131 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis of Full PRIDE Block Cipher

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    PRIDE is a lightweight block ciphers designed by Albrecht et al., appears in CRYPTO 2014. The designers claim that the construction of linear layers is nicely in line with a bit-sliced implementation of the Sbox layer and security. In this paper, we find 8 2-round iterative related-key differential characteristics, which can be used to construct 18-round related-key differentials. Then, by discussing the function gr(1)g^{(1)}_r, we also find 4 2-round iterative related-key differential characteristics with Δgr(1)(k1,2)=0x80\Delta g^{(1)}_r(k_{1,2})=0x80 and 4 2-round iterative characteristics with Δgr(1)(k1,2)=0x20\Delta g^{(1)}_r(k_{1,2})=0x20 which cause three weak-key classes. Based on the related-key differentials, we launch related-key differential attack on full PRIDE. The data and time complexity are 2392^{39} chosen plaintexts and 2602^{60} encryptions, respectively. Moreover, by using multi related-key differentials, we improve the cryptanalysis, which requires 241.42^{41.4} chosen plaintexts and 2442^{44} encryptions, respectively. Finally, by using 17-round related-key differentials, the cryptanalysis requires 2342^{34} plaintexts and 253.72^{53.7} encryptions. These are the first results on full PRIDE

    An overview of memristive cryptography

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    Smaller, smarter and faster edge devices in the Internet of things era demands secure data analysis and transmission under resource constraints of hardware architecture. Lightweight cryptography on edge hardware is an emerging topic that is essential to ensure data security in near-sensor computing systems such as mobiles, drones, smart cameras, and wearables. In this article, the current state of memristive cryptography is placed in the context of lightweight hardware cryptography. The paper provides a brief overview of the traditional hardware lightweight cryptography and cryptanalysis approaches. The contrast for memristive cryptography with respect to traditional approaches is evident through this article, and need to develop a more concrete approach to developing memristive cryptanalysis to test memristive cryptographic approaches is highlighted.Comment: European Physical Journal: Special Topics, Special Issue on "Memristor-based systems: Nonlinearity, dynamics and applicatio

    More Rounds, Less Security?

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    This paper focuses on a surprising class of cryptanalysis results for symmetric-key primitives: when the number of rounds of the primitive is increased, the complexity of the cryptanalysis result decreases. Our primary target will be primitives that consist of identical round functions, such as PBKDF1, the Unix password hashing algorithm, and the Chaskey MAC function. However, some of our results also apply to constructions with non-identical rounds, such as the PRIDE block cipher. First, we construct distinguishers for which the data complexity decreases when the number of rounds is increased. They are based on two well-known observations: iterating a random permutation increases the expected number of fixed points, and iterating a random function decreases the expected number of image points. We explain that these effects also apply to components of cryptographic primitives, such as a round of a block cipher. Second, we introduce a class of key-recovery and preimage-finding techniques that correspond to exhaustive search, however on a smaller part (e.g. one round) of the primitive. As the time complexity of a cryptanalysis result is usually measured by the number of full-round evaluations of the primitive, increasing the number of rounds will lower the time complexity. None of the observations in this paper result in more than a small speed-up over exhaustive search. Therefore, for lightweight applications, implementation advantages may outweigh the presence of these observations

    More Rounds, Less Security?

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    This paper focuses on a surprising class of cryptanalysis results for symmetric-key primitives: when the number of rounds of the primitive is increased, the complexity of the cryptanalysis result decreases. Our primary target will be primitives that consist of identical round functions, such as PBKDF1, the Unix password hashing algorithm, and the Chaskey MAC function. However, some of our results also apply to constructions with non-identical rounds, such as the PRIDE block cipher. First, we construct distinguishers for which the data complexity decreases when the number of rounds is increased. They are based on two well-known observations: iterating a random permutation increases the expected number of fixed points, and iterating a random function decreases the expected number of image points. We explain that these effects also apply to components of cryptographic primitives, such as a round of a block cipher. Second, we introduce a class of key-recovery and preimage-finding techniques that correspond to exhaustive search, however on a smaller part (e.g. one round) of the primitive. As the time complexity of a cryptanalysis result is usually measured by the number of full-round evaluations of the primitive, increasing the number of rounds will lower the time complexity. None of the observations in this paper result in more than a small speed-up over exhaustive search. Therefore, for lightweight applications, implementation advantages may outweigh the presence of these observations

