2,096,074 research outputs found

    Big Data Meets Telcos: A Proactive Caching Perspective

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    Mobile cellular networks are becoming increasingly complex to manage while classical deployment/optimization techniques and current solutions (i.e., cell densification, acquiring more spectrum, etc.) are cost-ineffective and thus seen as stopgaps. This calls for development of novel approaches that leverage recent advances in storage/memory, context-awareness, edge/cloud computing, and falls into framework of big data. However, the big data by itself is yet another complex phenomena to handle and comes with its notorious 4V: velocity, voracity, volume and variety. In this work, we address these issues in optimization of 5G wireless networks via the notion of proactive caching at the base stations. In particular, we investigate the gains of proactive caching in terms of backhaul offloadings and request satisfactions, while tackling the large-amount of available data for content popularity estimation. In order to estimate the content popularity, we first collect users' mobile traffic data from a Turkish telecom operator from several base stations in hours of time interval. Then, an analysis is carried out locally on a big data platform and the gains of proactive caching at the base stations are investigated via numerical simulations. It turns out that several gains are possible depending on the level of available information and storage size. For instance, with 10% of content ratings and 15.4 Gbyte of storage size (87% of total catalog size), proactive caching achieves 100% of request satisfaction and offloads 98% of the backhaul when considering 16 base stations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    PROMIS series. Volume 8: Midlatitude ground magnetograms

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    This is the eighth in a series of volumes pertaining to the Polar Region Outer Magnetosphere International Study (PROMIS). This volume contains 24 hour stack plots of 1-minute average, H and D component, ground magnetograms for the period March 10 through June 16, 1986. Nine midlatitude ground stations were selected from the UCLA magnetogram data base that was constructed from all available digitized magnetogram stations. The primary purpose of this publication is to allow users to define universal times and onset longitudes of magnetospheric substorms

    The Diffusion of Humans and Cultures in the Course of the Spread of Farming

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    The most profound change in the relationship between humans and their environment was the introduction of agriculture and pastoralism. [....] For an understanding of the expansion process, it appears appropriate to apply a diffusive model. Broadly, these numerical modeling approaches can be catego- rized in correlative, continuous and discrete. Common to all approaches is the comparison to collections of radiocarbon data that show the apparent wave of advance of the transition to farming. However, these data sets differ in entry density and data quality. Often they disregard local and regional specifics and research gaps, or dating uncertainties. Thus, most of these data bases may only be used on a very general, broad scale. One of the pitfalls of using irregularly spaced or irregularly documented radiocarbon data becomes evident from the map generated by Fort (this volume, Chapter 16): while the general east-west and south-north trends become evident, some areas appear as having undergone anomalously early transitions to farming. This may be due to faulty entries into the data base or regional problems with radiocarbon dating, if not unnoticed or undocumented laboratory mistakes.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society, edited by Armin Bunde, J\"urgen Caro, J\"org K\"arger, Gero Vogl, Chapter 1

    Aerodynamic characteristics of forebody and nose strakes based on F-16 wind tunnel test experience. Volume 2: Data base

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    The YF-16 and F-16 developmental wind tunnel test program was reviewed and all force data pertinent to the design of forebody and nose strakes extracted. A complete set of these data is presented without analysis

    Optimization Info Rate Using APSK Modulation Scheme for Delivery GSM ABIS over Satellite Communications

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    Mobile operators move quickly from 2G GSM networks in urban areas to remote rural areas, which are 2G networks by offering voice connectivity. As a result, more and more technology is optimizing cellular operators that reduce and perform bandwidth efficiency that will be implemented. The optimization solution for this cellular operator produces voice communication on GSM, in a cost-effective application for satellites. This paper discusses and applies to creating GSM links via satellite communication. The ABIS interface on GSM, which is defined between the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) of GSM remote cells and the Base Station Controller (BSC), is considered here to be transferred via GSM communication with the Modulation and Coding scheme 16 APSK 5/6. The MODCOD scheme determines the efficiency of what MHz is needed to send one Mbps. The efficiency value achieved by allocating, bandwidth (MHz) generated by 1.0 Mhz is an efficiency of 3.222 [bit / baud]. And Info Data Rate is generated from the value (Mbps) of 3,175. The highest traffic intensity with the value of Traffic Volume (Hours) = 3.5, Traffic Intensity (Erlang) 0.145833333. While the lowest traffic intensity with the value of Traffic Volume (Hour) = 2.6, traffic intensity = 0.108333333 (Erlang). The value obtained on Traffic Volume and Traffic Intensity is 0.1%. Service levels are very good at grade of service, because of the small possibility of access fail. Calculation of the availability of link network availability links, using ACM 16APSK LDPC 5/6 techniques that can increase up to 100%

