79.42%. Hal ini berarti media ini layak digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran. Respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran E-Learning ini dari aspek desain media pembelajaran mendapatkan 72.14%, aspek isi materi yang terdapat dalam media pembelajaran meliputi ilustrasi dan bahasa mendapatkan 82.85%, berarti digolongkan dalam media sangat baik, dan aspek akses media pembelajaran E-Learning mendapatkan 96.43%, yang berarti digolongkan dalam media sangat baik, Oleh karena hasil hasil respon menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan aspek media pembelajaran E-Learning pada mata pelajaran komunikasi data termasuk dalam kategori baik, maka media ini layak digunakan pada proses pembelajaran. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran E-Learning berbasis Edmodo yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti dinyatakan layak digunakan sebagai refrensi dalam pembelajaran khususnya untuk mata pelajaran komunikasi data di SMK Negeri 1 Jetis Mojokerto.   Kata kunci: E-Learning, Komunikasi data, Edmodo, penelitian Research and Development.   Abstract This research is the development of E-Learning instructional media. This study aims to produce media based learning E-Learning using Edmodo that will be applied to students of class XI TEI in SMK Negeri 1 Jetis Mojokerto. The material presented is a matter concerning assisted data communication with this. This research is the development of a model refers to the method of Research and Development (R & D). In this study there are 7 (seven) stage is the stage of potential problems, data collection phase, product design, design validation, product revision stage, product testing, analysis and reporting. The development of research results obtained from the assessment shows that the validator is viable learning medium used and very valid. The assessment is given in each statement is as follows: from the aspect of learning formats in E-Learning is stated very valid with a rating of 82.71 %, expressed very valid aspects illustration with 92.37 % rating results, expressed very valid aspects of language with rating 89 results %, and the content is valid aspects of the rating results of 79.42 % this means it's a good medium used for the learning process. And for the student response to the instructional media e-Learning instructional media design aspects of getting 72.14 %, the content aspect of the material contained in the media include illustrations and language learning gain 82.85 % were classified in the medium means very good , and aspects of instructional media access E - Learning get 96.43% were classified in the medium means very good , therefore the results of the response results showed that all aspects of E-Learning instructional media on subjects comunication of data included in both categories, it is feasible to use the media in the learning process. Conclusions This study is the E-Learning based learning Edmodo developed by researchers declared fit for use as references in learning, especially for subjects in the data communications 1 Jetis SMK Mojokerto. Keywords: E-Learning, Data Communications, Edmodo, research Research and Development

    Big Data Reference Architecture for e-Learning Analytical Systems

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    The recent advancements in technology have produced big data and become the necessity for researcher to analyze the data in order to make it meaningful. Massive amounts of data are collected across social media sites, mobile communications, business environments and institutions. In order to efficiently analyze this large quantity of raw data, the concept of big data was introduced. In this regard, big data analytic is needed in order to provide techniques to analyze the data. This new concept is expected to help education in the near future, by changing the way we approach the e-Learning process, by encouraging the interaction between learners and teachers, by allowing the fulfilment of the individual requirements and goals of learners. The learning environment generates massive knowledge by means of the various services provided in massive open online courses. Such knowledge is produced via learning actor interactions. Also, data analytics can be a valuable tool to help e-Learning organizations deliver better services to the public. It can provide important insights into consumer behavior and better predict demand for goods and services, thereby allowing for better resource management. This result motivates to put forward solutions for big data usage to the educational field. This research article unfolds a big data reference architecture for e-Learning analytical systems to make a unified analysis of the massive data generated by learning actors. This reference architecture makes the process of the massive data produced in big data e-learning system. Finally, the BiDRA for e-Learning analytical systems was evaluated based on the quality of maintainability, modularity, reusability, performance, and scalability