    Mind the Gap - A Closer Look at the Security of Block Ciphers against Differential Cryptanalysis

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    Resistance against differential cryptanalysis is an important design criteria for any modern block cipher and most designs rely on finding some upper bound on probability of single differential characteristics. However, already at EUROCRYPT'91, Lai et al. comprehended that differential cryptanalysis rather uses differentials instead of single characteristics. In this paper, we consider exactly the gap between these two approaches and investigate this gap in the context of recent lightweight cryptographic primitives. This shows that for many recent designs like Midori, Skinny or Sparx one has to be careful as bounds from counting the number of active S-boxes only give an inaccurate evaluation of the best differential distinguishers. For several designs we found new differential distinguishers and show how this gap evolves. We found an 8-round differential distinguisher for Skinny-64 with a probability of 2−56.932−56.93, while the best single characteristic only suggests a probability of 2−722−72. Our approach is integrated into publicly available tools and can easily be used when developing new cryptographic primitives. Moreover, as differential cryptanalysis is critically dependent on the distribution over the keys for the probability of differentials, we provide experiments for some of these new differentials found, in order to confirm that our estimates for the probability are correct. While for Skinny-64 the distribution over the keys follows a Poisson distribution, as one would expect, we noticed that Speck-64 follows a bimodal distribution, and the distribution of Midori-64 suggests a large class of weak keys

    Key Dependency of Differentials: Experiments in the Differential Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers Using Small S-boxes

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    In this paper, we investigate the key dependency of differentials in block ciphers by examining the results of numerous experiments applied to the substitution-permutation network (SPN) structure using 4-bit S-boxes. In particular, we consider two cipher structures: a toy 16-bit SPN and a realistic 64-bit SPN. For both ciphers, we generate many different experimental results by inserting the S-boxes used in many lightweight cipher proposals and applying different forms of round key generation. It is demonstrated that, in most circumstances, with enough rounds in the cipher, the probability distribution (across all keys) of the differential probability follows the distribution expected in the theoretically ideal scenario. However, this does not occur consistently for all S-boxes and all approaches to round key generation. Consequently, it is possible that a cipher may have more susceptibility to differential cryptanalysis for some subset of the cipher keys than is implied when employing the standard assumptions used in analyzing a cipher’s security

    Generating graphs packed with paths: Estimation of linear approximations and differentials:Estimation of linear approximations and differentials

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    When designing a new symmetric-key primitive, the designer must show resistance to known attacks. Perhaps most prominent amongst these are linear and differential cryptanalysis. However, it is notoriously difficult to accurately demonstrate e.g. a block cipher’s resistance to these attacks, and thus most designers resort to deriving bounds on the linear correlations and differential probabilities of their design. On the other side of the spectrum, the cryptanalyst is interested in accurately assessing the strength of a linear or differential attack. While several tools have been developed to search for optimal linear and differential trails, e.g. MILP and SAT based methods, only few approaches specifically try to find as many trails of a single approximation or differential as possible. This can result in an overestimate of a cipher’s resistance to linear and differential attacks, as was for example the case for PRESENT. In this work, we present a new algorithm for linear and differential trail search. The algorithm represents the problem of estimating approximations and differentials as the problem of finding many long paths through a multistage graph. We demonstrate that this approach allows us to find a very large number of good trails for each approximation or differential. Moreover, we show how the algorithm can be used to efficiently estimate the key dependent correlation distribution of a linear approximation, facilitating advanced linear attacks. We apply the algorithm to 17 different ciphers, and present new and improved results on several of these

    Block Ciphers - Focus On The Linear Layer (feat. PRIDE): Full Version

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    The linear layer is a core component in any substitution-permutation network block cipher. Its design significantly influences both the security and the efficiency of the resulting block cipher. Surprisingly, not many general constructions are known that allow to choose trade-offs between security and efficiency. Especially, when compared to Sboxes, it seems that the linear layer is crucially understudied. In this paper, we propose a general methodology to construct good, sometimes optimal, linear layers allowing for a large variety of trade-offs. We give several instances of our construction and on top underline its value by presenting a new block cipher. PRIDE is optimized for 8-bit micro-controllers and significantly outperforms all academic solutions both in terms of code size and cycle count
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