    Thermal expansion of mantle and core materials at very high pressures

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    The thermal expansivities (α) of MgO and high-pressure phases of CaO, CaMgSi_2O_6, and Fe at ultrahigh pressure are obtained by comparing existing shock compression and temperature measurements to 300 K compression curves constructed from ultrasonic elasticity and static compression data. For MgO, α can be represented by: α = ρ_oγ_oC_V(ρ_o/ρ)^(0.5±0.5)/K_T where γ is the Grüneisen parameter, C_V is the constant volume specific heat, K_T is the isothermal bulk modulus, and ρ is the density. Using this expression, the thermal expansivity of MgO is 28-32×10^(−6)K^(−1) at the pressure of the top of the lower mantle and 10-16×10^(−6)K^(−1) at its base (at 2000 K). New data for α of ε-Fe, together with an inner core temperature of 6750 K, constrain the density of the inner core to be 5±2% less than the density of ε-Fe, implying the inner core contains a light element

    Quantitative gated blood pool tomographic assessment of regional ejection fraction: Definition of normal limits

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    AbstractObjective. Our aim was to select a method of analysis for gated blood pool tomography that reduced variability in a group of normal subjects, allowed comparison with normal limit files and displayed results in the bull's-eye format.Background. Abnormalities in left ventricular function may not be accurately detected by measures of global function because hyperkuiesia in normal regions may compensate for abnormal regional function. Gated blood pool tomography acquires threedimensional data and offers advantages over other noninvasive modalities Tor quantitative assessment of global and regional function.Methods. Alternative methods for selecting the ventricular axis, calculating regional ejection fraction and choosing the number of ventricular divisions were studied In 15 normal volunteers to select the combination of parameter that produced the lowest variability in quantitative regional ejection fraction. Methods for quantitative comparison, of regional ejection fraction with normal limit files and for display in the bull's-eye format were also examined.Results. A fixed axis (the geometric center of the ventricle defined for end-diastole and used for end-systole) gave ejection fractions that were significantly higher in the lateral wall versus in the septum, 82 ± 8 (mean ± 1 SD) versus 39 ± 17 (p < 0.001) at the midcavity and 66 ± 11 versus 21 ± 20 (p < 0.001) at the base. A floating axis system (axis defined individually for end-diastole and end-systole and realigned at the center) gave more uniform regional ejection fraction: 63 ±6 versus 64 ± 8 (p = NS) at the midcavity and 44 ± 16 versus 45 ± 15 (p = NS) at the base. The coefficient of variability for regional ejection fraction was consistently lower using a floating axis. Calculating regional ejection fraction by dividing the regional stroke volume by the enddiastollc volume of the region gave a lower coefficient of variability and a more easily understood value than dividing the regional stroke volume by the total end-diastolic volume of the ventricle. Although the variability was lower using five versus nine ventricular divisions, nine regions offer greater spatial resolution. Comparison of regional ejection fraction with normal data identified regions > 2.5 SD below the mean as abnormal. We described the two-dimensional bull's-eye format as a method for displaying the regional three-dimensional data and illustrated abnormalities in patients with prior myocardial infarction.Conclusions. Gated blood pool tomography performed using a floating axis system, regional stroke volume calculation of ejection fraction and nine regions uses all the three-dimensional blood pool data to calculate regional ejection fraction, allow quantitative comparison with normal limit tiles, display the functional data in the two-dimensional bull's-eye format and demonstrate abnormalities in patients with myocardial infarction

