39,445 research outputs found

    International Students in the UK : how can we give them a better experience?

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    This paper focuses on practical actions that can be taken to improve the learning experience of international students in the UK. Informed by personal experience in the UK, New Zealand and Australia, supplemented by an extensive literature search, a series of actions are recommended to improve the learning experience of international students from culturally diverse backgrounds. The suggested actions cover issues for individual lecturers, Departments, Higher Education Institutions and national level bodies. The approach taken is to incorporate personal reflection and personal views and the ideas of writers in the field. The paper is written in the first person and sets out the author’s wish list of ideas, hopes and aspirations for the future, from the perspective of a teaching fellow working in a research focussed University in the UK

    Internationalisation and Equality and Diversity in Higher Education: Merging Identities

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    Summary This project arises out of Eade and Peacock’s (2009) scoping report, commissioned by Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) entitled Internationalising equality and equalising internationalisation: The intersection between internationalisation and Equality and Diversity in higher education. The principal aim of the current study is to identify the advantages of building on the intersection of Internationalisation and E and D agendas, through an exploration of the effective mechanisms for linking E and D and internationalisation policies, structures and activities within a small sample of heterogenous HE institutions located in Australia, England and Wales. Reflecting a multi-level and mixed-method approach this report provides an in-depth account of awareness, commitment, understanding and involvement of domestic and international staff and students, and other key players, in Internationalisation and Equality and Diversity. This account is supported by examples of good practice and synergy and consideration of areas of potential improvement in the two fields. The mixed-method approach involves desk research to consider the influence of geographical location, profile and size on rationales for internationalisation and commitment to Equality and Diversity, complemented by interviews of key personnel to provide insights regarding performance, accessibility etc. Data regarding staff and student awareness, perceptions and dispositions is captured via online survey and focus groups. Finally a review of the literature supports data interpretation by suggesting emergent key themes. Institutional challenges are identified within the context of what may be learned from other organisational forms. A central focus is the student learning experience, with discussions embracing key issues such as competing perspectives on learner support models, the association between inclusive curricula and multicultural education and attendant barriers and tensions. Extensive and systematic analysis of institutional policy in Internationalisation and Equality and Diversity within specific local contexts provides substantial evidence of how current and future direction is shaped by the socio-economic and cultural make-up of surrounding communities, tempered by institutional aspirations in the global arena. The insights of senior managers provide the personal accounts and deep insights into the ongoing strategic initiatives and perceived challenges which determine the practice which emerges from the rhetoric of policy statements. The in-depth exploration of awareness, perceptions and dispositions of staff and students serves to highlight a striking continuity of perspective across the range of stakeholders, within different institutions which approach Internationalisation and Equality and Diversity from widely contrasting positions vis-à-vis locality, status, market position and relative size. Seemingly, any shortcomings of policy to practice transfer are not the outcome of a lack of will on the part of those who have engaged in this research, but rather reflect the complexity of finding the most appropriate way, whether senior manager, teacher, support and development professional, student or other stakeholder. The challenges of internationalisation and Equality and Diversity simply manifest themselves in different ways at different levels within different institutional contexts and key messages from this research include for example: • The need to manage structural diversity within the framework of a broadly-based business-case approach in order to maintain internal cohesion and external credibility. Such an approach should acknowledge diversity of mission which derives from the nature of the global-local interface, profile, status etc. • Broad awareness of the potential synergies between Internationalisation and E and D within a framework of inclusive practice • Broad consensus surrounding the merits of inclusion embodying both local and global dimensions. At this level, diversity of mission, location, status etc. becomes irrelevant. Universities with different cultures can learn much from each other since inclusion should be the response of all institutions recruiting international and/or students from a diversity of cultural, ethnic, religious, socio-economic etc. backgrounds • Awareness of tensions at policy and practice levels, which might be eased by appropriate organisational structures and processes designed specifically to embed synergy across institutions • Acknowledgement of the need to embed the concept of synergy at three levels of diversity: structural (demographic mix); classroom (curriculum and pedagogies) and interactional (informal and social settings) • The significance of readily accessible research-informed and evidence-based practice to raise awareness, build confidence, promote engagement and inform future direction within cross-disciplinary and cross-institutional context

    Internationalisation of HE in the UK: 'Where are we now and where might we go?'

