6 research outputs found

    Simple to Complex Cross-modal Learning to Rank

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    The heterogeneity-gap between different modalities brings a significant challenge to multimedia information retrieval. Some studies formalize the cross-modal retrieval tasks as a ranking problem and learn a shared multi-modal embedding space to measure the cross-modality similarity. However, previous methods often establish the shared embedding space based on linear mapping functions which might not be sophisticated enough to reveal more complicated inter-modal correspondences. Additionally, current studies assume that the rankings are of equal importance, and thus all rankings are used simultaneously, or a small number of rankings are selected randomly to train the embedding space at each iteration. Such strategies, however, always suffer from outliers as well as reduced generalization capability due to their lack of insightful understanding of procedure of human cognition. In this paper, we involve the self-paced learning theory with diversity into the cross-modal learning to rank and learn an optimal multi-modal embedding space based on non-linear mapping functions. This strategy enhances the model's robustness to outliers and achieves better generalization via training the model gradually from easy rankings by diverse queries to more complex ones. An efficient alternative algorithm is exploited to solve the proposed challenging problem with fast convergence in practice. Extensive experimental results on several benchmark datasets indicate that the proposed method achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-arts in this literature.Comment: 14 pages; Accepted by Computer Vision and Image Understandin

    From teaching books to educational videos and vice versa: a cross-media content retrieval experience

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    Due to the rapid growth of multimedia data and the diffusion of remote and mixed learning, teaching sessions are becoming more and more multi-modal. To deepen the knowledge of specific topics, learners can be interested in retrieving educational videos that complement the textual content of teaching books. However, retrieving educational videos can be particularly challenging when there is a lack of metadata information. To tackle the aforesaid issue, this paper explores the joint use of Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques to retrieve cross-media educational resources (i.e., from text snippets to videos and vice versa). It applies NLP techniques to both the audio transcript of the videos and to the text snippets in the books in order to quantify the semantic relationships between pairs of educational resources of different media types. Then, it trains a Deep Learning model on top of the NLP-based features. The probabilities returned by the Deep Learning model are used to rank the candidate resources based on their relevance to a given query. The results achieved on a real collection of educational multimodal data show that the proposed approach performs better than state-of-the-art solutions. Furthermore, a preliminary attempt to apply the same approach to address a similar retrieval task (i.e., from text to image and vice versa) has shown promising results

    ¿Transmedia o cross-media? Un análisis multidisciplinar de su uso terminológico en la literatura académica

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    La distinción entre transmedia y cross-media con frecuencia resulta confusa en los estudios sobre la comunicación. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo revisar el uso de ambos conceptos en la literatura científica publicada en Web of Science y SciELO Citation Index. La investigación parte de una muestra de 895 artículos a los que se les aplica un análisis bibliométrico y un análisis de redes para descubrir las relaciones entre textos. Los resultados del estudio son útiles para conocer la configuración del campo de conocimiento desde una perspectiva que integra las diversas disciplinas implicadas y abren el espectro para entender la comunicación transmedia y cross-media como objetos de estudio afines que deben ser estudiados de forma interdisciplinar