    Learning Media Based E-Learning Management at SMK Negeri 1 Purbalingga

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    The objectives of the research are (1) to describe characteristics of learning media making based e-learning at SMK Negeri 1 Purbalingga; (2) to describe characteristics of learning media material based e-learning at SMK Negeri 1 Purbalingga; (3) to describe characteristics of learning media usage based e-learning usage at SMK Negeri 1 Purbalingga. It is descrptive qualitative research and ethnography design which describes learning media based-learning Management The data are in the forms of information consisting of systematic thought, sentences, and experience based on specific context. The data sources are event, document, informant, and artifact. Techniques used in data collection are in depth interview, documentation and observation. Data analysis of this research is Qualitative data analysis , the analysis of data arranged in a site for description. The research results show that: (1) making of learning media based e-learning is started by coordination meeting conducted by the principal, vice principal of curriculum, and vice principal of infrastructure to discuss about preparing e-learning concept that will be used. The Principal appoint officers (admin) who are technically mastered the field of IT to prepare programs to be held. In making learning media based based on e-learning, the school prepares the facilities needed. In making the media along with training or briefing to teachers in order to make them able to adapt to the e-learning media and mastering it to be used as a learning media for student. Teachers make teaching preparations appropriate with e-learning concept then upload it to e-learning site owned by school; (2) The materials of learning media based e-learning are in the form of learning materials or module or assignments and communications using computer and internet. The materials are uploaded through the school’s site, blog, and LCD media. The material provided in the form of soft file in word or power point and completed with picture, graphs, or charts.The materials of learning media based e-learning at SMK Negeri 1 Purbalingga are in the form of website and do not open source; (3)The use of learning media based e-learning via internet, the material can be accessed anywhere and anytime by students through the school’s website.To download the material, teachers give code or key of the material. The material uploaded can only be downloaded by the school’s citizens or students who know the key. The guests only can access profile menu or activities held by the school. The usage of learning media based e-learning is also done with LCD.The obstacle faced in using learning media based on e-learning is the teachers’ ability which is not evenly related to IT

    E-learning in mixed reality landscape: emerging issues and key trends in scientific research

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    E-Learning aims to apply information and communications technology to enhance and support the learning process and is a popular mode of delivering educational materials in universities throughout the world. Recently, due to the advancements of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR), the E-learning process has great challenges and opportunities ahead. This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of AR/VR applied to distance education research. Using bibliographic data extracted from the ScopusÂź database and social network analysis techniques were able to analyse author keyword toward the identification of major trends. For the analysis, we collected keywords from research papers published in international journals related to E-learning, AR and VR, between 2006 and 2017, and constructed a co-word network, and then conducted the keywords network analysis. Retrieving the "E-learning" ego-network we could find some clusters that define major trends like virtual environments or evaluations process. The study reveals that E-learning process fits better in AR than VR research. The findings obtained in this study may be useful in the exploration of potential research areas in the field of distance education.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The Investigation of ICT Needs in the Learning Process of Digital Natives

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    The study aims to investigate and analyze the needs of information and communications technology (ICT) in the learning process of digital-native students of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Padang in Indonesia. The data were collected by using a structured questionnaire, and it was analyzed undergoing the descriptive method. The results of this study indicated that the majority of students use technology in the learning process, such as smartphone and laptop all the time. In general, students prefer using WhatsApp and e-learning to support their learning activity. The adoption of technology is affected by easiness to use and provide a piece of fast and comprehensive information. Therefore, they believe that the use of technology is relatively high within the learning process of the digital natives that technology integration in education is highly demanded

    Evidence on Learning and Network Externalities in the Diffusion of Home Computers

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    In this paper we examine the importance of local spillovers such as network externalities and learning from others in the diffusion of home computers using data on 110,000 U.S. households in 1997. Controlling for many individual characteristics, we find that people are more likely to buy their first home computer in areas where a high fraction of households already own computers or when a large share of their friends and family own computers. Further results suggest that these patterns are unlikely to be explained by city-specific unobserved traits. Looked at in more detail, the spillovers appear to come from experienced and intensive computer users. They are not associated with the use of any particular type of software but do seem to be highly tied to the use of e-mail and the Internet, consistent with computers being part of a local information and communications network.
