210 research outputs found

    Robust Multiple Signal Classification via Probability Measure Transformation

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    In this paper, we introduce a new framework for robust multiple signal classification (MUSIC). The proposed framework, called robust measure-transformed (MT) MUSIC, is based on applying a transform to the probability distribution of the received signals, i.e., transformation of the probability measure defined on the observation space. In robust MT-MUSIC, the sample covariance is replaced by the empirical MT-covariance. By judicious choice of the transform we show that: 1) the resulting empirical MT-covariance is B-robust, with bounded influence function that takes negligible values for large norm outliers, and 2) under the assumption of spherically contoured noise distribution, the noise subspace can be determined from the eigendecomposition of the MT-covariance. Furthermore, we derive a new robust measure-transformed minimum description length (MDL) criterion for estimating the number of signals, and extend the MT-MUSIC framework to the case of coherent signals. The proposed approach is illustrated in simulation examples that show its advantages as compared to other robust MUSIC and MDL generalizations

    Robust Cyclic MUSIC Algorithm for Finding Directions in Impulsive Noise Environment

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    This paper addresses the issue of direction finding of a cyclostationary signal under impulsive noise environments modeled by α-stable distribution. Since α-stable distribution does not have finite second-order statistics, the conventional cyclic correlation-based signal-selective direction finding algorithms do not work effectively. To resolve this problem, we define two robust cyclic correlation functions which are derived from robust statistics property of the correntropy and the nonlinear transformation, respectively. The MUSIC algorithm with the robust cyclic correlation matrix of the received signals of arrays is then used to estimate the direction of cyclostationary signal in the presence of impulsive noise. The computer simulation results demonstrate that the two proposed robust cyclic correlation-based algorithms outperform the conventional cyclic correlation and the fractional lower order cyclic correlation based methods

    Spatial Parameter Identification for MIMO Systems in the Presence of Non-Gaussian Interference

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    Reliable identification of spatial parameters for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, such as the number of transmit antennas (NTA) and the direction of arrival (DOA), is a prerequisite for MIMO signal separation and detection. Most existing parameter estimation methods for MIMO systems only consider a single parameter in Gaussian noise. This paper develops a reliable identification scheme based on generalized multi-antenna time-frequency distribution (GMTFD) for MIMO systems with non-Gaussian interference and Gaussian noise. First, a new generalized correlation matrix is introduced to construct a generalized MTFD matrix. Then, the covariance matrix based on time-frequency distribution (CM-TF) is characterized by using the diagonal entries from the auto-source signal components and the non-diagonal entries from the cross-source signal components in the generalized MTFD matrix. Finally, by making use of the CM-TF, the Gerschgorin disk criterion is modified to estimate NTA, and the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) is exploited to estimate DOA for MIMO system. Simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme based on GMTFD has good robustness to non-Gaussian interference without prior information and that it can achieve high estimation accuracy and resolution at low and medium signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs)

    Exploiting CNNs for Improving Acoustic Source Localization in Noisy and Reverberant Conditions

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    This paper discusses the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to minimum variance distortionless response localization schemes. We investigate the direction of arrival estimation problems in noisy and reverberant conditions using a uniform linear array (ULA). CNNs are used to process the multichannel data from the ULA and to improve the data fusion scheme, which is performed in the steered response power computation. CNNs improve the incoherent frequency fusion of the narrowband response power by weighting the components, reducing the deleterious effects of those components affected by artifacts due to noise and reverberation. The use of CNNs avoids the necessity of previously encoding the multichannel data into selected acoustic cues with the advantage to exploit its ability in recognizing geometrical pattern similarity. Experiments with both simulated and real acoustic data demonstrate the superior localization performance of the proposed SRP beamformer with respect to other state-of-the-art techniques

    Robust and Sparse M-Estimation of DOA

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    A robust and sparse Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimator is derived for array data that follows a Complex Elliptically Symmetric (CES) distribution with zero-mean and finite second-order moments. The derivation allows to choose the loss function and four loss functions are discussed in detail: the Gauss loss which is the Maximum-Likelihood (ML) loss for the circularly symmetric complex Gaussian distribution, the ML-loss for the complex multivariate tt-distribution (MVT) with ν\nu degrees of freedom, as well as Huber and Tyler loss functions. For Gauss loss, the method reduces to Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL). The root mean square DOA error of the derived estimators is discussed for Gaussian, MVT, and ϵ\epsilon-contaminated data. The robust SBL estimators perform well for all cases and nearly identical with classical SBL for Gaussian noise

    Robust MIMO Channel Estimation from Incomplete and Corrupted Measurements

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    Location-aware communication is one of the enabling techniques for future 5G networks. It requires accurate temporal and spatial channel estimation from multidimensional data. Most of the existing channel estimation techniques assume that the measurements are complete and noise is Gaussian. While these approaches are brittle to corrupted or outlying measurements, which are ubiquitous in real applications. To address these issues, we develop a lp-norm minimization based iteratively reweighted higher-order singular value decomposition algorithm. It is robust to Gaussian as well as the impulsive noise even when the measurement data is incomplete. Compared with the state-of-the-art techniques, accurate estimation results are achieved for the proposed approach

    Multiband Spectrum Access: Great Promises for Future Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio has been widely considered as one of the prominent solutions to tackle the spectrum scarcity. While the majority of existing research has focused on single-band cognitive radio, multiband cognitive radio represents great promises towards implementing efficient cognitive networks compared to single-based networks. Multiband cognitive radio networks (MB-CRNs) are expected to significantly enhance the network's throughput and provide better channel maintenance by reducing handoff frequency. Nevertheless, the wideband front-end and the multiband spectrum access impose a number of challenges yet to overcome. This paper provides an in-depth analysis on the recent advancements in multiband spectrum sensing techniques, their limitations, and possible future directions to improve them. We study cooperative communications for MB-CRNs to tackle a fundamental limit on diversity and sampling. We also investigate several limits and tradeoffs of various design parameters for MB-CRNs. In addition, we explore the key MB-CRNs performance metrics that differ from the conventional metrics used for single-band based networks.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures; published in the Proceedings of the IEEE Journal, Special Issue on Future Radio Spectrum Access, March 201

    A unified approach to sparse signal processing

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    A unified view of the area of sparse signal processing is presented in tutorial form by bringing together various fields in which the property of sparsity has been successfully exploited. For each of these fields, various algorithms and techniques, which have been developed to leverage sparsity, are described succinctly. The common potential benefits of significant reduction in sampling rate and processing manipulations through sparse signal processing are revealed. The key application domains of sparse signal processing are sampling, coding, spectral estimation, array processing, compo-nent analysis, and multipath channel estimation. In terms of the sampling process and reconstruction algorithms, linkages are made with random sampling, compressed sensing and rate of innovation. The redundancy introduced by channel coding i
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