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    This paper is based on a literature review commissioned by the Higher Education Academy in 2006 which aimed to identify existing published literature and current practices of direct relevance to the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the UK. The review was based on the assumption that a range of concerns exists, that there are emerging issues and that there are inconsistencies and gaps in the literature. The project focused on a number of questions including: what working definitions of internationalisation of higher education are in currency? what meanings are attributed to internationalisation of the curriculum? what models for institutional internationalisation are emerging? and, what curriculum models are emerging/being adopted? The literature trawl identified in excess of 300 international sources of relevance, of which, more that 100 originated in the UK. This paper draws on the analysis of these sources to determine ‘where we are’ in the UK in comparison with our Western counterparts, particularly HEIs based in Australia

    Assessing the approaches to learning of twinning programme students in Malaysia

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    The study set out to examine the psychometric properties of the scores obtained on the modified 20-item Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F). The study also investigated the relationship between scores on the R-SPQ-2F and students’ learning-related outcomes. In addition, it also examined for any relationships among student’s background variables of gender, choice of academic discipline, age, English language competency, approaches to learning, and learning-related outcomes. Data based on responses of 368 Malaysian students undertaking the twinning mode of study showed the modified R-SPQ-2F to be reliable and factorially valid. The findings also found deep approaches to learning were positively related to students’ learning-related outcomes, while surface approaches to learning were negatively associated.Students’ background characteristics such as choice of academic discipline and English language competency, and approaches to learning were good predictors of students’ learning-related outcomes

    Exploring Culture-Specific Learning Styles in Accounting Education

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review whether culture affects accounting students’ learning processes to identify practical guidance for accounting educators facing a culturally diverse classroom. In spite of a significant literature thread in accounting education on student learning, relatively, little emphasis has been placed on culture-specific learning differences. The literature gap is particularly acute with respect to practical culture-specific guidance for accounting educators. This paper is organized along three primary inquiries into the role of culture in accounting education: first, do we know if culture impacts learning? Second, how much do we know about culture-specific learning styles in the accounting field? Third, what implications do culture-specific learning styles carry for accounting educators? Design/methodology/approach – Initially, the author surveys culture-specific learning styles literature, after which a more in-depth analysis of accounting-specific literature is conducted. The author then provides a synthesis of the literature followed by a discussion of the implications for accounting educators. Findings – Culture-specific learning styles carry several implications for educators such as problems associated with overloading short-term memory, the importance of prior experience and the role of visual prompts and motivation among students and educators. Research limitations/implications – It is an opportunity for accounting educators to explore practical teaching techniques that address differences in learning styles that result from culture. Practical implications – Culture-specific learning styles carry several implications for educators. Problems with culture may ultimately be associated with overloading short-term memory. Likewise, prior experience is an important aspect of culture-specific learning and should be recognized by accounting educators. Last, not all motivation need be sourced from the student, and instructors may explore the role of visual prompts when teaching international students. Originality/value – This paper highlights the importance of culture-specific learning styles research in accounting education and the need for accounting educators to carefully consider cultural implications, as international accounting education standards are pursued. The dearth of research into culture-specific learning styles in accounting education is addressed

    A comparative analysis of international education satisfaction using servqual

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    University education, the world over, has undergone significant transformation and reform with respect to higher education systems meeting the growing role of information and communication revolution, and the demand for knowledge, which represent the new challenges of globalisation. These challenges are seen as threats as well as opportunities for higher education systems around the world. The driving force of globalisation is competition and the international education market has become fiercely competitive with different marketing strategies being implemented by educational institutions to attract the growing number of students seeking higher education. The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between the SERVQUAL constructs proposed by Parasuraman et al (1988 &amp; 1985) and the country of origin and satisfaction among four cohorts of Asian international postgraduate students studying in Australian universities. Country of origin is recognized as an important predictor of satisfaction and choice in the international education environment. The data used in this study is derived from a mail survey conducted among international postgraduate students from China, India, Indonesia and Thailand studying in five universities in Victoria, Australia. An adapted version of the SERVQUAL instrument was used to collect the data and was designed to measure the gap between student responses on expectations and perceptions of the university as a study destination on a seven point bi-polar scale. The responses were sought on 36 statements representing aspects of the operations and services of the university under desired (ideal) expectations of choice and post-choice perceptions. Scales were developed to investigate the relationship between the SERVQUAL constructs of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles and the country of origin and were shown to be reliable. Using ANOVA and MANOVA techniques, the study found significant differences between country of origin and the SERVQUAL constructs and discusses strategic implications and opportunities for highereducational institutions<br /

    New models for learning flexibility: negotiated choices for both academics and students

