264 research outputs found

    Dynamically reconfigurable optical access network

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    This dissertation presents the research results on a fiber-optic high-bitrate access network which enables dynamic bandwidth allocation as a response to varying subscribers' demands and bandwidth needs of emerging services. The motivation of the research is given in Chapter 1 "Introduction" together with a brief comparative discussion on currently available and future access networks. The idea of wavelength reconfigurability in the last-mile networks is described as a solution for more efficient bandwidth utilization and a subject of the Broadband Photonics project. Chapter 2 "Wavelength-flexible WDM/TDM access network - architecture" provides a comprehensive description of the proposed solution with each network element being analyzed in terms of its functionalities. This includes a colorless optical network unit and a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer. An estimation of power budget is followed by the choice of wavelength set and network control and management layer overview. In Chapter 3 "Reflective transceiver module for ONU" after discussing different communication schemes and modulation formats three approaches to a colorless high-bitrate transmitter are analyzed in detail. This includes experiment and simulation results on a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier, reflective electro-absorption modulator and a Michelson-interferometer modulator. The Chapter is concluded with a comparative discussion. Chapter 4 "Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer" discusses another key element in the proposed network architecture which is an integrated structure of micro-ring resonators providing wavelength reconfigurability. The measured characteristics assess the applicability of the device able to support unicast and multicast transmission. A range of possible sources of signal degradation in the access links are analyzed in Chapter 5 "Transmission and network impairments in the access network". An estimation of potential power penalties resulting from such impairments in the proposed system follow afterwards. Special attention is paid to optical in-band crosstalk penalties and improvement methods in Chapter 6 "Interferometric crosstalk in the access network with an RSOA". This subject is treated extensively with the support of mathematical considerations and experimental results. Proof-of-concept experiments of the proposed network architecture are presented in Chapter 7 "Reconfigurable WDM/TDM access network - experiments". The results of bidirectional transmission of high-bitrate WDM signals in different wavelength allocation schemes are discussed in detail. From there, by means of simulations the behavior of a full-scale network is assessed. In Chapter 8 "Migration towards WDM/TDM access network" the migration scenario from currently deployed fiber-optic access networks towards the novel solution is proposed. Afterwards, a short dispute on the economics of last-mile fiber technologies is included. Finally, the work is concluded and potential future research ideas based on this thesis are given in Chapter 9 "Conclusions and further work"

    Dynamically reconfigurable optical access network

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    This dissertation presents the research results on a fiber-optic high-bitrate access network which enables dynamic bandwidth allocation as a response to varying subscribers' demands and bandwidth needs of emerging services. The motivation of the research is given in Chapter 1 "Introduction" together with a brief comparative discussion on currently available and future access networks. The idea of wavelength reconfigurability in the last-mile networks is described as a solution for more efficient bandwidth utilization and a subject of the Broadband Photonics project. Chapter 2 "Wavelength-flexible WDM/TDM access network - architecture" provides a comprehensive description of the proposed solution with each network element being analyzed in terms of its functionalities. This includes a colorless optical network unit and a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer. An estimation of power budget is followed by the choice of wavelength set and network control and management layer overview. In Chapter 3 "Reflective transceiver module for ONU" after discussing different communication schemes and modulation formats three approaches to a colorless high-bitrate transmitter are analyzed in detail. This includes experiment and simulation results on a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier, reflective electro-absorption modulator and a Michelson-interferometer modulator. The Chapter is concluded with a comparative discussion. Chapter 4 "Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer" discusses another key element in the proposed network architecture which is an integrated structure of micro-ring resonators providing wavelength reconfigurability. The measured characteristics assess the applicability of the device able to support unicast and multicast transmission. A range of possible sources of signal degradation in the access links are analyzed in Chapter 5 "Transmission and network impairments in the access network". An estimation of potential power penalties resulting from such impairments in the proposed system follow afterwards. Special attention is paid to optical in-band crosstalk penalties and improvement methods in Chapter 6 "Interferometric crosstalk in the access network with an RSOA". This subject is treated extensively with the support of mathematical considerations and experimental results. Proof-of-concept experiments of the proposed network architecture are presented in Chapter 7 "Reconfigurable WDM/TDM access network - experiments". The results of bidirectional transmission of high-bitrate WDM signals in different wavelength allocation schemes are discussed in detail. From there, by means of simulations the behavior of a full-scale network is assessed. In Chapter 8 "Migration towards WDM/TDM access network" the migration scenario from currently deployed fiber-optic access networks towards the novel solution is proposed. Afterwards, a short dispute on the economics of last-mile fiber technologies is included. Finally, the work is concluded and potential future research ideas based on this thesis are given in Chapter 9 "Conclusions and further work"

