5 research outputs found

    Movimientos sim茅trico lineales esf茅ricos segmentados para interpolaci贸n de orientaciones en planificaci贸n de trayectorias de herramienta en CNC de 5 Ejes

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    RESUMEN: Este art铆culo emplea biarcos cuaterni贸nicos para interpolar un conjunto de orientaciones con restricciones de velocidad angular. La curva cuaterni贸nica resultante representa un movimiento sim茅trico lineal esf茅rico segmentado con continuidad C1 . El prop贸sito de este esfuerzo es poner en uso los movimientos sim茅trico lineales desde el punto de vista de aproximaci贸n e interpolaci贸n de movimiento y presentar su potencial aplicaci贸n en la simulaci贸n de mecanizado por Control Num茅rico Computarizado (CNC) y planeaci贸n de trayectorias de herramienta. Los biarcos cuaterni贸nicos pueden ser usados para aproximar curvas B-spline cuaterni贸nicas que representan movimientos esf茅ricos racionales, los cuales tienen aplicaciones en planeaci贸n de trayectorias de robots, en CAD/CAM y en gr谩ficas por computador.ABSTRACT: This paper employs quaternion biarcs to interpolate a set of orientations with angular velocity constraints. The resulting quaternion curve represents a piecewise line-symmetric spherical motion with C1 continuity. The purpose of this effort is to put line-symmetric motions into use from the viewpoint of motion approximation and interpolation, and to present their potential applications in Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) machining simulation and tool path planning. Quaternion biarcs may be used to approximate B-spline quaternion curves that represent rational spherical motions that have applications in robot path planning, CAD/CAM and computer graphics

    Reliability-based G1 Continuous Arc Spline Approximation

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm to approximate a set of data points with G1 continuous arcs, using points' covariance data. To the best of our knowledge, previous arc spline approximation approaches assumed that all data points contribute equally (i.e. have the same weights) during the approximation process. However, this assumption may cause serious instability in the algorithm, if the collected data contains outliers. To resolve this issue, a robust method for arc spline approximation is suggested in this work, assuming that the 2D covariance for each data point is given. Starting with the definition of models and parameters for single arc approximation, the framework is extended to multiple-arc approximation for general usage. Then the proposed algorithm is verified using generated noisy data and real-world collected data via vehicle experiment in Sejong City, South Korea.Comment: 42 pages, 19 figures, Submitted to Computer Aided Geometric Desig

    Control of Curvature Extrema in Curve Modeling

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    We present a method for constructing almost-everywhere curvature-continuous curves that interpolate a list of control points and have local maxima of curvature only at the control points. Our premise is that salient features of the curve should occur only at control points to avoid the creation of features unintended by the artist. While many artists prefer to use interpolated control points, the creation of artifacts, such as loops and cusps, away from control points has limited the use of these types of curves. By enforcing the maximum curvature property, loops and cusps cannot be created unless the artist intends to create such features. To create these curves, we analyze the curvature monotonicity of quadratic, rational quadratic and cubic curves and develop a framework to connect such curve primitives with curvature continuity. We formulate an energy to encode the desired properties in a boxed constrained optimization and provide a fast method of estimating the solution through a numerical optimization. The optimized curve can serve as a real-time curve modeling tool in art design applications

    Toolpath Smoothing using Clothoids for High Speed CNC Machines

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    As a result of this research, new methods for CNC toolpath smoothing were developed. Utilising these methods can increase the speed, decrease vibrations and improve the cut quality of a CNC machine. In the developed techniques, Euler spirals have been used to smooth the corners