8,157 research outputs found

    Business Startup and Cause Marketing in the Running Apparel Industry

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    Entrepreneurship has been the backbone of the American economy since the penning of the Declaration of Independence. Small businesses help the United States prosper and help create jobs for the American people. As today’s business world is increasingly changing in a technological and global way, entrepreneurs must consider many environmental conditions in their small business planning. Business start-up is a long process backed by research and market testing that will maximize the opportunity for success. One way many business start-ups have become successful is through cause-related marketing programs that many people support. Additionally, a particular industry that has proven to be successful despite tough economic times is the sports apparel industry, and specifically the running industry. This thesis will seek to tie together entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, and the running footwear and apparel industry. Entrepreneurs looking to get involved in the running industry can be successful in today’s business world if their venture is coupled with great start-up research, a great cause and a corporate social responsibility program

    Heinz Endowments 2009 Annual Report

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    Contains president's message, foundation history, 2009 grants list, financial summary, and list of board members and staff

    Nonprofit Journalism: A Growing but Fragile Part of the U.S. News System

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    The growing nonprofit news sector is showing some signs of economic health, and most leaders of those outlets express optimism about the future, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center. But many of these organizations also face substantial challenges to their long-term financial well-being.The report finds that large, often one-time seed grants from foundations help many of these nonprofit news outlets get up and running. But as those grants expire, many organizations do not have the resources or expertise necessary for the business tasks needed to broaden the funding base. More than half ofthe nonprofit news organizations surveyed by the Pew Research Centerin late 2012 (54%) identified business, marketing and fundraising as the area of greatest staffing need, compared with 39% who said the top need was for more editorial employees. In addition, nearly two-thirds of the nonprofits (62%) cited "finding the time to focus on the business side of the operation" as a major challenge -- compared with 55% who cited "increasing competition for grant money.

    Spartan Daily, October 5, 2016

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    Volume 147, Issue 15https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_2016/1055/thumbnail.jp

    Therapeutic Delivery Technology and its Economic Impact

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    Therapeutic delivery technology is a current area of high interest in both university and industrial settings. These technologies are being developed in order to deliver therapeutic agents, such as genes, proteins, and drugs, to patients more efficiently. Nanoscale delivery vehicles have proven to be useful for these applications; these vehicles may either be naturally produced or chemically synthesized. The physical properties of these nanomaterials must be characterized correctly using instrumentation that evaluates their size, morphology, and potential for agglomeration. These technologies represent a high-growth economic area that fosters entrepreneurship and innovation. Because of this innovative spirit, research and economic interest will continue to be focused on therapeutic delivery technologies

    Heinz Endowments 2008 Annual Report

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    Contains president's message, foundation history, 2008 grants list, financial summary, and list of board members and staff

    Increasing Access to Food: A Comprehensive Report on Food Supply Options

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    Access to food is one of the most important aspects of a healthy, sustainable community. Grocery stores and other suppliers can serve as an economic anchor to provide social benefits to communities. Unfortunately, many communities do not have convenient and/or affordable access to grocery items, particularly fresh produce. As part of Virginia Commonwealth University\u27s Fall 2019 graduate course on Urban Commercial Revitalization, class members researched 13 retail and other food access options, which are described in this report. Each chapter covers a food access option and provides basic information that will be useful to individuals, organizations, or government agencies that wish to attract and/or develop grocery operations in their communities

    New Hampshire University Research and Industry Plan: A Roadmap for Collaboration and Innovation

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    This University Research and Industry plan for New Hampshire is focused on accelerating innovation-led development in the state by partnering academia’s strengths with the state’s substantial base of existing and emerging advanced industries. These advanced industries are defined by their deep investment and connections to research and development and the high-quality jobs they generate across production, new product development and administrative positions involving skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)

    The Social Dilemma of Moving to a Mass Market

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    Social startup wanting to broaden their impact on society needs to move towards a mass market, something that may require an adaptation of its identity. By adapting the identity it can be seen as untrustworthy and unreliable. The choice is to either limit the good it can do for the world, or sacrifice the foundation of what the startup is. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of how the identity of social startups can be managed in the move towards a mass market. it was addressed by conducting a discourse analysis on three case studies. The findings points at moving towards a mass market as more complex for social startups because of their social orientation. It is proposed that social startups may want to remain in the niche and await for changes in society that will lower the barriers, rather than adapting to the mass market.Det sociala dilemmat med att förflytta sig mot en massmarknad. SamhÀllsentreprenörer behöver anpassa sig efter en massmarknad för att kunna maximera sin pÄverkan pÄ samhÀllet, nÄgot som kan leda till att dess rykte skadas. Studien handlar om de mest grundlÀggande antaganden om en organisation, det vill sÀga dess identitet. Att förÀndra identiteten Àr inget lÀtt beslut eftersom följderna bland annat kan innebÀra att organisationen upplevs som opÄlitlig, Àven om identitetsförÀndring i sig kan leda till en bÀttre position pÄ marknaden. DÀrför Àr det viktigt att undersöka hur identiteten pÄverkas av förÀndringen för att undvika att den upplevs som opÄlitlig. Det Àr en problematik som Àr extra tydlig hos samhÀllsentreprenörer, det vill sÀga entreprenörer som driver företag inte av frÀmst ekonomiska skÀl, utan för att bidra till en bÀttre vÀrld. För att maximera nyttan som samhÀllsentreprenörer bidrar med har det föreslagit att de behöver förflytta sig mot en massmarknad, vilket innebÀr att fler mÀnniskor nÄs och en större pÄverkan pÄ samhÀllet. Dock, vÀgen dit Àr inte alltid lÀtt. Ofta behöver samhÀllsentreprenörer anpassa sin identitet för att kunna bli attraktiva för massmarknaden. Om anpassningen innebÀr att samhÀllsentreprenören behöver begrÀnsa hur de gör vÀrlden bÀttre, kan de lÀtt framstÄ som opÄlitliga och deras identitet kan ifrÄgasÀttas. Det som studien har försökt att skapa en förstÄelse för Àr hur samhÀllsentreprenörer kan agera för att nÄ en massmarknad, utan att behöva fÄ sin identitet ifrÄgasatt. Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka identiteten hos tre samhÀllsentreprenörer och vilka hinder de sjÀlva har sett stÄ i vÀgen för att de ska kunna nÄ en massmarknad samt hur dessa hinder kan övervinnas. UtifrÄn det som hittades har sedan 3 generella slutsatser dragits. Studiens första slutsats pekar pÄ att orsaken till varför det upplevs som extra problematiskt för samhÀllsentreprenörer Àr pÄ grund av att de arbetar för en bÀttre vÀrld. Eftersom att samhÀllsentreprenören vÀrderar sin pÄverkan pÄ omvÀrlden och samhÀllet högre Àn, eller i alla fall lika högt som, ekonomisk vinning, innebÀr det att beslutet att Àndra identiteten och nÄ en massmarknad kan inte ske till priset av att anpassa sin pÄverkan. Studiens andra slutsats visar pÄ att samhÀllsentreprenörer, till skillnad frÄn vad tidigare forskning har föreslagit, inte automatiskt borde flytta sig mot en massmarknad. IstÀllet bör för- och nackdelarna noggrant övervÀgas och analyseras innan en eventuell förflyttning pÄbörjas. Studiens sista slutsats föreslÄr att om samhÀllsentreprenören ser hindrena för att nÄ en massmarknad som för höga, bör den istÀllet avvakta att omvÀrlden hinner ikapp för att undvika att uppfattas som opÄlitlig och permanent skada sitt rykte
