98 research outputs found

    Video-based eyetracking methods and algorithms in head-mounted displays

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    Head pose is utilized to approximate a user\u27s line-of-sight for real-time image rendering and interaction in most of the 3D visualization applications using head-mounted displays (HMD). The eye often reaches an object of interest before the completion of most head movements. It is highly desirable to integrate eye-tracking capability into HMDs in various applications. While the added complexity of an eyetracked-HMD (ETHMD) imposes challenges on designing a compact, portable, and robust system, the integration offers opportunities to improve eye tracking accuracy and robustness. In this paper, based on the modeling of an eye imaging and tracking system, we examine the challenges and identify parametric requirements for video-based pupil-glint tracking methods in an ET-HMD design, and predict how these parameters may affect the tracking accuracy, resolution, and robustness. We further present novel methods and associated algorithms that effectively improve eye-tracking accuracy and extend the tracking range

    Optimising optical tweezers for tracking and force measurement experiments

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    Optical Tweezers are a useful tool in many aspects of biology, including cell manipulation and microrheology. They are often used as piconewton force transducers, and are an effective tool for measuring forces acting upon optically trapped particle. To measure such forces, knowledge of the displacement of the particle from the trap centre is always needed. However, due to Brownian motion, a trapped particle is constantly moving and never at rest. In this case, one must track a bead over a set time, so as to gain an average displacement. In this thesis, we have improved and optimised this tracking procedure for biological samples in different ways. In Chapter 1 we discuss how Optical Tweezers work, how they are set up, and how we measure forces using them. In Chapter 2 we redesign a commercial Optical Tweezer Product to improve tracking data results. We also incorporate fluorescence imaging using a compact, low cost, LED illumination source. In Chapter 3 we combine fluorescence microscopy with state of the art Scientific cameras, to increase tracking frame rates and potentially improve our tracking data of fluorescent stained cells. This was part of a collaboration, where I helped to build the setup, took the data (using programs produced by one of my collaborators), and was part of the team to analyse it. In Chapter 4, we look at Low Reynolds number environments and discuss the benefits of viscous forces, and how it may be possible to make non-invasive, less harmful traps for biological samples. Again, this was part of a collaboration, where I was in charge of the experimental part. Here, I built in the static tweezer trap into a tweezer system, took position data and analysed it. A collaborator took control of analysing velocity data. Finally, in Chapter 5, we measure the accuracy of tracking in three dimensions using a stereomicroscope, by placing a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) at the Fourier plane in the imaging arm. Again, this was a collaboration. I designed and manufactured the illumination head, helped design an acquisition program, and took the data. We discuss how all of these could optimise and advance the tracking of optically trapped particles, especially biological samples. Despite the obvious applications in biology, to allow a fair evaluation of the different tracking techniques, all of our experiments used samples of spherical beads, as they have known specifications, including fluorescence excitation and emission wavelengths, size, and amount of fluorophore stain

    Non-contact strain determination of cell traction effects

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    Irreversible tissue damage leading to organ failure is a common health problem in today's world. Regenerating these damaged tissues with the help of scaffolds is the solution offered by tissue engineering. In cases where the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) is to be replaced by an artificial substrate (scaffold) or matrix, cellular traction forces (CTF) are exerted by the cells on the scaffold surface. An ideal scaffold should exhibit mechanical characteristics similar to those of the ECM it is intended to replace. In other words, the capacity of a scaffold to withstand deformation should be comparable to that of a natural ECM. And with knowledge of those forces and deformations the properties of the scaffolds may be inferred. Digital Image Correlation (DIC), a non-contact image analysis technique enables us to measure point to point deformation of the scaffold by comparing a sequence of images captured during the process of scaffold deformation. This review discusses the methodology involved and implementation of DIC to measure displacements and strain.Irreversible tissue damage leading to organ failure is a common health problem in today's world. Regenerating these damaged tissues with the help of scaffolds is the solution offered by tissue engineering. In cases where the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) is to be replaced by an artificial substrate (scaffold) or matrix, cellular traction forces (CTF) are exerted by the cells on the scaffold surface. An ideal scaffold should exhibit mechanical characteristics similar to those of the ECM it is intended to replace. In other words, the capacity of a scaffold to withstand deformation should be comparable to that of a natural ECM. And with knowledge of those forces and deformations the properties of the scaffolds may be inferred. Digital Image Correlation (DIC), a non-contact image analysis technique enables us to measure point to point deformation of the scaffold by comparing a sequence of images captured during the process of scaffold deformation. This review discusses the methodology involved and implementation of DIC to measure displacements and strain

    The Veiled Matrix of Architectural Representation

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    Summary of Full-Scale Blade Displacement Measurements of the UH- 60A Airloads Rotor

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    Blade displacement measurements using multi-camera photogrammetry techniques were acquired for a full-scale UH-60A rotor, tested in the National Full-Scale Aerodynamic Complex 40-Foot by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel. The measurements, acquired over the full rotor azimuth, encompass a range of test conditions that include advance ratios from 0.15 to 1.0, thrust coefficient to rotor solidity ratios from 0.01 to 0.13, and rotor shaft angles from -10.0 to 8.0 degrees. The objective was to measure the blade displacements and deformations of the four rotor blades and provide a benchmark blade displacement database to be utilized in the development and validation of rotorcraft prediction techniques. An overview of the blade displacement measurement methodology, system development, and data analysis techniques are presented. Sample results based on the final set of camera calibrations, data reduction procedures and estimated corrections that account for registration errors due to blade elasticity are shown. Differences in blade root pitch, flap and lag between the previously reported results and the current results are small. However, even small changes in estimated root flap and pitch can lead to significant differences in the blade elasticity values

    The Essayist Drawing: A Form that Thinks

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    Development of a calibration pipeline for a monocular-view structured illumination 3D sensor utilizing an array projector

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    Commercial off-the-shelf digital projection systems are commonly used in active structured illumination photogrammetry of macro-scale surfaces due to their relatively low cost, accessibility, and ease of use. They can be described as inverse pinhole modelled. The calibration pipeline of a 3D sensor utilizing pinhole devices in a projector-camera setup configuration is already well-established. Recently, there have been advances in creating projection systems offering projection speeds greater than that available from conventional off-the-shelf digital projectors. However, they cannot be calibrated using well established techniques based on the pinole assumption. They are chip-less and without projection lens. This work is based on the utilization of unconventional projection systems known as array projectors which contain not one but multiple projection channels that project a temporal sequence of illumination patterns. None of the channels implement a digital projection chip or a projection lens. To workaround the calibration problem, previous realizations of a 3D sensor based on an array projector required a stereo-camera setup. Triangulation took place between the two pinhole modelled cameras instead. However, a monocular setup is desired as a single camera configuration results in decreased cost, weight, and form-factor. This study presents a novel calibration pipeline that realizes a single camera setup. A generalized intrinsic calibration process without model assumptions was developed that directly samples the illumination frustum of each array projection channel. An extrinsic calibration process was then created that determines the pose of the single camera through a downhill simplex optimization initialized by particle swarm. Lastly, a method to store the intrinsic calibration with the aid of an easily realizable calibration jig was developed for re-use in arbitrary measurement camera positions so that intrinsic calibration does not have to be repeated