4,813 research outputs found

    Runtime protection via dataflow flattening

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    Software running on an open architecture, such as the PC, is vulnerable to inspection and modification. Since software may process valuable or sensitive information, many defenses against data analysis and modification have been proposed. This paper complements existing work and focuses on hiding data location throughout program execution. To achieve this, we combine three techniques: (i) periodic reordering of the heap, (ii) migrating local variables from the stack to the heap and (iii) pointer scrambling. By essentialy flattening the dataflow graph of the program, the techniques serve to complicate static dataflow analysis and dynamic data tracking. Our methodology can be viewed as a data-oriented analogue of control-flow flattening techniques. Dataflow flattening is useful in practical scenarios like DRM, information-flow protection, and exploit resistance. Our prototype implementation compiles C programs into a binary for which every access to the heap is redirected through a memory management unit. Stack-based variables may be migrated to the heap, while pointer accesses and arithmetic may be scrambled and redirected. We evaluate our approach experimentally on the SPEC CPU2006 benchmark suit

    Writer Identification Using Inexpensive Signal Processing Techniques

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    We propose to use novel and classical audio and text signal-processing and otherwise techniques for "inexpensive" fast writer identification tasks of scanned hand-written documents "visually". The "inexpensive" refers to the efficiency of the identification process in terms of CPU cycles while preserving decent accuracy for preliminary identification. This is a comparative study of multiple algorithm combinations in a pattern recognition pipeline implemented in Java around an open-source Modular Audio Recognition Framework (MARF) that can do a lot more beyond audio. We present our preliminary experimental findings in such an identification task. We simulate "visual" identification by "looking" at the hand-written document as a whole rather than trying to extract fine-grained features out of it prior classification.Comment: 9 pages; 1 figure; presented at CISSE'09 at http://conference.cisse2009.org/proceedings.aspx ; includes the the application source code; based on MARF described in arXiv:0905.123

    Eliminating the call stack to save RAM

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    ManuscriptMost programming languages support a call stack in the programming model and also in the runtime system.We show that for applications targeting low-power embedded microcontrollers (MCUs), RAM usage can be significantly decreased by partially or completely eliminating the runtime callstack. We present flattening, a transformation that absorbs a function into its caller, replacing function invocations and returns with jumps. Unlike inlining, flattening does not duplicate the bodies of functions that have multiple callsites. Applied aggressively, flattening results in stack elimination. Flattening is most useful in conjunction with a lifting transformation that moves global variables into a local scope. Flattening and lifting can save RAM. However, even more benefit can be obtained by adapting the compiler to cope with properties of flattened code. First, we show that flattening adds false paths that confuse a standard live variables analysis. The resulting problems can be mitigated by breaking spurious live-range conflicts between variables using information from the unflattened callgraph. Second, we show that the impact of high register pressure due to flattened and lifted code, and consequent spills out of the register allocator, can be mitigated by improving a compiler's stack layout optimizations. We have implemented both of these improvements in GCC, and have implemented flattening and lifting as source-to-source transformations. On a collection of applications for the AVR family of 8-bit MCUs, we show that total RAM usage can be reduced by 20% by compiling flattened and lifted programs with our improved GCC

    Methods to improve debug flow for intellectual property protection

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    Abstract. Every company wants to protect their intellectual property and limit customer visibility of confidential information. A company may protect its proprietary information by different ways. This thesis will compare different methods that try to protect intellectual property while maintaining the software debugging capability. Working with binary libraries without debug information makes customer support very difficult. When a company is developing a new product, time to market is important. Usually, the last months are very busy resolving urgent customer issues. Especially during this period, the slow process of debugging customer issues without debug information can cause delays and increase time to market. The goal of this thesis is to compare methods that protects intellectual property by making reverse engineering more difficult. Study of the upcoming GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) features related to debug data formats, such as DWARF5, is also carried out while working with the thesis. The approaches tried were split DWARF, injecting ELF files, stripping debug data, and code obfuscation. Also optimisation and their effect on disassembly was studied. The best solution was to compile the software with debug symbols and strip them to a separate file. This way the symbol data can be loaded separately into GDB. The symbol data layout and addresses are also always correct with the solution.Virheiden etsinnän työnkulun parantaminen immateriaaliomaisuudet huomioiden. Tiivistelmä. Yritykset haluavat suojella immateriaaliomaisuuksiaan ja rajoittaa asiakkaiden näkyvyyttä tietylle tasolle asti. Tämä lopputyö vertailee eri metodeja jotka koittavat suojata immateriaaliomaisuuksia, ilman että ohjelmiston virheidenkorjattavuus kärsii. Binäärikirjastot ilman virheenkorjaustietoja vaikeuttavat asiakkaan tukemista. Uutta tuotetta kehitettäessä, markkinoille tuloaika on yritykselle tärkeää. Yleensä viimeiset kuukaudet ovat kiireisiä asiakkaan ongelmien tutkimuksien kanssa ja kyseiset ongelmat tulisi olla ratkaistuna mahdollisimman nopeasti. Tämän lopputyön tavoitteena on vertailla mahdollisia metodeja, jotka suojaavat immateriaaliomaisuutta takaisinmallinnusta vastaan. Tarkoituksena on myös tutkia tulevia GNU kääntäjä-kokoelman (GCC:n) ominaisuuksia liittyen virheenkorjaustietoformaatteihin, kuten DWARF5. Ongelman ratkaisuun koitettiin pilkottuja virheenkorjaustietoja, ELFtiedoston injektointia, virheenkorjaustiedon riisumista ohjelmistosta ja koodin obfuskointia. Myös optimoinnin vaikutusta konekielestä takaisinmallinnettuun Assembly-muotoon tutkittiin. Paras ratkaisu oli kääntää ohjelmisto virheenkorjaustiedolla ja riisua ne omaan erilliseen tiedostoon. Näin ohjelmiston symbolitieto pystytään latamaan erikseen virheenjäljittemänä käytettyyn GNU Debuggeriin (GDB:hen). Näin symbolitietojen rakenne ja osoitteet ovat myös aina paikkansapitävät

    AUTSEG: Automatic Test Set Generator for Embedded Reactive Systems

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    Part 2: Tools and FrameworksInternational audienceOne of the biggest challenges in hardware and software design is to ensure that a system is error-free. Small errors in reactive embedded systems can have disastrous and costly consequences for a project. Preventing such errors by identifying the most probable cases of erratic system behavior is quite challenging. In this paper, we introduce an automatic test set generator called AUTSEG. Its input is a generic model of the target system, generated using the synchronous approach. Our tool finds the optimal preconditions for restricting the state space of the model. It only works locally on significant subspaces. Our approach exhibits a simpler and efficient quasi-flattening algorithm than existing techniques and a useful compiled form to check security properties and reduce the combinatorial explosion problem of state space. To illustrate our approach, AUTSEG was applied to the case of a transportation contactless card