55 research outputs found

    Cycle-factorization of symmetric complete multipartite digraphs

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    AbstractFirst, we show that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a C3-factorization of the symmetric tripartite digraph Kn1,n2,n3∗, is n1 = n2 = n3. Next, we show that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a C̄2k-factorization of the symmetric complete multipartite digraph Kn1, n2,…,nm is n1 = n2 = … = nm = 0 (mod k) for even m and n1 = n2 = … = ≡ 0 (mod 2k) for odd m

    Star-factorization of symmetric complete bipartite multi-digraphs

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    AbstractWe show that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an Sk-factorization of the symmetric complete bipartite multi-digraph λKm,n∗ is m=n≡0(modk(k−1)/d), where d=(λ,k−1)

    Multipartite Moore digraphs

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    We derive some Moore-like bounds for multipartite digraphs, which extend those of bipartite digraphs, under the assumption that every vertex of a given partite set is adjacent to the same number δ\delta of vertices in each of the other independent sets. We determine when a Moore multipartite digraph is weakly distance-regular. Within this framework, some necessary conditions for the existence of a Moore rr-partite digraph with interpartite outdegree δ>1\delta>1 and diameter k=2mk=2m are obtained. In the case δ=1\delta=1, which corresponds to almost Moore digraphs, a necessary condition in terms of the permutation cycle structure is derived. Additionally, we present some constructions of dense multipartite digraphs of diameter two that are vertex-transitive

    Author index to volumes 197/198 (1999)

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    Master index of volumes 161–170

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    A new family of posets generalizing the weak order on some Coxeter groups

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    We construct a poset from a simple acyclic digraph together with a valuation on its vertices, and we compute the values of its M\"obius function. We show that the weak order on Coxeter groups of type A, B, affine A, and the flag weak order on the wreath product Z_r≀S_n\mathbb{Z} \_r \wr S\_n introduced by Adin, Brenti and Roichman, are special instances of our construction. We conclude by associating a quasi-symmetric function to each element of these posets. In the AA and A~\widetilde{A} cases, this function coincides respectively with the classical Stanley symmetric function, and with Lam's affine generalization


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    DIGRAC: Digraph Clustering Based on Flow Imbalance

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    Node clustering is a powerful tool in the analysis of networks. We introduce a graph neural network framework to obtain node embeddings for directed networks in a self-supervised manner, including a novel probabilistic imbalance loss, which can be used for network clustering. Here, we propose directed flow imbalance measures, which are tightly related to directionality, to reveal clusters in the network even when there is no density difference between clusters. In contrast to standard approaches in the literature, in this paper, directionality is not treated as a nuisance, but rather contains the main signal. DIGRAC optimizes directed flow imbalance for clustering without requiring label supervision, unlike existing GNN methods, and can naturally incorporate node features, unlike existing spectral methods. Experimental results on synthetic data, in the form of directed stochastic block models, and real-world data at different scales, demonstrate that our method, based on flow imbalance, attains state-of-the-art results on directed graph clustering, for a wide range of noise and sparsity levels and graph structures and topologies.Comment: 36 pages (10 pages for main text, 3 pages for references
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