14 research outputs found

    Prediction Analysis of Floods Using Machine Learning Algorithms (NARX & SVM)

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    The changing patterns and behaviors of river water levels that may lead to flooding are an interesting and practical research area. They are configured to mitigate economic and societal implications brought about by floods. Non-linear (NARX) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are machine learning algorithms suitable for predicting changes in levels of river water, thus detection of flooding possibilities. The two algorithms employ similar hydrological and flood resource variables such as precipitation amount, river inflow, peak gust, seasonal flow, flood frequency, and other relevant flood prediction variables. In the process of predicting floods, the water level is the most important hydrological research aspect. Prediction using machine-learning algorithms is effective due to its ability to utilize data from various sources and classify and regress it into flood and non-flood classes. This paper gives insight into mechanism of the two algorithm in perspective of flood estimation

    Modeling of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport

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    The Special Issue entitled “Modeling of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport” focuses on the mathematical modeling of soil erosion caused by rainfall and runoff at a basin scale, as well as on the sediment transport in the streams of the basin. In concrete terms, the quantification of these phenomena by means of mathematical modeling and field measurements has been studied. The following mathematical models (software) were used, amongst others: AnnAGNPS, SWAT, SWAT-Twn, TUSLE, WRF-Hydro-Sed, CORINE, LCM-MUSLE, EROSION-3D, HEC-RAS, SRC, WA-ANN. The Special Issue contains 14 articles that can be classified into the following five categories: Category A: “Soil erosion and sediment transport modeling in basins”; Category B: “Inclusion of soil erosion control measures in soil erosion models”; Category C: “Soil erosion and sediment transport modeling in view of reservoir sedimentation”; Category D: “Field measurements of gully erosion”; Category E: “Stream sediment transport modeling”. Most studies presented in the Special Issue were applied to different basins in Europe, America, and Asia, and are the result of the cooperation between universities and/or research centers in different countries and continents, which constitutes an optimistic fact for the international scientific communication

    Urban Ecosystem Services

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    The school of thought surrounding the urban ecosystem has increasingly become in vogue among researchers worldwide. Since half of the world’s population lives in cities, urban ecosystem services have become essential to human health and wellbeing. Rapid urban growth has forced sustainable urban developers to rethink important steps by updating and, to some degree, recreating the human–ecosystem service linkage. Assessing, as well as estimating the losses of ecosystem services can denote the essential effects of urbanization and increasingly indicate where cities fall short. This book contains 13 thoroughly refereed contributions published within the Special Issue “Urban Ecosystem Services”. The book addresses topics such as nature-based solutions, green space planning, green infrastructure, rain gardens, climate change, and more. The contributions highlight new findings for landscape architects, urban planners, and policymakers. Important future cities research is considered by looking at the system connectivity between the social and ecological sphere—via varying forms of urban planning, management, and governance. The book is supported by methods and models that utilize an urban sustainability and ecosystem service-centric focus by adding knowledge-base and real-world solutions into the urbanization phenomenon

    Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, Series 2; Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP

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    River basin development, Development projects, Irrigation programs, Hydrology, Erosion, Water transfer, Cost benefit analysis, Groundwater irrigation, Dams, Environmental effects, Water storage, Crop management, Livestock, Gender, Rainfed farming, Supplemental irrigation, Water harvesting, Artificial recharge, Water market, Simulation models, Water allocation, Case studies, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Assessing land use-land cover changes and their effects on the hydrological responses within the Nyangores River Catchment, Kenya

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThis thesis aimed at contributing knowledge on how the widespread changes in land use/cover resulting from increasing human population and their associated activities, are influencing hydrological responses in a sub-humid catchment. The study therefore hypothesised that reduced forest cover over time in favour of agricultural activities is altering hydrological processes of the catchment which is affecting the flow characteristics in a sub-humid catchment. The sub-humid catchment selected to investigate these issues is the Nyangores River Catchment in Kenya

