22 research outputs found

    The Benes Network is q*(q-1)/2n-Almost q-set-wise Independent

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    A switching network of depth d is a layered graph with d layers and n vertices in each layer. The edges of the switching network do not cross between layers and in each layer the edges form a partial matching. A switching network defines a stochastic process over Sn that starts with the identity permutation and goes through the layers of the network from first to last, where for each layer and each pair (i,j) in the partial matching of the layer, it applies the transposition (i j) with probability half. A switching network is good if the final distribution is close to the uniform distribution over S_n. A switching network is epsilon-almost q-permutation-wise independent if its action on any ordered set of size q is almost uniform, and is epsilon-almost q-set-wise independent if its action on any set of size q is almost uniform. Mixing of switching networks (even for q-permutation-wise and q-set-wise independence) has found several applications, mostly in cryptography. Some applications further require some additional properties from the network, e.g., the existence of an algorithm that given a permutation can set the switches such that the network generates the given permutation, a property that the Benes network has. Morris, Rogaway and Stegers showed the Thorp shuffle (which corresponds to applying two or more butterflies one after the other) is q-permutation-wise independent, for q=n^gamma for gamma that depends on the number of sequential applications of the butterfly network. The techniques applied by Morris et al. do not seem to apply for the Benes network. In this work we show the Benes network is almost q-set-wise independent for q up to about sqrt(n). Our technique is simple and completely new, and we believe carries hope for getting even better results in the future

    Practical and Provably Secure Onion Routing

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    In an onion routing protocol, messages travel through several intermediaries before arriving at their destinations; they are wrapped in layers of encryption (hence they are called "onions"). The goal is to make it hard to establish who sent the message. It is a practical and widespread tool for creating anonymous channels. For the standard adversary models - passive and active - we present practical and provably secure onion routing protocols. Akin to Tor, in our protocols each party independently chooses the routing paths for his onions. For security parameter lambda, our differentially private solution for the active adversary takes O(log^2 lambda) rounds and requires every participant to transmit O(log^{4} lambda) onions in every round

    Bounded CCA2-Secure Non-Malleable Encryption

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    Under an adaptive chosen ciphertext attack (CCA2), the security of an encryption scheme must hold against adversaries that have access to a decryption oracle. We consider a weakening of CCA2 security, wherein security need only hold against adversaries making an a-priori bounded number of queries to the decryption oracle. Concerning this notion, which we call bounded-CCA2 security, we show the following two results. (1) Bounded-CCA2 secure non-malleable encryption schemes exist if and only if semantically-secure (IND-CPA-secure) encryption schemes exist.(As far as we know, bounded-CCA2 non-malleability is the strongest notion of security known to be satisfiable assuming only the existence of semantically-secure encryption schemes.) (2) In contrast to CCA2 security, bounded-CCA2 security alone does not imply non-malleability. In particular, if there exists an encryption scheme that is bounded-CCA2 secure, then there exists another encryption scheme which remains bounded-CCA2 secure, but is malleable under a simple chosen-plaintext attack

    Annual Report 1999 / Department for Computer Science

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    Selbstdarstellung des Instituts fĂĽr Informatik der BTU Cottbus und Berichte der LehrstĂĽhle fĂĽr das Jahr 1999.Presentation of the Department for Computer Science of the BTU Cottbus and reports of the chairs at the department for the year 1999

    New-Age Cryptography

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    We introduce new and general complexity theoretic hardness assumptions. These assumptions abstract out concrete properties of a random oracle and are significantly stronger than traditional cryptographic hardness assumptions; however, assuming their validity we can resolve a number of longstandingopen problems in cryptography

