7,501 research outputs found

    Wissensstandsanalyse zum Verbraucher- und Ernährungsverhalten bei ökologischen Lebensmitteln mit Einbezug der Außer-Haus-Verpflegung

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    Die vorliegende Studie enthält einen umfassenden Überblick zur nationalen wie internationalen Verbraucherforschung für Öko-Lebensmittel. Insgesamt wurden 562 Publikationen basierend auf 338 wissenschaftlichen Studien aus dem Zeitraum Januar 2000 bis Juni 2011 zu den Themengebieten Determinanten des Verbraucherverhaltens, Verbrauchersegmentierung, Produkt-, Preis-, Kommunikations- und Distributionspolitik sowie Außer-Haus-Verzehr analysiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Datengrundlage und Methodik bewertet. Die Betrachtung der einschlägigen englisch- und deutschsprachigen Literatur lieferte Erkenntnisse zum Wissensstand über die Verbraucherforschung für Öko-Lebensmittel und ermöglichte die Identifizierung relevanter Forschungslücken für Deutschland, die richtungsweisend für die zukünftige Forschung ist. Insgesamt ergab sich eine hohe Publikationsdichte insbesondere in den letzten vier Jahren. Zu den zahlenmäßig am häufigsten behandelten Themengebieten gehören die Determinanten des Verbraucherverhaltens, die Produktpolitik sowie die Preispolitik. Dennoch sind auch hier viele gänzlich unbearbeitete Fragestellungen, bspw. zu den Geschmackspräferenzen unterschiedlicher Verbraucher-gruppen, zu umweltfreundlichen Verpackungen sowie zur Preiskenntnis und Preispsychologie des Konsumenten, zu finden. Darüber hinaus konnten innovative Aspekte der Trendforschung zum Thema Öko-Lebensmittel ausgemacht werden. Andere Themengebiete wie zum Beispiel Kommunikationspolitik und Außer-Haus-Verzehr sind bisher kaum untersucht. Die Status-Quo-Analyse wurde mit den Ergebnissen aus einer Online-Befragung und einem Experten-Workshop ergänzt, um die Relevanz der identifizierten Forschungslücken einzuschätzen und den Forschungsbedarf aus Praktiker- und Expertensicht zu ermitteln. Aus dieser umfassenden Analyse konnten konkret Empfehlungen für zukünftige Forschungsschwerpunkte in Deutschland abgeleitet werden

    Evaluating whether a change in organisational structure would improve its competitive advantage

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    The purpose of this research is to study and analyse the internal and external structure of Ultimate Clean ltd, where I do work. We have put concentration on background of the company in the starting. This information is followed by aim and scope of research, which shows that what is the research question and what is scope of our research. After that Literature review is elaborated under five main subheadings. These subheading gives us deep information about the literature of organisation structure, competitive advantage. After that, Organisational context with internal and external analyse of the company is given which highlight the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the company. Some external factors like political, economic, social and legal, are also discussed in this report. Then some information is given for method of research that why we use it, where and when it is used. Some limitations are also discussed in this report of method. After this, result section comes. In this section, we discussed deeply about the answers of customers, employees and employer. We prepare a discussion of the result and conclude it wisely. In the end, some recommendations are also given to improve organisational structure of Ultimate Clean ltd. We suggest a new structure for the organisation to develop within company to have a good competitive advantage in market place. A big list of references is also given in the end of this report

    Psychographic And Behavioral Segmentation Of Food Delivery Application Customers To Increase Intention To Use

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThis study presents a framework for segmenting Food Delivery Application (FDA) customers based on psychographic and behavioral variables as an alternative to existing segmentation. Customer segments are proposed by applying clustering methods to primary data from an electronic survey. Psychographic and behavioral constructs are formulated as hypotheses based on existing literature, and then evaluated as segmentation variables regarding their discriminatory power for customer segmentation. Detected relevant variables are used in the application of clustering techniques to find adequate boundaries within customer groupings for segmentation purposes. Characterization of customer segments is performed and enriched with implications of findings in FDA marketing strategies. This paper contributes to theory by providing new findings on segmentation that are relevant for an online context. In addition, it contributes to practice by detailing implications of customer segments in an online sales strategy, allowing marketing managers and FDA businesses to capitalize knowledge in their conversion funnel designs

    Opinion mining and sentiment analysis in marketing communications: a science mapping analysis in Web of Science (1998–2018)

