5 research outputs found

    A Code of Ethics for Self-Driving Vehicles

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    As self-driving technology advances, relevant ethical frameworks must be developed to guide the engineering profession. This paper provides a deeper understanding of the ethical issues associated with self-driving vehicles. It reviews the relevant literature which makes it clear that there are several key ethical issues which must inform the development of a code of ethics specific to this field. These can be grouped into the four key principles: responsibility, safety, transparency and sustainability. The proposed code of ethics is then applied to a specific case study to evaluate it. The case study introduced is that of self-driving cars as rental cars with specific reference to the New Zealand context. This case study provides a complex real-world situation for the proposed code to be evaluated with. Applying the code of ethics to this case study indicates that the proposed code of ethics offers a relevant ethical framework to guide the engineering profession in self-driving vehicles

    Human Factors in the Cybersecurity of Autonomous Vehicles: Trends in Current Research

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    The cybersecurity of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is an important emerging area of research in traffic safety. Because human failure is the most common reason for a successful cyberattack, human-factor researchers and psychologists might improve AV cybersecurity by researching how to decrease the probability of a successful attack. We review some areas of research connected to the human factor in cybersecurity and find many potential issues. Psychologists might research the characteristics of people prone to cybersecurity failure, the types of scenarios they fail in and the factors that influence this failure or over-trust of AV. Human behavior during a cyberattack might be researched, as well as how to educate people about cybersecurity. Multitasking has an effect on the ability to defend against a cyberattack and research is needed to set the appropriate policy. Human-resource researchers might investigate the skills required for personnel working in AV cybersecurity and how to detect potential defectors early. The psychological profile of cyber attackers should be investigated to be able to set policies to decrease their motivation. Finally, the decrease of driver’s driving skills as a result of using AV and its connection to cybersecurity skills is also worth of research

    Autonomisen ajoneuvon tietokonenäkö ja tietoturvahyökkäyksiltä puolustautuminen

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    Itseohjautuvat ajoneuvot tekevät tuloaan kuluttajamarkkinoille, ja mukana autojen suunnittelussa ovat sekä maailman suurimmat ajoneuvovalmistajat että teknologiayhtiöt. Valmistajat kaavailevat ajoneuvojensa julkaisua vuosien 2017 ja 2022 välille, joten pian alkanee tapahtumaan mielenkiintoisia asioita autonomisten ajoneuvojen jakaessa ihmisten kanssa saman liikennejärjestelmän. Autonomisen auton toimintaan liittyy keskeisesti erilaisten uusien ja hieman vanhempienkin teknologioiden mahdollistama tietokonenäkö, joka käytännössä sulauttaa yhteen erilaisten apulaitteiden, kuten tutkien ja videokameroiden, ympäristöstä keräämän datan. Tietokonenäkö tuo mukanaan paitsi paljon ihmissilmää tarkemman kuvan ympäristöstä, myös lukuisia tietoturvauhkia jotka ajoneuvovalmistajien on suunnittelussa otettava huomioon. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käydään läpi autonomisen ajoneuvon historiaa ja lähitulevaisuuden näkymiä sekä perehdytään siihen, millaisia teknologioita ajoneuvojen tietokonenäkö käyttää hyödykseen. Tämän jälkeen esitellään tietokonenäköön liittyviä tietoturvauhkia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin kaksi menetelmää, häiriöiden havainnointi sekä edistynyt tietokonenäön sensorifuusio, joiden avulla esiteltyihin tietoturvariskeihin voidaan varautua

    Enhancing Safety: the Challenge of Foresight

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    We live in a world where advancement in technology coupled with human’s creative and innovative mind has led to the design of safer and better performing infrastructures (nuclear power plants, chemical process plants, high speed trains, spaceplanes, etc.), which are necessary for modern society. However, due to the interconnected socio-economic and technological landscape that is rapidly evolving, safety continues to have many new challenges (known unknowns, unknown unknowns) that add onto changed variants of the old challenges (e.g. modified knowns). Additionally, governance and legislation can be slow to catch up with this dynamic pace of change. At times, overregulation can occur, resulting in a significant resource investment towards compliance for existing infrastructure operators or for aspiring start-ups that would like to enter the market, but end up struggling or even abandoning the sector. Inspired by this background, the European Safety and Reliability Data Association’s Foresight in Safety Project Group prepared the 53rd ESReDA seminar with a purpose to launch an open dialogue with stakeholders in the safety arena. Thus, by providing an open forum where experiences in foresight in safety approaches from different sectors could be shared, cross-fertilisation of ideas, such as how foresight could be mainstreamed into safety practice in a more consistent manner, could be discussed. The project group will build on this rich compendium of experiences in its future endeavours.JRC.E.7-Knowledge for Security and Migratio

    Enhancing Safety: the Challenge of Foresight - ESReDA Project Group Foresight in Safety

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    This Deliverable is the result of a joint effort by experts, working in the fields of risks management, accident analysis, learning from experience and safety management. They come from 10 countries mainly from Europe and also from USA and Australia. Their expertise covers several industrial sectors. They attempted to provide useful information, both from a theoretical and a practical point of views, about "Foresight in Safety". Safety is still an ongoing issue for which a number of subjects remain under debate (e.g. is goal of safety to ensure that 'as few things as possible go wrong' or to ensure that ‘as many things as possible go right’?). Anyway, we can assume that safety is to act in a way for both the process continues to be run right and that errors and failures to not lead to a major accident. Even if "foresight in safety" is the implicit underlying goal of every practitioner in safety, the outlines of its domain remain blurred and the relevant topics associated with it have never been clearly defined. A humble ambition of this Deliverable is to display some aspects of "foresight in safety" according to the current state of practices and scientific knowledge.JRC.G.10-Knowledge for Nuclear Security and Safet