2,338,072 research outputs found


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    The paper attempts to make a critical analysis on the language used by women. Many sociolinguists who observe the language of men and women found that there are the differences of the way men and women using language. Gender seems to affect the variation of lexical choices, the syntactic preferences, the way women and men perceive conversation, and the way women and men behave in conversation. A lot of studies have categorized the characteristics of women, such as: using polite language, indirect speech, personal pronoun, and hedging. Those characteristics pertain to women may give some negative image on women. The usage of hedging and indirect speech may be considered as incompetency by men, especially for women who become a leader in an organization. However, assertive women may also be seen as negative. Although nowadays women have a lot of opportunity to get a higher education and work in public sphere, the stereotype of women’s characteristic in using language has changed yet. I undertake the research based on two goals. First, it examines the social construction that affects women using language. Second, it tries to analyze the shift of the way of women use language in contemporary era. The changes make an incongruent situation between the persisted cultural values on women and the new value gained by women. The data will be taken from novels to describe clearly the situation of Indonesian women in facing their problems

    The Change of Butonese Cultural Landscape in Negeri Kawa, Molucas

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    As a maritime ethnic, Butonese people migrated to some places. A rather large amount of them are in Province of Maluku, Indonesia. This study aims at investigating Butonese cultural landscape in their new migrant region. Is there any different? If this study also aims to know social interaction among ethnics and how it affects Butonese cultural landscape dynamics. This study took place in Negeri Kawa, western part of Seram Regency, Maluku Province, on November 2015. The method used in the study was a qualitative method with in depth interview by snowball and triangulation technique, observation participation, focus group discussion (FGD), and literature study. The result showed that there is a different between Butonese cultural landscape in Buton and Negeri Kawa. Stereotype, presumption, and prejudice to Butonese people also occur. However, it is not always negative because from those three things, the process of acculturation and adaptation as a form of respect and prevention of Butonese culture can occur in Negeri Kawa

    Managing the Change of Cultural Resistance

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    The review of numerous Australian and International Transport and Health Safety cases has highlighted the detrimental effect of cultural resistance when engineers and regulators seek to improve transport safety. This paper will define culture and cultural resistance. It will review a number of cases and provide an overview of the effect of cultural resistance, demonstrating some common characteristics of these cases. A limited number of risk management disciplines will be reviewed as they apply to the problem, and demonstrate how expertise in these fields can be advantageous to the engineer and regulator. The paper will provide the reader with a number of resolution strategies to manage cultural change by reducing resistance using practical methods. This paper has specific relevance to transport safety initiatives in Australia. This paper is an extract of a full research paper "Making the Kingfisher Archipelago a Safer Place", Smith, D.B., 2005, available from the author upon request

    Cultural change and lodestones in the British Police

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    • Purpose: This Research Paper considers a challenge to an occupational jurisdiction in the British police. Historically, street cops have defended the importance of operational credibility as a way of sustaining the value of experience, and inhibiting attempts to introduce external leaders. This has generated a particular form of policing and leadership that is deemed by the British government as inadequate to face the problems of the next decade. • Design: The project used the High Potential Development Scheme (HPDS) of the British police to assess the value of operational credibility and the possibilities of radical cultural change. Data is drawn from participants on the programme, from those who failed to get onto the programme, and from officers who have risen through the ranks without access to a fast track scheme. • Findings: Most organizational change fails in its own terms, often because of cultural resistance. However, if we change our metaphors of culture from natural to human constructions it may be possible to focus on the key point of the culture: the lodestone that glues it together. Operational credibility maybe such a cultural lodestone and undermining it offers the opportunity for rapid and radical change. • Originality: Most assessments of cultural change focus on those charged with enacting the change and explain failure through recourse to natural metaphors of change. This papers challenges the convention that cultural change can only ever be achieved, if at all, through years of effort

    Climate Change and Cultural Cognition

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    Parents, Television and Cultural Change

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    This paper develops a model of cultural transmission where television plays a central role for socialization. Parents split their free time between educating their children which is costly and watching TV which though entertaining might socialize the children to the wrong trait. The free to air television industry maximizes advertisement revenue. We show that TV watching is increasing in cultural coverage, cost of education, TV's entertainment value and decreasing in the perceived cultural distance between the two traits. A monopolistic television industry captures all TV watching by both groups if the perceived cultural distance between groups is small relative to the TV's entertainment value. Otherwise, more coverage will be given to the most profitable group where profitability increases in group size, advertisement sensitivity and perceived cultural distance. This leads to two possible steady states where one group is larger but both groups survive in the long run. Competition in the media industry might lead to cultural extinction but only if one group is very insensitive to advertisement and not radical enough not to watch TV. We briefly discuss the existing evidence for the empirical predictions of the model.television, socialization, cultural trait dynamics, media coverage.

    Parents, Television and Cultural Change

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    This paper develops a model of cultural transmission where television plays a central role for socialization. Parents split their free time between educating their children, which is costly, and watching TV which though entertaining might socialize the children to the wrong trait. The free to air television industry maximizes advertisement revenue. We show that TV watching is increasing in cultural coverage, cost of education, TV’s entertainment value and decreasing in the perceived cultural distance between the two traits. A monopolistic television industry captures all TV watching by both groups if the perceived cultural distance between groups is small relative to the TV’s entertainment value. Otherwise, more coverage will be given to the most profitable group where profitability increases in group size, advertisement sensitivity and perceived cultural distance. This leads to two possible steady states where one group is larger but both groups survive in the long run. Competition in the media industry might lead to cultural extinction but only if one group is very insensitive to advertisement and not radical enough not to watch TV. We briefly discuss the existing evidence for the empirical predictions of the model.television, socialization, cultural trait dynamics, media coverage

    2020 Conference Program

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    Conference Program for 202
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