    Fiber amplifiers, directly modulated transmitters and a ring network structure for optical communications

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    The three technologies that are considered the key elements in building a metropolitan area optical network are studied in this thesis. They are optical amplification, high-speed low cost transmitters and ring network structures. These studies concentrate on cost reduction of these three technologies thus enabling the use of optical networks in small customer base metropolitan areas. The research on optical amplification concentrated first on the solution doping process, at present the most used method for producing erbium doped fiber. It was found that separationing the soot growth and the sintering improved the uniformity of the porous layer. This made the homogeneity of the doping concentration in the fiber core better. The effects of index profile variations that arise from the non-ideal solution doping process were also simulated. In the search for a better doping method a new nanoparticle glass-forming process, the direct nanoparticle deposition, was developed. In this process the doping is done simultaneously with glass formation. Utilizing this new process it was possible to improve the uniformity of the doping resulting in higher usable doping levels and shorter erbium doped fiber lengths in the amplifiers. There were fewer limitations in the amplifier caused by optical non-linearities and polarization mode dispersion since shorter fiber lengths were needed. The double cladding fiber, which avoids the costly coupling of the pump laser into a single mode waveguide, was also studied. This pumping scheme was found to improve the inversion uniformity in the erbium doped fiber core thereby enhancing the power conversion efficiency for the long wavelength band amplifier. In characterizing the erbium doped fiber amplifier the gain and noise figure was measured with a temporal filter setup. It was made of simple, low cost components but yielded accurate measurements since the noise originating from the amplified spontaneous emission was measured at the signal wavelength. In the study of fiber amplifier controlling schemes the input power of the fiber amplifier was successfully used to regulate the pump laser. This feed-forward control scheme provides a simple, low cost control and managment system for the erbium doped fiber amplifier in metropolitan area network applications that require flexible adding and dropping of wavelength channels. The transmitter research focused on the DFB laser due to its simplicity and low cost structure. A solid state Fabry-Perot etalon made from double polished silicon chip was used as a frequency discriminator in the chirp analyser developed for the DFB lasers. This wavelength discriminator did not require repeated calibration or active stabilisation and was controled electrically enabling automatic measurements. The silicon Fabry-Perot etalon was also used for simultaneous spectral filtering and wavelength control of the laser. The usable dispersion limited transmission length was increased when the filter was used in conjunction with the directly modulated distributed feedback laser transmitter. The combination of spatial multiplexing and dense wavelength division multiplexing in ring topology was investigated in the course of the research on the ring network as the feeder part of the metropolitan network. A new way to organize different wavelengths and fibers was developed. This ring network structure was simulated and an experimental ring network built. The results of the studies demonstrated that the same limitations effecting uni-directional ring structures also are the main limitations on the scalability of the spatial and wavelength division multiplexed ring networks based on bi-directional transmission when the node spacing is short. The developed ring network structure demonstrated major cost reductions when compared with the heavy use of wavelength division multiplexing. The node structure was also greatly simplified resulting in less need for different wavelength transmitters in each node. Furthermore the node generated only minor losses for the passing signals thus reducing the need for optical amplification.reviewe

    Fundamentals of bidirectional transmission over a single optical fibre

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    A remodulation scheme for wavelength-division multiplexing passive optical network using time-interleaved differential phase shift keying modulation format.

