29 research outputs found

    Improving Software Quality and Productivity Leveraging Mining Techniques: [Summary of the Second Workshop on Software Mining, at ASE 2013]

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    The second International Workshop on Software Mining (Soft-mine) was held on the 11th of November 2013. The workshop was held in conjunction with the 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) in Silicon Valley, California, USA. The workshop has facilitated researchers who are interested in mining various types of software-related data and in applying data mining techniques to support software engineering tasks. During the workshop, seven papers on software mining and behavior models, execution trace mining, and bug localization and fixing were presented. One of the papers received the best paper award. Furthermore, there were two invited talk sessions presented by two active researchers from software engineering and data mining community.</jats:p

    Second International Competition on Runtime Verification: CRV 2015

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    International audienceWe report on the Second International Competition on Run-time Verification (CRV-2015). The competition was held as a satellite event of the 15th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV'15). The competition consisted of three tracks: o✏ine monitoring, online monitoring of C programs, and online monitoring of Java programs. This report describes the format of the competition, the participating teams and submitted benchmarks. We give an example illustrating the two main inputs expected from the participating teams, namely a benchmark (i.e., a program and a property on this program) and a monitor for this benchmark. We also propose some reflection based on the lessons learned

    Undermining User Privacy on Mobile Devices Using AI

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    Over the past years, literature has shown that attacks exploiting the microarchitecture of modern processors pose a serious threat to the privacy of mobile phone users. This is because applications leave distinct footprints in the processor, which can be used by malware to infer user activities. In this work, we show that these inference attacks are considerably more practical when combined with advanced AI techniques. In particular, we focus on profiling the activity in the last-level cache (LLC) of ARM processors. We employ a simple Prime+Probe based monitoring technique to obtain cache traces, which we classify with Deep Learning methods including Convolutional Neural Networks. We demonstrate our approach on an off-the-shelf Android phone by launching a successful attack from an unprivileged, zeropermission App in well under a minute. The App thereby detects running applications with an accuracy of 98% and reveals opened websites and streaming videos by monitoring the LLC for at most 6 seconds. This is possible, since Deep Learning compensates measurement disturbances stemming from the inherently noisy LLC monitoring and unfavorable cache characteristics such as random line replacement policies. In summary, our results show that thanks to advanced AI techniques, inference attacks are becoming alarmingly easy to implement and execute in practice. This once more calls for countermeasures that confine microarchitectural leakage and protect mobile phone applications, especially those valuing the privacy of their users

    Analysis of the age of data in data backup systems

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    Cloud infrastructures are becoming a common platform for storage and workload operations for industries. With increasing rate of data generation, the cloud storage industry has already grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. This industry offers services with very strict service level agreements (SLAs) to insure a high Quality of Service (QoS) for its clients. A breach of these SLAs results in a heavy economic loss for the service provider. We study a queueing model of data backup systems with a focus on the age of data. The age of data is roughly defined as the time for which data has not been backed up and is therefore a measure of uncertainty for the user. We precisely define the performance measure and compute the generating function of its distribution. It is critical to ensure that the tail probabilities are small so that the system stays within SLAs with a high probability. Therefore, we also analyze the tail distribution of the age of data by performing dominant singularity analysis of its generating function. Our formulas can help the service providers to set the system parameters adequately. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Leaderless State-Machine Replication: Specification, Properties, Limits

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    Modern Internet services commonly replicate critical data across several geographical locations using state-machine replication (SMR). Due to their reliance on a leader replica, classical SMR protocols offer limited scalability and availability in this setting. To solve this problem, recent protocols follow instead a leaderless approach, in which each replica is able to make progress using a quorum of its peers. In this paper, we study this new emerging class of SMR protocols and states some of their limits. We first propose a framework that captures the essence of leaderless state-machine replication (Leaderless SMR). Then, we introduce a set of desirable properties for these protocols: (R)eliability, (O)ptimal (L)atency and (L)oad Balancing. We show that protocols matching all of the ROLL properties are subject to a trade-off between performance and reliability. We also establish a lower bound on the message delay to execute a command in protocols optimal for the ROLL properties. This lower bound explains the persistent chaining effect observed in experimental results

    Liveness Checking of the HotStuff Protocol Family

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    Byzantine consensus protocols aim at maintaining safety guarantees under any network synchrony model and at providing liveness in partially or fully synchronous networks. However, several Byzantine consensus protocols have been shown to violate liveness properties under certain scenarios. Existing testing methods for checking the liveness of consensus protocols check for time-bounded liveness violations, which generate a large number of false positives. In this work, for the first time, we check the liveness of Byzantine consensus protocols using the temperature and lasso detection methods, which require the definition of ad-hoc system state abstractions. We focus on the HotStuff protocol family that has been recently developed for blockchain consensus. In this family, the HotStuff protocol is both safe and live under the partial synchrony assumption, while the 2-Phase Hotstuff and Sync HotStuff protocols are known to violate liveness in subtle fault scenarios. We implemented our liveness checking methods on top of the Twins automated unit test generator to test the HotStuff protocol family. Our results indicate that our methods successfully detect all known liveness violations and produce fewer false positives than the traditional time-bounded liveness checks.Comment: Preprint of a paper accepted at IEEE PRDC 202

    The Weakest Failure Detector for Genuine Atomic Multicast

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    Atomic broadcast is a group communication primitive to order messages across a set of distributed processes. Atomic multicast is its natural generalization where each message m is addressed to dst(m), a subset of the processes called its destination group. A solution to atomic multicast is genuine when a process takes steps only if a message is addressed to it. Genuine solutions are the ones used in practice because they have better performance. Let ? be all the destination groups and ? be the cyclic families in it, that is the subsets of ? whose intersection graph is hamiltonian. This paper establishes that the weakest failure detector to solve genuine atomic multicast is ? = (?_{g,h ? ?} ?_{g ? h}) ? (?_{g ? ?} ?_g) ? ?, where ?_P and ?_P are the quorum and leader failure detectors restricted to the processes in P, and ? is a new failure detector that informs the processes in a cyclic family f ? ? when f is faulty. We also study two classical variations of atomic multicast. The first variation requires that message delivery follows the real-time order. In this case, ? must be strengthened with 1^{g ? h}, the indicator failure detector that informs each process in g ? h when g ? h is faulty. The second variation requires a message to be delivered when the destination group runs in isolation. We prove that its weakest failure detector is at least ? ? (?_{g, h ? ?} ?_{g ? h}). This value is attained when ? = ?