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    Opinion mining and sentiment analysis has become ubiquitous in our society, with applications in online searching, computer vision, image understanding, artificial intelligence and marketing communications (MarCom). Within this context, opinion mining and sentiment analysis in marketing communications (OMSAMC) has a strong role in the development of the field by allowing us to understand whether people are satisfied or dissatisfied with our service or product in order to subsequently analyze the strengths and weaknesses of those consumer experiences. To the best of our knowledge, there is no science mapping analysis covering the research about opinion mining and sentiment analysis in the MarCom ecosystem. In this study, we perform a science mapping analysis on the OMSAMC research, in order to provide an overview of the scientific work during the last two decades in this interdisciplinary area and to show trends that could be the basis for future developments in the field. This study was carried out using VOSviewer, CitNetExplorer and InCites based on results from Web of Science (WoS). The results of this analysis show the evolution of the field, by highlighting the most notable authors, institutions, keywords, publications, countries, categories and journals.The research was funded by Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014‐2020, grant number “La reputación de las organizaciones en una sociedad digital. Elaboración de una Plataforma Inteligente para la Localización, Identificación y Clasificación de Influenciadores en los Medios Sociales Digitales (UMA18‐ FEDERJA‐148)” and The APC was funded by the same research gran

    베트남 소비자들의 한국 인삼 제품 구매에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석: 다낭과 후에를 중심으로

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :농업생명과학대학 농경제사회학부(농경제학전공),2019. 8. Jung, Jin Hwa.This study aims to identify factors influencing the purchase intentions of Vietnamese consumers towards Korean ginseng root products and further propose appropriate marketing strategies. The data was collected from 701 consumers in Hue and Da Nang through an online survey and analyzed using the exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that perceived value and household with elderly affected the purchase intention of consumers in both Hue and Da Nang. While traditional word of mouth was found as a factor influencing consumers in Hue, consumers in Da Nang were positively affected by electronic word of mouth. With further regard to Da Nang, in addition to income, the consumer attitude about social prestige and the social norm that Korean ginseng root products are only used for the elderly was also identified as another positive factor. Based on these findings, 4P marketing strategies are suggested to motivate the purchase intention in Hue and Da Nang. This study pointed out the differences between consumer purchase behavior in Hue and Da Nang, which indicates an incentive for marketers to develop specific marketing strategies for each region.본 연구는 베트남 소비자가 한국 인삼제품을 구매할 때 어떤 요인이 중요하게 작용하는지 분석하고, 이에 대한 마케팅 전략을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 분석자료 확보를 위해 베트남 다낭(Da Nang)지역과 후에(Hue)지역 701명의 소비자를 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시했으며, 이를 바탕으로 탐색적 요인 분석과 다중회귀 분석을 수행하였다. 본 연구는 후에(Hue)와 다낭(Da Nang) 지역을 나누어 분석함으로써 지역별 맞춤형 마케팅 전략을 개발할 수 있도록 유도했다는 데 의의가 있다. 주요 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인삼제품에 대한 주관적 가치(perceived value)가 높거나 고령자와 함께 거주하는 소비자의 경우, 두 지역 모두에서 한국 인삼제품을 구매할 의향이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 후에(Hue)지역 소비자의 인삼제품 구매의향은 전통적 입소문(traditional word of mouth)에 주로 영향을 받았으나, 다낭(Da Nang)지역 소비자는 매체를 통한 입소문(electronic word of mouth)에 많은 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 다낭(Da Nang)지역 소비자의 경우, 개인의 소득증가가 인삼제품 구매의향을 증가시키는 요인이었으며, 나아가 한국 인삼제품 소비가 고령자의 권위와 관련된다는 사회적 인식도 인삼제품 구매의향 증대의 주요 요인이었다. 넷째, 높은 영양분 함량이 인삼제품 구매결정에 중요한 영향 요인이며 다음으로 세련된 디자인 및 포장재, 브랜드 가치, 6년근 인삼여부, 신선도의 순서로 중요했다. 다섯째, 인삼제품 구매장소 선호도에서 다낭(Da Nang)과 후에(Hue)의 소비자들은 차이를 보였다. 구체적으로, 다낭(Da Nang)지역 소비자는 전문 매장을 선호하며, 후에(Hue)지역 소비자는 지인을 통해 구매하거나 한국 여행을 통해 직접 구매하는 것을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 베트남의 두 지역 모두에서 한국 인삼제품 수요가 개인 및 가족의 건강에 대한 관심, 사회적 명성, 원만한 대인관계 등에 기인하는 것을 보여주고 있다. 다시 말해, 소비자는 인삼제품을 구매하기 위한 일련의 정보(판매처의 연락처 및 신뢰도, 결제방법, 유통 및 저장 방식 등)에 민감하게 반응한다. 이러한 상황에서 가족은 물론 소셜 네트워크, 대중매체, 여행업체 등 많은 외부요인들이 제품정보를 개인에게 효과적으로 제공하고 있으며, 이러한 과정이 베트남 소비자의 한국 인삼제품에 대한 수요에 영향을 미친다고 볼 수 있다. 분석결과를 정리했을 때, 후에(Hue)와 다낭(Da Nang) 소비자의 구매 의향을 높이기 위해 4P 마케팅 전략이 실시될 필요가 있다고 판단된다.Abstract i Table of Contents iii List of Figures v List of Tables vi Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1. Statement of the problem 1 2. Research objectives 5 3. Scope of study 6 4. Significance of the study 6 Chapter 2. Literature Review 8 1. Consumer behavior theory 8 1.1. Consumer purchase intention 8 1.2. Consumer buying behavior 8 1.3. Consumer buying decisions models 10 2. Research on purchase behavior 14 2.1. Factors affecting purchase intention towards healthy products 14 2.2. Consumer behavior towards Korean ginseng products 18 Chapter 3. Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses 22 1. Consumer awareness and its influence on purchase intention 22 2. Perceived value and its influence on purchase intention 23 3. Word of mouth and its influence on purchase intention 25 4. Demographic variables 26 Chapter 4. Methodology 28 1. Data collection 28 2. Data analysis 34 2.1. Results of the reliability of measurements test 34 2.2. Results of exploratory factor analysis 35 2.3. Pearson correlation coefficients 39 Chapter 5. Results 43 1. Purchase behavior towards Korean ginseng root products 43 1.1. Need recognition of Korean ginseng root products 43 1.2. Information search 45 1.3. Evaluation of alternatives 47 1.4. Purchase intention and purchase decision 48 1.5. Post purchase evaluation 49 2. Results of hypothesis test 50 2.1. The case of Hue 50 2.2. The case of Da Nang 52 Chapter 6. Discussion and Conclusion 57 1. Summary and discussion 57 1.1. Purchase behavior towards Korean ginseng root products in Hue and Da Nang 57 1.2. Results of hypothesis test 59 2. Implications 60 2.1. Korean companies 60 2.2. Korean government 63 3. Limitations 63 3.1. The limitation of methodology 63 3.2. The limitation of research scope 64 Appendix 75 국문초록 108 Acknowledgement 111Maste

