58 research outputs found

    A Generalization of the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem on Complete Equipartite Graphs

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    The Hamilton-Waterloo problem asks for which ss and rr the complete graph KnK_n can be decomposed into ss copies of a given 2-factor F1F_1 and rr copies of a given 2-factor F2F_2 (and one copy of a 1-factor if nn is even). In this paper we generalize the problem to complete equipartite graphs K(n:m)K_{(n:m)} and show that K(xyzw:m)K_{(xyzw:m)} can be decomposed into ss copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length xzmxzm; and rr copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length yzmyzm, whenever mm is odd, s,r1s,r\neq 1, gcd(x,z)=gcd(y,z)=1\gcd(x,z)=\gcd(y,z)=1 and xyz0(mod4)xyz\neq 0 \pmod 4. We also give some more general constructions where the cycles in a given two factor may have different lengths. We use these constructions to find solutions to the Hamilton-Waterloo problem for complete graphs

    A survey on constructive methods for the Oberwolfach problem and its variants

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    The generalized Oberwolfach problem asks for a decomposition of a graph GG into specified 2-regular spanning subgraphs F1,,FkF_1,\ldots, F_k, called factors. The classic Oberwolfach problem corresponds to the case when all of the factors are pairwise isomorphic, and GG is the complete graph of odd order or the complete graph of even order with the edges of a 11-factor removed. When there are two possible factor types, it is called the Hamilton-Waterloo problem. In this paper we present a survey of constructive methods which have allowed recent progress in this area. Specifically, we consider blow-up type constructions, particularly as applied to the case when each factor consists of cycles of the same length. We consider the case when the factors are all bipartite (and hence consist of even cycles) and a method for using circulant graphs to find solutions. We also consider constructions which yield solutions with well-behaved automorphisms.Comment: To be published in the Fields Institute Communications book series. 23 pages, 2 figure

    On the Hamilton-Waterloo problem: the case of two cycles sizes of different parity

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    The Hamilton-Waterloo problem asks for a decomposition of the complete graph of order v into r copies of a 2-factor F1 and s copies of a 2-factor F2 such that r+s = v−1 2 . If F1 consists of m-cycles and F2 consists of n cycles, we say that a solution to (m, n)- HWP(v; r, s) exists. The goal is to find a decomposition for every possible pair (r, s). In this paper, we show that for odd x and y, there is a solution to (2kx, y)-HWP(vm; r, s) if gcd(x, y) ≥ 3, m ≥ 3, and both x and y divide v, except possibly when 1 ∈ {r, s}

    Two Problems of Gerhard Ringel

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    Gerhard Ringel was an Austrian Mathematician, and is regarded as one of the most influential graph theorists of the twentieth century. This work deals with two problems that arose from Ringel\u27s research: the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem, and the problem of R-Sequences. The Hamilton-Waterloo Problem (HWP) in the case of Cm-factors and Cn-factors asks whether Kv, where v is odd (or Kv-F, where F is a 1-factor and v is even), can be decomposed into r copies of a 2-factor made entirely of m-cycles and s copies of a 2-factor made entirely of n-cycles. Chapter 1 gives some general constructions for such decompositions and apply them to the case where m=3 and n=3x. This problem is settle for odd v, except for a finite number of x values. When v is even, significant progress is made on the problem, although open cases are left. In particular, the difficult case of v even and s=1 is left open for many situations. Chapter 2 generalizes the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem to complete equipartite graphs K(n:m) and shows that K(xyzw:m) can be decomposed into s copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length xzm and r copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length yzm, whenever m is odd, s,r≠1, gcd(x,z)=gcd(y,z)=1 and xyz≠0 (mod 4). Some more general constructions are given for the case when the cycles in a given two factor may have different lengths. These constructions are used to find solutions to the Hamilton-Waterloo problem for complete graphs. Chapter 3 completes the proof of the Friedlander, Gordon and Miller Conjecture that every finite abelian group whose Sylow 2-subgroup either is trivial or both non-trivial and non-cyclic is R-sequenceable. This settles a question of Ringel for abelian groups

    Cyclic cycle systems of the complete multipartite graph

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    In this paper, we study the existence problem for cyclic \ell-cycle decompositions of the graph Km[n]K_m[n], the complete multipartite graph with mm parts of size nn, and give necessary and sufficient conditions for their existence in the case that 2(m1)n2\ell \mid (m-1)n

    On the minisymposium problem

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    The generalized Oberwolfach problem asks for a factorization of the complete graph KvK_v into prescribed 22-factors and at most a 11-factor. When all 22-factors are pairwise isomorphic and vv is odd, we have the classic Oberwolfach problem, which was originally stated as a seating problem: given vv attendees at a conference with tt circular tables such that the iith table seats aia_i people and i=1tai=v{\sum_{i=1}^t a_i = v}, find a seating arrangement over the v12\frac{v-1}{2} days of the conference, so that every person sits next to each other person exactly once. In this paper we introduce the related {\em minisymposium problem}, which requires a solution to the generalized Oberwolfach problem on vv vertices that contains a subsystem on mm vertices. That is, the decomposition restricted to the required mm vertices is a solution to the generalized Oberwolfach problem on mm vertices. In the seating context above, the larger conference contains a minisymposium of mm participants, and we also require that pairs of these mm participants be seated next to each other for m12\left\lfloor\frac{m-1}{2}\right\rfloor of the days. When the cycles are as long as possible, i.e.\ vv, mm and vmv-m, a flexible method of Hilton and Johnson provides a solution. We use this result to provide further solutions when vm2(mod4)v \equiv m \equiv 2 \pmod 4 and all cycle lengths are even. In addition, we provide extensive results in the case where all cycle lengths are equal to kk, solving all cases when mvm\mid v, except possibly when kk is odd and vv is even.Comment: 25 page

    A generalization of Heffter arrays

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    In this paper we define a new class of partially filled arrays, called relative Heffter arrays, that are a generalization of the Heffter arrays introduced by Archdeacon in 2015. Let v=2nk+tv=2nk+t be a positive integer, where tt divides 2nk2nk, and let JJ be the subgroup of Zv\mathbb{Z}_v of order tt. A Ht(m,n;s,k)H_t(m,n; s,k) Heffter array over Zv\mathbb{Z}_v relative to JJ is an m×nm\times n partially filled array with elements in Zv\mathbb{Z}_v such that: (a) each row contains ss filled cells and each column contains kk filled cells; (b) for every xZvJx\in \mathbb{Z}_v\setminus J, either xx or x-x appears in the array; (c) the elements in every row and column sum to 00. Here we study the existence of square integer (i.e. with entries chosen in ±{1,,2nk+t2}\pm\left\{1,\dots,\left\lfloor \frac{2nk+t}{2}\right\rfloor \right\} and where the sums are zero in Z\mathbb{Z}) relative Heffter arrays for t=kt=k, denoted by Hk(n;k)H_k(n;k). In particular, we prove that for 3kn3\leq k\leq n, with k5k\neq 5, there exists an integer Hk(n;k)H_k(n;k) if and only if one of the following holds: (a) kk is odd and n0,3(mod4)n\equiv 0,3\pmod 4; (b) k2(mod4)k\equiv 2\pmod 4 and nn is even; (c) k0(mod4)k\equiv 0\pmod 4. Also, we show how these arrays give rise to cyclic cycle decompositions of the complete multipartite graph