    On the Complexity of Anonymous Communication Through Public Networks

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    Onion routing is the most widely used approach to anonymous communication online. The idea is that Alice wraps her message to Bob in layers of encryption to form an "onion," and routes it through a series of intermediaries. Each intermediary's job is to decrypt ("peel") the onion it receives to obtain instructions for where to send it next, and what to send. The intuition is that, by the time it gets to Bob, the onion will have mixed with so many other onions, that its origin will be hard to trace even for an adversary that observes the entire network and controls a fraction of the participants, possibly including Bob. In spite of its widespread use in practice, until now no onion routing protocol was known that simultaneously achieved, in the presence of an active adversary that observes all network traffic and controls a constant fraction of the participants, (a) fault-tolerance, where even if a few of the onions are dropped, the protocol still delivers the rest; (b) reasonable communication and computational complexity as a function of the security parameter and the number of participants; and (c) anonymity. In this paper, we give the first onion routing protocol that meets these goals: our protocol (a) tolerates a polylogarithmic (in the security parameter) number of dropped onions and still delivers the rest; (b) requires a polylogarithmic number of rounds and a polylogarithmic number of onions sent per participant per round; and (c) achieves anonymity. We also show that to achieve anonymity in a fault-tolerant fashion via onion routing, this number of onions and rounds is necessary. Of independent interest, our analysis introduces two new security properties of onion routing -- mixing and equalizing -- and we show that together they imply anonymity

    Poly Onions: Achieving Anonymity in the Presence of Churn

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    Onion routing is a popular approach towards anonymous communication. Practical implementations are widely used (for example, Tor has millions of users daily), but are vulnerable to various traffic correlation attacks, and the theoretical foundations, despite recent progress, still lag behind. In particular, all works that model onion routing protocols and prove their security only address a single run, where each party sends and receives a single message of fixed length, once. Moreover, they all assume a static network setting, where the parties are stable throughout the lifetime of the protocol. In contrast, real networks have a high rate of churn (nodes joining and exiting the network), real users want to send multiple messages, and realistic adversaries may observe multiple runs of the protocol. In this paper, we initiate a formal treatment of onion routing in a setting with multiple runs over a dynamic network with churn. We provide the following contributions. -We define the cryptographic primitive of poly onion encryption, which is appropriate for a setting with churn. This primitive is inspired by duo onions, introduced by Iwanik, Klonowski, and Kutylowski (Communications and Multimedia Security, 2005) towards improving onion delivery rate. We generalize the idea, change it to add auxiliary helpers towards supporting better security, and propose formal definitions. -We construct an instantiation of poly onion encryption based on standard cryptographic primitives (CCA secure public key encryption with tags, PRP, MAC, and secret sharing). Our construction is secure against an active adversary, and is parameterized to allow flexible instantiations supporting a range of corruption thresholds and churn limits. -We formally model anonymous onion routing for multiple runs in the setting with churn, including a definition of strong anonymity, where the adversary has CCA-like access to oracles for generating and processing onions. -We prove that if an onion routing protocol satisfies a natural condition we define ( simulatability ), then strong single-run anonymity implies strong multiple-run anonymity. This condition is satisfied by existing onion routing schemes, such as the Πp\Pi_p protocol of Ando, Lysyanskaya, and Upfal (ICALP 2018). As a consequence, these schemes are anonymous also for multiple runs (although not when there is churn). -We provide an anonymous routing protocol, Poly Πp\Pi_p, and prove that it is anonymous in the setting with churn, against a passive adversary. We obtain this construction by using an instance of our poly onion encryption within the Πp\Pi_p protocol

    How to Explain Modern Security Concepts to your Children

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    International audienceAt the main cryptography conference CRYPTO in 1989, Quisquater et al. published a paper showing how to explain the complex notion of zero-knowledge proof in a simpler way that children can understand. In the same line of work, we present simple and intuitive explanations of various modern security concepts and technologies, including symmetric encryption, public key encryption, homomorphic encryption, intruder models (CPA, CCA1, CCA2) and security properties (OW, IND, NM). The explanations given in this paper may also serve in demystifying such complex security notions for non-expert adults