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    ‘Flexible learning’ represents a need associated with ‘lifelong learning’ and the equipping of graduates to actively engage in a ‘knowledge society’. While the precise meaning of each of these terms is not easy to discern, notions of flexible learning have progressed an evolutionary path that concentrates on students as though they are the only stakeholder group in the higher education environment that would benefit from choice. Academic discourse also presumes that all cultural groups making up the increasingly diverse student population aspire to engage in student-centred learning as a precursor to involvement in a knowledge economy. In this environment academics have been encouraged to embrace on-line teaching and promote a more student-centred learning approach when the natural inclination and talent of many academics may make this style of pedagogy so challenging that learning outcomes are compromised. We question this ‘one size fits all’ mentality and suggest a model that empowers both the students and academics by allowing them the ability to choose the approach that suits their educational philosophy and preferred learning/teaching approach. The model represents an innovation in flexibility that recognises initial embedded learning foundation abilities and reaches both teachers and learners by utilizing their own frames of reference

    India country strategy

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    This strategy outlines a vision of where Australia\u27s relationship with India should be in 2025 and how Australia should get there. Australia and India entered into a strategic partnership in 2009. By elevating the relationship to this level, both countries confirmed a strong commitment to expand and deepen collaboration. India is a major regional power, and one that is rising globally. Of Australia’s significant bilateral relationships in Asia, that with India has perhaps the greatest potential to grow and develop towards 2025. India can contribute to Australia’s vision of a more productive and resilient economy through greater trade and investment. Closer people-to-people, migration and travel links will benefit both countries, as will stronger bilateral and multilateral cooperation. With a population of 1.2 billion people, India is a large and complex country. In 2012, India became the third-largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), following 10 years in which average annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth was more than 7 per cent. The Indian economy is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 6.75 per cent between 2012 and 2025. According to the United Nations Development Programme, over half of India’s population faces multidimensional poverty. Future growth and reduction in poverty will require a sustained effort to create jobs, improve skills, develop infrastructure and deliver better public services. The opportunities and challenges Australia faces when engaging with India could vary significantly depending on India’s rate and quality of growth, and the scale of its reform. Australia can supply the resources that India needs to develop, whether this is coking coal for steel, or copper for construction. India is our fifth-largest export market and 10th-largest two-way trading partner. The two-way investment relationship is also growing. In 2012, India invested 10billioninAustralia,whileAustraliainvested10 billion in Australia, while Australia invested 5.7 billion in India

    Understanding Seychelles students\u27 social, academic and cultural experiences during transition to university

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    University transition is a form of change from the familiar to unfamiliar (Hellsten, 2002). According to a literature review, international students (IS) go through both positive and negative experiences due to cross- cultural learning (Grey, 2002). Findings from previous research can be broadly categorised into academic and/or socio-cultural difficulties. Academic issues included getting used to a different learning and teaching environment, a heavier study load coupled with language barriers and academic procedures (Mcinnis, 2001). Socio-cultural issues included culture shock (Townsend & Wan, 2007), language difficulties (Cannon, 2002), discrimination (Poyrazli & Lopez, 2007) and financial issues (Forbes- Mewett et al., 2007). Although not mutually exclusive, many studies have studied either one or the other, ignoring the complex interaction between the two, but often international students experience an interaction of issues which can be inseparable (Yanhong & Kaye, 1998). To lessen negative transition, universities have provided a number of formal services, but due to the limitations of space, only the evaluated and reported services are discussed. As research has shown, most IS prefer informal and personalised services, making it harder for universities to cater for their individual needs (Rosenthal, Russell, & Thomson, 2007). Cost effectiveness in terms of manpower and infrastructure (Houston, 2008) and quality and inclusive education (Hellsten & Prescott, 2002) are issues related to service provision that was addressed. Limitations and direction for future research, in terms of more research focusing on the interaction of transition issues were discussed (Best, Hajzler, & Henderson, 2007). A phenomenological approach was used to explore the experiences of Seychelles international students (IS) during university transition. Rationale for the study was twofold; first, there has been little research done on this cohort and second there is a need to understand their experiences to demonstrate the ways that better catered services can be developed for unique cohorts. Twelve Seychelles students from Edith Cowan University, Perth, were interviewed. Interviews were done in Creole, the participants\u27 native language, and the data was translated into English, transcribed and thematically analysed. Three themes were extracted, namely social, academic and financial support and it was reported that the broader overarching phenomenological \u27essence\u27 of the experience was a sense of isolation, which was experienced across various dimensions. It was concluded that Seychelles IS reported some similar transitional experiences described by previous research, but there were also unique experiences and the university services should reflect these. Limitations and direction for future research are discussed
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