3,688 research outputs found

    Engineering Crowdsourced Stream Processing Systems

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    A crowdsourced stream processing system (CSP) is a system that incorporates crowdsourced tasks in the processing of a data stream. This can be seen as enabling crowdsourcing work to be applied on a sample of large-scale data at high speed, or equivalently, enabling stream processing to employ human intelligence. It also leads to a substantial expansion of the capabilities of data processing systems. Engineering a CSP system requires the combination of human and machine computation elements. From a general systems theory perspective, this means taking into account inherited as well as emerging properties from both these elements. In this paper, we position CSP systems within a broader taxonomy, outline a series of design principles and evaluation metrics, present an extensible framework for their design, and describe several design patterns. We showcase the capabilities of CSP systems by performing a case study that applies our proposed framework to the design and analysis of a real system (AIDR) that classifies social media messages during time-critical crisis events. Results show that compared to a pure stream processing system, AIDR can achieve a higher data classification accuracy, while compared to a pure crowdsourcing solution, the system makes better use of human workers by requiring much less manual work effort

    Automatic Completion of Text-based Tasks

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    Crowdsourcing is a widespread problem-solving model which consists in assigning tasks to an existing pool of workers in order to solve a problem, being a scalable alternative to hiring a group of experts for labeling high volumes of data. It can provide results that are similar in quality, with the advantage of achieving such standards in a faster and more efficient manner. Modern approaches to crowdsourcing use Machine Learning models to do the labeling of the data and request the crowd to validate the results. Such approaches can only be applied if the data in which the model was trained (source data), and the data that needs labeling (target data) share some relation. Furthermore, since the model is not adapted to the target data, its predictions may produce a substantial amount of errors. Consequently, the validation of these predictions can be very time-consuming. In this thesis, we propose an approach that leverages in-domain data, which is a labeled portion of the target data, to adapt the model. The remainder of the data is labeled based on these model’s predictions. The crowd is tasked with the generation of the in-domain data and the validation of the model’s predictions. Under this approach, train the model with only in-domain data and with both in-domain data and data from an outer domain. We apply these learning settings with the intent of optimizing a crowdsourcing pipeline for the area of Natural Language Processing, more concretely for the task of Named Entity Recognition (NER). This optimization relates to the effort required by the crowd to performed the NER task. The results of the experiments show that the usage of in-domain data achieves effort savings ranging from 6% to 53%. Furthermore, we such savings in nine distinct datasets, which demonstrates the robustness and application depth of this approach. In conclusion, the in-domain data approach is capable of optimizing a crowdsourcing pipeline of NER. Furthermore, it has a broader range of use cases when compared to reusing a model to generate predictions in the target data

    Towards Commentary-Driven Soccer Player Analytics

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    Open information extraction (open IE) has been shown to be useful in a number of NLP Tasks, such as question answering, relation extraction, and information retrieval. Soccer is the most watched sport in the world. The dynamic nature of the game corresponds to the team strategy and individual contribution, which are the deciding factors for a team’s success. Generally, companies collect sports event data manually and very rarely they allow free-access to these data by third parties. However, a large amount of data is available freely on various social media platforms where different types of users discuss these very events. To rely on expert data, we are currently using the live-match commentary as our rich and unexplored data-source. Our aim out of this commentary analysis is to initially extract key events from each game and eventually key entities like players involved, player action and other player related attributes from these key events. We propose an end-to-end application to extract commentaries and extract player attributes from it. The study will primarily depend on an extensive crowd labelling of data involving precautionary periodical checks to prevent incorrectly tagged data. This research will contribute significantly towards analysis of commentary and acts as a cheap tool providing player performance analysis for smaller to intermediate budget soccer club

    Living Knowledge

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    Diversity, especially manifested in language and knowledge, is a function of local goals, needs, competences, beliefs, culture, opinions and personal experience. The Living Knowledge project considers diversity as an asset rather than a problem. With the project, foundational ideas emerged from the synergic contribution of different disciplines, methodologies (with which many partners were previously unfamiliar) and technologies flowed in concrete diversity-aware applications such as the Future Predictor and the Media Content Analyser providing users with better structured information while coping with Web scale complexities. The key notions of diversity, fact, opinion and bias have been defined in relation to three methodologies: Media Content Analysis (MCA) which operates from a social sciences perspective; Multimodal Genre Analysis (MGA) which operates from a semiotic perspective and Facet Analysis (FA) which operates from a knowledge representation and organization perspective. A conceptual architecture that pulls all of them together has become the core of the tools for automatic extraction and the way they interact. In particular, the conceptual architecture has been implemented with the Media Content Analyser application. The scientific and technological results obtained are described in the following

    Validation Methodology for Expert-Annotated Datasets: Event Annotation Case Study

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    Event detection is still a difficult task due to the complexity and the ambiguity of such entities. On the one hand, we observe a low inter-annotator agreement among experts when annotating events, disregarding the multitude of existing annotation guidelines and their numerous revisions. On the other hand, event extraction systems have a lower measured performance in terms of F1-score compared to other types of entities such as people or locations. In this paper we study the consistency and completeness of expert-annotated datasets for events and time expressions. We propose a data-agnostic validation methodology of such datasets in terms of consistency and completeness. Furthermore, we combine the power of crowds and machines to correct and extend expert-annotated datasets of events. We show the benefit of using crowd-annotated events to train and evaluate a state-of-the-art event extraction system. Our results show that the crowd-annotated events increase the performance of the system by at least 5.3%
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