232 research outputs found

    The Essential Role and the Continuous Evolution of Modulation Techniques for Voltage-Source Inverters in the Past, Present, and Future Power Electronics

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    The cost reduction of power-electronic devices, the increase in their reliability, efficiency, and power capability, and lower development times, together with more demanding application requirements, has driven the development of several new inverter topologies recently introduced in the industry, particularly medium-voltage converters. New more complex inverter topologies and new application fields come along with additional control challenges, such as voltage imbalances, power-quality issues, higher efficiency needs, and fault-tolerant operation, which necessarily requires the parallel development of modulation schemes. Therefore, recently, there have been significant advances in the field of modulation of dc/ac converters, which conceptually has been dominated during the last several decades almost exclusively by classic pulse-width modulation (PWM) methods. This paper aims to concentrate and discuss the latest developments on this exciting technology, to provide insight on where the state-of-the-art stands today, and analyze the trends and challenges driving its future

    A survey on capacitor voltage control in neutral-point-clamped multilevel converters

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    Neutral-point-clamped multilevel converters are currently a suitable solution for a wide range of applications. It is well known that the capacitor voltage balance is a major issue for this topology. In this paper, a brief summary of the basic topologies, modulations, and features of neutral-point-clamped multilevel converters is presented, prior to a detailed description and analysis of the capacitor voltage balance behavior. Then, the most relevant methods to manage the capacitor voltage balance are presented and discussed, including operation in the overmodulation region, at low frequency-modulation indexes, with different numbers of AC phases, and with different numbers of levels. Both open- and closed-loop methods are discussed. Some methods based on adding external circuitry are also presented and analyzed. Although the focus of the paper is mainly DC–AC conversion, the techniques for capacitor voltage balance in DC–DC conversion are discussed as well. Finally, the paper concludes with some application examples benefiting from the presented techniques.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Virtual Space Vectors based Model Predictive Control for Three-Level Converters

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    Three-phase three-level (3-L) voltage source converters (VSC), e.g., neutral-point clamped (NPC) converters, T-type converters, etc., have been deemed to be suitable for a wide range of medium- to high-power applications in microgrids (MGs) and bulk power systems. Compared to their two-level (2-L) counterparts, adopting 3-L VSCs in the MG applications not only reduces the voltage stress across the power semiconductor devices, which allows achieving higher voltage levels, but also improves the quality of the converter output waveforms, which further leads to considerably smaller output ac passive filters. Various control strategies have been proposed and implemented for 3-L VSCs. Among all the existing control methods, finite-control-set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) has been extensively investigated and applied due to its simple and intuitive design, fast-dynamic response and robustness against parameter uncertainties. However, to implement an FCS-MPC on a 3-L VSC, a multi-objective cost function, which consists of a term dedicated specifically to control the dc-link capacitor voltages such that the neutral-point voltage (NP-V) oscillations are minimized, must be designed. Nevertheless, selecting proper weighting factors for the multiple control objectives is difficult and time consuming. Additionally, adding the dc-link capacitor voltages balancing term to the cost function distributes the controller effort among different control targets, which severely impacts the primary goal of the FCS-MPC. Furthermore, to control the dc-link capacitor voltages, additional sensing circuitries are usually necessary to measure the dc-link capacitor voltages and currents, which consequently increases the system cost, volume and wiring complexity as well as reduces overall reliability. To address all the aforementioned challenges, in this dissertation research, a novel FCS-MPC method using virtual space vectors (VSVs), which do not affect the dc-link capacitor voltages of the 3-L VSCs, was proposed, implemented and validated. The proposed FCS-MPC strategy has the capability to achieve inherent balanced dc-link capacitor voltages. Additionally, the demonstrated control technique not only simplifies the controller design by allowing the use of a simplified cost function, but also improves the quality of the 3-L VSC output waveforms. Furthermore, the execution time of the proposed control algorithm was significantly reduced compared to that of the existing one. Lastly, the proposed FCS-MPC using the VSVs reduces the hardware cost and complexity as the additional dc-link capacitor voltages and current sensors are not required, which further enhances the overall system reliability

    Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High-Power Applications

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    | Multilevel converters are considered today as the state-of-the-art power-conversion systems for high-power and power-quality demanding applications. This paper presents a tutorial on this technology, covering the operating principle and the different power circuit topologies, modulation methods, technical issues and industry applications. Special attention is given to established technology already found in industry with more in-depth and self-contained information, while recent advances and state-of-the-art contributions are addressed with useful references. This paper serves as an introduction to the subject for the not-familiarized reader, as well as an update or reference for academics and practicing engineers working in the field of industrial and power electronics.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2001-3089Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia d TEC2006-0386

    Weighting factor design based on Artificial Neural Network for Finite Set MPC operated 3L-NPC converter

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    Finite Set MPC Algorithm for Achieving Thermal Redistribution in a Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter

