54 research outputs found

    DNF Sparsification and a Faster Deterministic Counting Algorithm

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    Given a DNF formula on n variables, the two natural size measures are the number of terms or size s(f), and the maximum width of a term w(f). It is folklore that short DNF formulas can be made narrow. We prove a converse, showing that narrow formulas can be sparsified. More precisely, any width w DNF irrespective of its size can be ϵ\epsilon-approximated by a width ww DNF with at most (wlog(1/ϵ))O(w)(w\log(1/\epsilon))^{O(w)} terms. We combine our sparsification result with the work of Luby and Velikovic to give a faster deterministic algorithm for approximately counting the number of satisfying solutions to a DNF. Given a formula on n variables with poly(n) terms, we give a deterministic nO~(loglog(n))n^{\tilde{O}(\log \log(n))} time algorithm that computes an additive ϵ\epsilon approximation to the fraction of satisfying assignments of f for \epsilon = 1/\poly(\log n). The previous best result due to Luby and Velickovic from nearly two decades ago had a run-time of nexp(O(loglogn))n^{\exp(O(\sqrt{\log \log n}))}.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 201

    Counting Solutions to Polynomial Systems via Reductions

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    This paper provides both positive and negative results for counting solutions to systems of polynomial equations over a finite field. The general idea is to try to reduce the problem to counting solutions to a single polynomial, where the task is easier. In both cases, simple methods are utilized that we expect will have wider applicability (far beyond algebra). First, we give an efficient deterministic reduction from approximate counting for a system of (arbitrary) polynomial equations to approximate counting for one equation, over any finite field. We apply this reduction to give a deterministic poly(n,s,log p)/eps^2 time algorithm for approximately counting the fraction of solutions to a system of s quadratic n-variate polynomials over F_p (the finite field of prime order p) to within an additive eps factor, for any prime p. Note that uniform random sampling would already require Omega(s/eps^2) time, so our algorithm behaves as a full derandomization of uniform sampling. The approximate-counting algorithm yields efficient approximate counting for other well-known problems, such as 2-SAT, NAE-3SAT, and 3-Coloring. As a corollary, there is a deterministic algorithm (with analogous running time) for producing solutions to such systems which have at least eps p^n solutions. Second, we consider the difficulty of exactly counting solutions to a single polynomial of constant degree, over a finite field. (Note that finding a solution in this case is easy.) It has been known for over 20 years that this counting problem is already NP-hard for degree-three polynomials over F_2; however, all known reductions increased the number of variables by a considerable amount. We give a subexponential-time reduction from counting solutions to k-CNF formulas to counting solutions to a degree-k^{O(k)} polynomial (over any finite field of O(1) order) which exactly preserves the number of variables. As a corollary, the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (even its weak counting variant #SETH) implies that counting solutions to constant-degree polynomials (even over F_2) requires essentially 2^n time. Similar results hold for counting orthogonal pairs of vectors over F_p

    A Simple FPTAS for Counting Edge Covers

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    An edge cover of a graph is a set of edges such that every vertex has at least an adjacent edge in it. Previously, approximation algorithm for counting edge covers is only known for 3 regular graphs and it is randomized. We design a very simple deterministic fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for counting the number of edge covers for any graph. Our main technique is correlation decay, which is a powerful tool to design FPTAS for counting problems. In order to get FPTAS for general graphs without degree bound, we make use of a stronger notion called computationally efficient correlation decay, which is introduced in [Li, Lu, Yin SODA 2012].Comment: To appear in SODA 201

    The Sparsification Lemma for CNF Satisfiability

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    FPTAS for Counting Monotone CNF

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    A monotone CNF formula is a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form where each variable appears positively. We design a deterministic fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for counting the number of satisfying assignments for a given monotone CNF formula when each variable appears in at most 55 clauses. Equivalently, this is also an FPTAS for counting set covers where each set contains at most 55 elements. If we allow variables to appear in a maximum of 66 clauses (or sets to contain 66 elements), it is NP-hard to approximate it. Thus, this gives a complete understanding of the approximability of counting for monotone CNF formulas. It is also an important step towards a complete characterization of the approximability for all bounded degree Boolean #CSP problems. In addition, we study the hypergraph matching problem, which arises naturally towards a complete classification of bounded degree Boolean #CSP problems, and show an FPTAS for counting 3D matchings of hypergraphs with maximum degree 44. Our main technique is correlation decay, a powerful tool to design deterministic FPTAS for counting problems defined by local constraints among a number of variables. All previous uses of this design technique fall into two categories: each constraint involves at most two variables, such as independent set, coloring, and spin systems in general; or each variable appears in at most two constraints, such as matching, edge cover, and holant problem in general. The CNF problems studied here have more complicated structures than these problems and require new design and proof techniques. As it turns out, the technique we developed for the CNF problem also works for the hypergraph matching problem. We believe that it may also find applications in other CSP or more general counting problems.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. version 1=>2: minor edits, highlighted the picture of set cover/packing, and an implication of our previous result in 3D matchin

    From DNF Compression to Sunflower Theorems via Regularity

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    The sunflower conjecture is one of the most well-known open problems in combinatorics. It has several applications in theoretical computer science, one of which is DNF compression, due to Gopalan, Meka and Reingold (Computational Complexity, 2013). In this paper, we show that improved bounds for DNF compression imply improved bounds for the sunflower conjecture, which is the reverse direction of the DNF compression result. The main approach is based on regularity of set systems and a structure-vs-pseudorandomness approach to the sunflower conjecture

    Deterministic search for CNF satisfying assignments in almost polynomial time

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    We consider the fundamental derandomization problem of deterministically finding a satisfying assignment to a CNF formula that has many satisfying assignments. We give a deterministic algorithm which, given an nn-variable poly(n)\mathrm{poly}(n)-clause CNF formula FF that has at least ε2n\varepsilon 2^n satisfying assignments, runs in time nO~(loglogn)2 n^{\tilde{O}(\log\log n)^2} for ε1/polylog(n)\varepsilon \ge 1/\mathrm{polylog}(n) and outputs a satisfying assignment of FF. Prior to our work the fastest known algorithm for this problem was simply to enumerate over all seeds of a pseudorandom generator for CNFs; using the best known PRGs for CNFs [DETT10], this takes time nΩ~(logn)n^{\tilde{\Omega}(\log n)} even for constant ε\varepsilon. Our approach is based on a new general framework relating deterministic search and deterministic approximate counting, which we believe may find further applications