    Urban Ecosystem Services

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    The school of thought surrounding the urban ecosystem has increasingly become in vogue among researchers worldwide. Since half of the world’s population lives in cities, urban ecosystem services have become essential to human health and wellbeing. Rapid urban growth has forced sustainable urban developers to rethink important steps by updating and, to some degree, recreating the human–ecosystem service linkage. Assessing, as well as estimating the losses of ecosystem services can denote the essential effects of urbanization and increasingly indicate where cities fall short. This book contains 13 thoroughly refereed contributions published within the Special Issue “Urban Ecosystem Services”. The book addresses topics such as nature-based solutions, green space planning, green infrastructure, rain gardens, climate change, and more. The contributions highlight new findings for landscape architects, urban planners, and policymakers. Important future cities research is considered by looking at the system connectivity between the social and ecological sphere—via varying forms of urban planning, management, and governance. The book is supported by methods and models that utilize an urban sustainability and ecosystem service-centric focus by adding knowledge-base and real-world solutions into the urbanization phenomenon

    Urban Expansion, Land Use Land Cover Change and Human Impacts: A Case Study of Rawalpindi

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    Urbanization in Pakistan has increased rapidly from 25% in 1972 to 42% in 2012. Peripheral zones are being pushed by urbanization much beyond their previous extents. Moreover, dispersed developments along the highways/motorways and unplanned expansion of existing urban centres is instigating a substantial loss of vegetation and open spaces. This research is an effort to analyse the relationship between urban expansion and land use/cover change using a combination of remote sensing, census and field data. Rawalpindi has been chosen as a study area because of its rapidly changing population density and land cover over the last few decades, and availability of satellite and census data. Landsat MSS and TM images of 1972, 1979, 1998 and 2010 which are compatible with the 1972, 1981, 1998 and 2012 Census of Pakistan dates were classified using the Maximum Likelihood classifier. The results of the assessment of classification accuracy yielded an overall accuracy of 75.16%, 72.5%, for Landsat MSS 1972, 1979 images and 84.5% and 87.1% for Landsat TM 1998 and 2010 images. Results reveal that the built up area of the study area has been increased from 7,017 hectares to 36,220 hectares during the 1972 -2012 period. This expansion has been accompanied by the loss of agricultural and forest land. There has been a decrease of approximately 10,000 hectares in cropped area and 2,000 hectares in forest land of the study area during the 1998-2012 inter-censal period. Corroboration of official census data, remote sensing results and field based qualitative data supports the view that high population growth rate, industrialization, better educational and transportation facilities and proximity of the study area to the capital (Islamabad) are the major factors of urban expansion and resulting land cover changes The present research is expected to have significant implications for other rapidly urbanizing areas of Pakistan in particular, and the Global South in general, in delivering baseline information about long term land use/cover changes

    Land Use and Land Cover Mapping in a Changing World

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    It is increasingly being recognized that land use and land cover changes driven by anthropogenic pressures are impacting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and their services, human society, and human livelihoods and well-being. This Special Issue contains 12 original papers covering various issues related to land use and land use changes in various parts of the world (see references), with the purpose of providing a forum to exchange ideas and progress in related areas. Research topics include land use targets, dynamic modelling and mapping using satellite images, pressures from energy production, deforestation, impacts on ecosystem services, aboveground biomass evaluation, and investigations on libraries of legends and classiïŹcation systems

    Land Use and Land Cover Mapping in a Changing World

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    It is increasingly being recognized that land use and land cover changes driven by anthropogenic pressures are impacting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and their services, human society, and human livelihoods and well-being. This Special Issue contains 12 original papers covering various issues related to land use and land use changes in various parts of the world (see references), with the purpose of providing a forum to exchange ideas and progress in related areas. Research topics include land use targets, dynamic modelling and mapping using satellite images, pressures from energy production, deforestation, impacts on ecosystem services, aboveground biomass evaluation, and investigations on libraries of legends and classiïŹcation systems

    Data Analysis, Discharge Classifications, and Predictions of Hydrological Parameters for the Management of Rawal Dam in Pakistan

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