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given


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    The advances in technology hold great potential for helping Romanian government respond to its challenges namely, better service delivery, better procurement, efficient working and better communication with citizens and businesses. While the European Commission develops the main strategies on eGovernment, every member state has the freedom to identify its own necessities and decide according to specific social, administrative and economic context. Designing, cost setting, choosing the best supply channels or communicating with involved actors, are all marketing instruments which, if used accordingly, can ensure modern and efficient public services. This paper presents an analysis of the degree of development of public services available at the "www.e-guvernare.ro" portal, the single point of access for specific Romanian electronic public services.electronic government, public services, marketing instrument, development, internet

    Purchasing food becomes omnichannel: understanding food shopper segments and lifestyles

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    Global consumption trends and technological disruption is creating the path towards an omnichannel approach in food B2C selling. Food companies have seen an unprecedented evolution in this context, that is challenging their marketing strategies. This thesis tackles this problem by developing a segmentation study in France, employing Latent Class Analysis, based on the use of multiple touchpoints across the food purchase process, aiming to identify customer profiles, channel allocation, and psychographic characteristics related to food consumption. Three segments were identified: Early Omnichannel Adopters, Curious Conservatives, and Uninterested Traditional shoppers. The findings reveal key differences in their adoption of online and mobile touchpoints across the purchase stages, in their expertise purchasing food online, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in channel allocation. A Multinomial logistic regression was then performed to determine psychodemographic differences between the segments and allowing to characterize their food-related lifestyles. The insights developed in this research confirms the utility of LCA analysis to segment customers considering different food purchase phases and multiple touchpoints, using the most recent programming language software, and integrating specific covariates relevant to food shoppers. Food marketers can find valuable to implement a similar approach to reinvent strategies

    International Market Segmentation across Consumption and Communication Categories: Identity, Demographics, and Consumer Decisions and Online Habits

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    In this chapter we will discuss the different approaches to market segmentation and selection and explore how the selection process influences the company’s culture, its brand positioning, and how it is impacted upon by the overall marketing and communication strategy and vice versa. Some questions this chapter considers and discusses are: Which segments should firms’ international marketing activities (including financial, human resources, and the firm’s capabilities) focus on? How do multinationals decide if segmentation efforts are effective? Finally, we will explore how organizations1 can monitor and control the various activities and outcomes, in order to ensure sustainable competitive advantage(s) in a highly competitive marketplace and online marketspace