154,059 research outputs found

    Impact of ATM Service on Customer Perception and Satisfaction of Indian Banks

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    . Indian banking sector has completely changed. It has undergone much technological advancement that makes banking easy. Technological advancements are important but at the end what build customer satisfaction is proper management, employee behavior and customer relationship handling. Customer satisfaction is a sum of many variables that is many factors together leads to customer satisfaction. This modern electronic banking has completely changed the concept and functioning of banking system in India. Indian banking has moved from cash economy to cheque to and finally to the use of plastic cards. The customer satisfaction is dependent on customer awareness to a lot of extent. An unaware customer has less knowledge and therefore they cannot use the facilities completely even if they have it at their disposal. Customers prefer public sector banks when they are looking for trust and security and reliability. When it comes to speed, advancements and up gradation people shits from public sector banks to private sector banks. Customer gets satisfied only when they get quality service from the brand they are dealing with. This is very important for the marketers or the service providers as this leads to consumer satisfaction which benefits them and this brings loyalty to the brand enhancing the brand positioning. This research is important because new modern era has made people technology savvy they start their day with technology and end with technology therefore it is important to see the perception of users towards various factors of ATM. This research is conducted to see the highlighting factors that have direct impact on ATM services

    Boosting Total Relationship Marketing

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    This paper explores the track of marketing, by referring to the literature, through the advancements in digitalized technological systems particularly Information Technologies (IT), the emergence of a more broadly educated and more discerning consumer with increasing discretionary spending and purchasing power, the adoption of Total Quality Management (TQM) as the biggest competitive issue of 1990s, the growth of the service economy, the increase of competitive intensity and its impact on customer retention, and finally from a production-oriented definition of marketing to customer-oriented one(transaction to relationships). Actually all these variables are considered to be the main drivers of Relationship Marketing (RM) that led the pathway to Total Relationship Marketing (TRM).Relationship Marketing; Marketing; Total Quality Management; Total Relationship Marketing

    The Role of Internet in Marketing Strategies

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    The use of the Internet has increased in recent years remarkably. Conducting business in the digital economy means using Web- based systems on the Internet and other electronic networks to do some form of electronic commerce. Many research findings confirm and support being of positive effects of Internet on an enterprise's competitive advantage. In this paper, I will illustrate that enterprises can acquire relational and informational competency through Internet technology, and based on these competencies they can succeed in competitive cyber markets. According to the Internet competencies, Internet marketing strategies can be divided into five categories: Transactional, Profile, Customer-oriented, Relationship, and Knowledge strategies. Choosing and implementing any category of strategies depends on the degree of internet competencies (informational and relational) that a firm has. When both are high, proper internet marketing strategy seems to be knowledge strategies; and when both are low, transactional internet marketing strategies would be the suitable category.Internet marketing strategies; Information technologies; Network computing; Digital economy; Information system.

    E-Business Models In The Travel Industry

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    Drawing on recently published data, this report examines some of the trends in travel e-commerce. Using a case study approach, the author examines in detail some of the e-business models impacting on the travel industry both in the Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) markets. Although B2C leisure transactions currently account for just 1% of the value of global travel, there is real potential for future growth. However to be successful both new entrants and existing players will need to ensure their e-business model adds value for the customer, otherwise their position in the value chain will be threatened. The most immediate potential for growth and profitability lies in the B2B market, particularly in the development of vertical portals or community extranets. These are virtual spaces enabling travel buyers and suppliers to trade online. The integration of legacy systems with Internet Protocol (IP) technology is taking place across a range of travel sectors and will provide the platform on which a wide range of e-business applications can be developed. This development will lead to the ultimate catalyst for travel e-business -- the convergence of data (internet), voice (telephone) and video (television)

    Regional tourist destinations - the role of information and communications technology (ICT) in collaboration amongst tourism providers

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    The tourism industry can be seen as one of the first business sectors where business functions are almost exclusively using information and communications technologies (ICT). This has impacted on the way in which regional tourism destinations are promoted. The method of promoting regions via the development of regional tourist destination websites or portals using Internet technologies is increasingly being adopted both in Australia and around the world. This paper investigates whether this approach is the most effective to achieve increased awareness and subsequent visitation of a region. Are there other ways to achieve a similar outcome? One such alternative is via a bottom up approach achieved through co-opetition or collaboration established within the group of local tourism industry operators. This cooperative networking is made possible via the use of ICT to facilitate the establishment of virtual business networks amongst tourism operators in a local community, cascading into an informal secondary tourism network within that region. In many Australian regional areas the tourism bureau has been the key node for local tourism, but this structure has been fraught with many problems. Little is known about their effectiveness in delivering services to local small and medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs). The role of tourism bureaus in local tourism networks is changing and a study of this dynamic is provided here as an example of the interaction between top down and bottom up approaches. Published case studies from around the world are considered demonstrating alternative approaches to using ICT to promote a region and communicate with potential visitors. Future empirical research is required to more fully understand the effectiveness of the different approaches