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    Model Predictive Controlled Active NPC Inverter for Voltage Stress Balancing among the Semiconductor Power Switches

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper presents a model predictive controlled three-level three-phase active neutral-point-clamped (ANPC) inverter for distributing the voltage stress among the semiconductor power switches as well as balancing the neutral-point voltage. The model predictive control (MPC) concept uses the discrete variables and effectively operates the ANPC inverter by avoiding any linear controller or modulation techniques. A 4.0 kW three-level three-phase ANPC inverter is developed in the MATLAB/Simulink environment to verify the effectiveness of the proposed MPC scheme. The results confirm that the proposed model predictive controlled ANPC inverter equally distributes the voltage across all the semiconductor power switches and provides lowest THD (0.99%) compared with the traditional NPC inverter. Moreover, the neutral-point voltage balancing is accurately maintained by the proposed MPC algorithm. Furthermore, this MPC concept shows the robustness capability against the parameter uncertainties of the system which is also analyzed by MATLAB/Simulink

    Contrôle avancé des convertisseurs de puissance multi-niveaux pour applications sur réseaux faibles

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    139 p.El advenimiento progresivo de las microrredes que incorporan fuentes de energía renovable está dando lugar a un nuevo paradigma de distribución de la electricidad. Este nuevo planteamiento sirve de interfaz entre consumidores no controlados y fuentes intermitentes, implicando desafíos adicionales en materia de conversión, almacenamiento y gestión de la energía.Los convertidores de potencia se adaptan en consecuencia, en particular con el desarrollo de los convertidores multinivel, que integrando los mismos componentes que sus predecesores y un control más complejo, soportan potencias más altas y aseguran una mejor calidad de la energía.Debido al carácter híbrido de los convertidores de potencia, su control se divide comúnmente en dos partes: por un lado, el control de los objetivos continuos vinculados a la función principal de los convertidores de servir de interfaz, y, por otro, el control discreto de los interruptores de potencia, conocido con el nombre de modulación.En este contexto, las exigencias crecientes en términos de eficiencia, fiabilidad, versatilidad y rendimiento hacen necesaria una mejora de la inteligencia de la estructura de control. Para cumplir conestos requisitos, se propone tratar mediante un solo controlador ambas problemáticas, la vinculada a la función de interfaz de los convertidores y la relacionada con su naturaleza discreta. Esta decisión implica incorporar la no-linealidad de los convertidores de potencia en el controlador, lo que equivale a suprimir el bloque de modulación, que constituye la solución tradicional para linealizar el comportamiento interno de los convertidores. Se adopta un planteamiento de Control Predictivo basado en Modelos (MPC) para abordar la no-linealidad y la gran diversidad de objetivos de control que acompañan a los convertidores de potencia.El algoritmo desarrollado combina teoría de grafos ¿con algoritmos de Dijkstra, A* y otros¿ con un modelo de estado especial para sistemas conmutados al objeto de proporcionar una herramienta potente y universal, capaz de manipular simultáneamente el carácter cuantificado de los interruptores de potencia y el continuo de las entidades interconectadas por el convertidor. Se han obtenido resultados sobre la estabilidad y la controlabilidad de los modelos de estado conmutados aplicados al caso particular de los convertidores de potencia.El controlador así desarrollado y descrito se ha examinado en simulación frente a varios casos y aplicaciones: inversor aislado o conectado a la red, rectificador y convertidor bidireccional. Se ha empleado la misma estructura de control para tres topologías de convertidor multinivel: Neutral-Point Clamped, Flying Capacitor y Cascaded H-Bridge. Al objeto de adaptarse a los cambios citados, lo único que varía en el controlador es el modelo del convertidor adoptado para la predicción, así como la función de coste, que traduce los requisitos de control en un problema de optimización a solucionar por el algoritmo. Un cambio de topología resulta en una modificación del modelo interno, sin impacto sobre la función de coste, mientras que variaciones de esta función son suficientes para adaptarse a la aplicación.Los resultados muestran que el controlador logra actuar directamente sobre los interruptores de potencia en función de diversos requisitos. Los desempeños de la estructura de control propuesta son similares a los de las numerosas estructuras dedicadas a cada uno de los casos estudiados, excepto en el caso de operación en modo rectificador, en el que la versatilidad y rapidez de control obtenidos son particularmente interesantes.En definitiva, el controlador planteado puede emplearse para diferentes aplicaciones, topologías, objetivos y limitaciones. Si bien las estructuras de control lineal tradicionales han de modificarse, a menudo en profundidad, para afrontar diferentes modos de operación o requisitos de control, dichas alteraciones no tienen ningún impacto sobre la arquitectura del controlador MPC obtenido, lo que pone de manifiesto su versatilidad, así como su universalidad, también demostrada por su capacidad para adaptarse a diferentes convertidores de potencia sin modificaciones importantes. Finalmente, la solución propuesta elude por completo la complejidad de la modulación, ofreciendo simplicidad y flexibilidad al diseño del control