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    Li, Pulan.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011.Includes bibliographical references (p. 60-66).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Overview of wavelength division multiplexed passive optical network (WDM-PON) and colorless optical network unit (ONU) --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Implementation of colorless ONU --- p.4Chapter 1.3 --- Rayleigh backscattering in WDM-PON --- p.6Chapter 1.4 --- Motivation of this thesis --- p.9Chapter 1.5 --- Outline of this thesis --- p.11Chapter Chapter 2 --- Previous works of remodulation for WDM-PON --- p.12Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.12Chapter 2.2 --- Devices utilized by colorless ONU in remodulation schemes --- p.13Chapter 2.2.1 --- Injection-locked Fabry-Perot laser diode at ONU --- p.13Chapter 2.2.2 --- Reflective semiconductor optical amplifier --- p.15Chapter 2.2.3 --- Reflective electro-absorption modulator and semiconductor optical amplifier (REAM-SOA) --- p.17Chapter 2.3 --- Modulation methods in remodulation schemes --- p.18Chapter 2.4 --- Summary --- p.23Chapter Chapter 3 --- A remodulation scheme based on time-interleaved DPSK modulation format --- p.25Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.25Chapter 3.2 --- Operation principle: time-interleaving technology for phase-modulated signal --- p.27Chapter 3.3 --- System architecture --- p.28Chapter 3.4 --- Experimental results and discussion --- p.31Chapter 3.5 --- Effect of timing misalignment on proposed remodulation scheme --- p.33Chapter 3.6 --- Summary --- p.35Chapter Chapter 4 --- Enhanced Tolerance to Rayleigh Backscattering in Remodulation Scheme Using Time-Interleaved DPSK Format --- p.37Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.37Chapter 4.2 --- Studies on Rayleigh backscattering suppression in optical domain --- p.39Chapter 4.2.1 --- RB suppression in carrier-distributed schemes --- p.39Chapter 4.2.2 --- RB suppression in remodulation schemes --- p.40Chapter 4.2 --- Experimental setup and results --- p.42Chapter 4.3 --- Discussion on RB suppression effect of the proposed scheme --- p.46Chapter 4.3.1 --- Theoretical study and simulation results --- p.46Chapter 4.3.2 --- Experimental demonstration of spectral relationship between signals and RB crosstalk --- p.49Chapter 4.4 --- Summary --- p.53Chapter Chapter 5 --- Conclusion and Future Works --- p.55Chapter 5.1 --- Conclusion of this thesis --- p.55Chapter 5.2 --- Future works --- p.57List of Publications --- p.59Bibliography --- p.6

    Impact of pump-signal overlap in S+C+L band discrete Raman amplifiers

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    We experimentally investigate the impact of pump-signal overlap in ultra-wideband (>13THz) Raman amplifiers and measure the transmission penalty on 30GBaud PM-QPSK signals due to adjacent Raman pumps in a 15dB gain, 150nm (∼18.8THz) S+C+L-band discrete Raman amplifier. We present an efficient numerical model to predict the performance penalty induced by crosstalk from Rayleigh backscattered light from backward-propagating Raman pumps showing good agreement with the experimental results. A 4nm guard-band must be retained around an overlapping Raman pump based on typical, commercial semiconductor laser pump diodes to ensure a negligible transmission penalty in S-ban

    Advanced raman amplification techniques for high capacity and broadband coherent optical transmission systems

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    This thesis presents a detailed study of different advanced Raman fibre laser (RFL) based amplification schemes and the development of novel broadband distributed and discrete Raman amplifiers in order to improve the transmission performance of modern high capacity, long-haul coherent optical systems. The numerical modelling of different Raman amplifier techniques including power distribution of signal, pump and noise components, RIN transfer from pump to signal, broadband gain optimization and so on have been described in details.The RIN and noise performances of RFL based distributed Raman amplifiers (DRAs) with different span lengths, forward pump powers and input reflection levels have been characterized experimentally. It has been shown through coherent transmission experiment that, in order to improve pump power efficiency, a low level of input reflection up to ~10% can be allowed without increasing the Q factor penalty > 1dB due to additional signal RIN penalty.A novel broadband (>10nm) first order Raman pump is developed for use as a forward pump in long-haul transmission experiment. Significant signal RIN mitigation up to 10dB compared with conventional low RIN, narrowband sources was obtained for bidirectional DRA schemes. Long-haul coherent transmission experiments with 10×120Gb/s DP-QPSK system were carried out in are circulating loop setup using the proposed broadband pump in bidirectional and backward only pumping configurations. The maximum transmission reach up to ~8330km was reported with first order broadband pumped bidirectional DRA, with transmission reach extensions of 1250km and1667km compared with conventional backward only and first order semiconductor pumped bidirectional pumping scheme respectively.Finally, a novel design of bidirectional broadband distributed DRA is proposed to reduce the noise figure tilt and improve the WDM transmission performances. Furthermore, broadband discrete Raman amplifier schemes in dual stage configuration are also shown for high gain, high output power, low noise and low nonlinear performance
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