6 research outputs found

    Educational practices and strategies with immersive learning environments: mapping of reviews for using the metaverse

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    The educational metaverse promises fulfilling ambitions of immersive learning, leveraging technology-based presence alongside narrative and/or challenge-based deep mental absorption. Most reviews of immersive learning research were outcomes-focused, few considered the educational practices and strategies. These are necessary to provide theoretical and pedagogical frameworks to situate outcomes within a context where technology is in concert with educational approaches. We sought a broader perspective of the practices and strategies used in immersive learning environments, and conducted a mapping survey of reviews, identifying 47 studies. Extracted accounts of educational practices and strategies under thematic analysis yielded 45 strategies and 21 practices, visualized as a network clustered by conceptual proximity. Resulting clusters “Active context”, “Collaboration”, “Engagement and Scaffolding”, “Presence”, and “Real and virtual multimedia learning” expose the richness of practices and strategies within the field. The visualization maps the field, supporting decision-making when combining practices and strategies for using the metaverse in education, highlights which practices and strategies are supported by the literature, and the presence and absence of diversity within clusters.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral del personal asistencial del Hospital Distrital Walter Cruz Vilca 2021

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal establecer relación entre clima organizacional y satisfacción laboral en el personal asistencial del Hospital Distrital Walter Cruz Vilca, 2021. El tipo de investigación de acuerdo a la finalidad que persigue fue aplicado, con enfoque cuantitativo y diseño no experimental transversal y correlacional; se tomó como muestra a toda la población conformada por 49 colaboradores del nosocomio antes mencionado. El instrumento que se utilizó para la recolección de datos de ambas variables fue un cuestionario con valoración tipo Likert. Los resultados obtenidos del presente estudio demuestran que el nivel de satisfacción laboral es bajo de acuerdo al 32,7% y el clima organizacional es percibido como malo de acuerdo al 36,7%, obteniendo una significancia bilateral de 0,000 (p < 0.01) entre clima organizacional y la satisfacción laboral en el personal del hospital; mientras que a nivel de dimensiones se obtuvo resultados similares con valores menores a 0,05. Se concluye que el clima organizacional se relaciona significativamente con la calidad de servicio del mencionado hospital, es decir, a mejor clima organizacional mayor será la satisfacción laboral

    Exploring Preservice Teachers\u27 Affective Response to Disruptive Student Behavior in an Immersive Simulation Classroom

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    This mixed methods study investigated changes in preservice teachers\u27 affective response to disruptive student behavior within the TeachLivE, immersive simulation classroom. Preservice teachers completed two simulation teaching sessions, during which they were exposed to five different disruptive student behavior events in each. All teaching sessions were recorded and post-processed using iMotions Affectiva Affdex software to collect data on preservice teachers\u27 emotion expression and valence during their teaching experiences. At the end of each teaching session, participants completed a self-report survey on their level of stress. Simulated teaching sessions were followed-up with video stimulated recall sessions where participants reflected on their feelings during the simulation. The goal of this research was to examine changes in preservice teachers\u27 affective response to stress, with repeated exposure to disruptive student behavior, to determine if it had a desensitization effect, potentially increasing emotional regulation ability and decreasing negative emotional responses. Descriptive statistics were used to examine differences in emotional valence by disruptive student events and teaching sessions. Paired samples t-tests were conducted to examine if mean differences existed in self-reported stress within and between teaching sessions. Additional qualitative analysis of video stimulated recall sessions was conducted using thematic analysis. Analysis revealed minimal difference in preservice teachers\u27 positive or negative emotional valence in response to disruptive student behavior events within and between teaching sessions. There was a statistically significant change in self-reported stress from the first simulated teaching session to the second. Analysis of video stimulated recall reflections revealed themes of cognitive dissonance, behavior-induced stress, and difficulty with virtual behavior management

    Current and future methodologies of after action review in simulation-based training

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