    Analysis of small-diameter wood supply in northern Arizona - Final report

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    Forest management to restore fire-adapted ponderosa pine ecosystems is a central priority of the Southwestern Region of the USDA Forest Service. Appropriately-scaled businesses are apt to play a key role in achieving this goal by harvesting, processing and selling wood products, thereby reducing treatment costs and providing economic opportunities. The manner in which treatments occur across northern Arizona, with its multiple jurisdictions and land management areas, is of vital concern to a diversity of stakeholder groups. To identify a level of forest thinning treatments and potential wood supply from restoration byproducts, a 20-member working group representing environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private forest industries, local government, the Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University (NAU), and state and federal land and resource management agencies was assembled. A series of seven workshops supported by Forest Ecosystem Restoration Analysis (ForestERA; NAU) staff were designed to consolidate geographic data and other spatial information and to synthesize potential treatment scenarios for a 2.4 million acre analysis area south of the Grand Canyon and across the Mogollon Plateau. A total of 94% of the analysis area is on National Forest lands. ForestERA developed up-to-date remote sensing-based forest structure data layers to inform the development of treatment scenarios, and to estimate wood volume in three tree diameter classes of 16" diameter at breast height (dbh, 4.5' above base). For the purposes of this report, the group selected a 16" dbh threshold due to its common use within the analysis landscape as a break point differentiating "small" and "large" diameter trees in the ponderosa pine forest type. The focus of this study was on small-diameter trees, although wood supply estimates include some trees >16" dbh where their removal was required to meet desired post-treatment conditions.4 There was no concurrence within the group that trees over 16" dbh should be cut and removed from areas outside community protection management areas (CPMAs)..

    Aquatic Invertebrate Community Structure, Biological Condition, Habitat, and Water Quality at Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri, 2005-2014

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    Ozark National Scenic Riverways (OZAR) was established to protect the corridor of the Current River and its major tributary, the Jacks Fork. The Current River is one of the few remaining free-flowing rivers in the U.S., with much of its base flow coming from several large springs. To assess the biological condition of these rivers, aquatic invertebrate community structure was monitored from 2005 to 2014. Benthic invertebrate samples and associated habitat and water quality data were collected from each of nine sampling sites using a Slack-Surber sampler. The Stream Condition Index (SCI), a multimetric index that incorporates taxa richness, EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) richness, Shannon’s diversity index, and Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI), was calculated. The benthic invertebrate fauna was diverse with 155 distinct taxa identified from all sites. Mean taxa richness was high, ranging from 22 to 30 among sites. The invertebrate taxa of the Current River and Jacks Fork are largely intolerant across all taxa represented (mean tolerance value= ~4.25). Mean HBI did not exceed 3.9 in the Current River or 4.4 for the Jacks Fork. Mean SCI scores across sampling sites generally were well above 16, indicating they are not impaired. Habitat and water quality data were summarized, but they were poorly correlated with individual invertebrate metrics. Sørenson’s similarity index was used to assess community similarity among sites, and similarity scores were then analyzed using ascendant hierarchical cluster analysis. Similarity among sites was 72% or greater. Cluster analysis showed that Current River and Jacks Fork sites clustered separately and in a downstream progression. The uppermost collection site on the Current River was most unlike the other sites, which probably relates to the distinct physical features of that site compared to the others. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) was used to evaluate the relationship of invertebrate metrics to habitat and water quality. The NMDS model was found to be a good fit (stress=0.04) and specific conductance, temperature, discharge, filamentous algae and aquatic vegetation were among the most important habitat variables in defining the relationship among sampling sites. The three lower Current River and Jacks Fork sites each were closely grouped in ordination space, but the three upper Current River sites were farther apart from each other. The influence of several large volume springs near those sites is suspected of producing such disparity through press type disturbances. Although the invertebrate communities and water quality in the Current River and Jacks Fork are largely sound and have high biological condition, ongoing and projected threats to these resources remain, and those threats largely originate outside park jurisdictional boundaries. Inherent variability of invertebrate community diversity across sites and years highlights the importance of using multi-metric assessments and multiyear monitoring to support management decisions