3,936 research outputs found

    Human-Machine Collaborative Optimization via Apprenticeship Scheduling

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    Coordinating agents to complete a set of tasks with intercoupled temporal and resource constraints is computationally challenging, yet human domain experts can solve these difficult scheduling problems using paradigms learned through years of apprenticeship. A process for manually codifying this domain knowledge within a computational framework is necessary to scale beyond the ``single-expert, single-trainee" apprenticeship model. However, human domain experts often have difficulty describing their decision-making processes, causing the codification of this knowledge to become laborious. We propose a new approach for capturing domain-expert heuristics through a pairwise ranking formulation. Our approach is model-free and does not require enumerating or iterating through a large state space. We empirically demonstrate that this approach accurately learns multifaceted heuristics on a synthetic data set incorporating job-shop scheduling and vehicle routing problems, as well as on two real-world data sets consisting of demonstrations of experts solving a weapon-to-target assignment problem and a hospital resource allocation problem. We also demonstrate that policies learned from human scheduling demonstration via apprenticeship learning can substantially improve the efficiency of a branch-and-bound search for an optimal schedule. We employ this human-machine collaborative optimization technique on a variant of the weapon-to-target assignment problem. We demonstrate that this technique generates solutions substantially superior to those produced by human domain experts at a rate up to 9.5 times faster than an optimization approach and can be applied to optimally solve problems twice as complex as those solved by a human demonstrator.Comment: Portions of this paper were published in the Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) in 2016 and in the Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) in 2016. The paper consists of 50 pages with 11 figures and 4 table

    Adapt-to-learn policy transfer in reinforcement learning and deep model reference adaptive control

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    Adaptation and Learning from exploration have been a key in biological learning; Humans and animals do not learn every task in isolation; rather are able to quickly adapt the learned behaviors between similar tasks and learn new skills when presented with new situations. Inspired by this, adaptation has been an important direction of research in control as Adaptive Controllers. However, the Adaptive Controllers like Model Reference Adaptive Controller are mainly model-based controllers and do not rely on exploration instead make informed decisions exploiting the model's structure. Therefore such controllers are characterized by high sample efficiency and stability conditions and, therefore, suitable for safety-critical systems. On the other hand, we have Learning-based optimal control algorithms like Reinforcement Learning. Reinforcement learning is a trial and error method, where an agent explores the environment by taking random action and maximizing the likelihood of those particular actions that result in a higher return. However, these exploration techniques are expected to fail many times before exploring optimal policy. Therefore, they are highly sample-expensive and lack stability guarantees and hence not suitable for safety-critical systems. This thesis presents control algorithms for robotics where the best of both worlds that is ``Adaptation'' and ``Learning from exploration'' are brought together to propose new algorithms that can perform better than their conventional counterparts. In this effort, we first present an Adapt to learn policy transfer Algorithm, where we use control theoretical ideas of adaptation to transfer policy between two related but different tasks using the policy gradient method of reinforcement learning. Efficient and robust policy transfer remains a key challenge in reinforcement learning. Policy transfer through warm initialization, imitation, or interacting over a large set of agents with randomized instances, have been commonly applied to solve a variety of Reinforcement Learning (RL) tasks. However, this is far from how behavior transfer happens in the biological world: Here, we seek to answer the question: Will learning to combine adaptation reward with environmental reward lead to a more efficient transfer of policies between domains? We introduce a principled mechanism that can ``Adapt-to-Learn", which is adapt the source policy to learn to solve a target task with significant transition differences and uncertainties. Through theory and experiments, we show that our method leads to a significantly reduced sample complexity of transferring the policies between the tasks. In the second part of this thesis, information-enabled learning-based adaptive controllers like ``Gaussian Process adaptive controller using Model Reference Generative Network'' (GP-MRGeN), ``Deep Model Reference Adaptive Controller'' (DMRAC) are presented. Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) is a widely studied adaptive control methodology that aims to ensure that a nonlinear plant with significant model uncertainty behaves like a chosen reference model. MRAC methods try to adapt the system to changes by representing the system uncertainties as weighted combinations of known nonlinear functions and using weight update law that ensures that network weights are moved in the direction of minimizing the instantaneous tracking error. However, most MRAC adaptive controllers use a shallow network and only the instantaneous data for adaptation, restricting their representation capability and limiting their performance under fast-changing uncertainties and faults in the system. In this thesis, we propose a Gaussian process based adaptive controller called GP-MRGeN. We present a new approach to the online supervised training of GP models using a new architecture termed as Model Reference Generative Network (MRGeN). Our architecture is very loosely inspired by the recent success of generative neural network models. Nevertheless, our contributions ensure that the inclusion of such a model in closed-loop control does not affect the stability properties. The GP-MRGeN controller, through using a generative network, is capable of achieving higher adaptation rates without losing robustness properties of the controller, hence suitable for mitigating faults in fast-evolving systems. Further, in this thesis, we present a new neuroadaptive architecture: Deep Neural Network-based Model Reference Adaptive Control. This architecture utilizes deep neural network representations for modeling significant nonlinearities while marrying it with the boundedness guarantees that characterize MRAC based controllers. We demonstrate through simulations and analysis that DMRAC can subsume previously studied learning-based MRAC methods, such as concurrent learning and GP-MRAC. This makes DMRAC a highly powerful architecture for high-performance control of nonlinear systems with long-term learning properties. Theoretical proofs of the controller generalizing capability over unseen data points and boundedness properties of the tracking error are also presented. Experiments with the quadrotor vehicle demonstrate the controller performance in achieving reference model tracking in the presence of significant matched uncertainties. A software+communication architecture is designed to ensure online real-time inference of the deep network on a high-bandwidth computation-limited platform to achieve these results. These results demonstrate the efficacy of deep networks for high bandwidth closed-loop attitude control of unstable and nonlinear robots operating in adverse situations. We expect that this work will benefit other closed-loop deep-learning control architectures for robotics

    Grounding Language for Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    In this paper, we explore the utilization of natural language to drive transfer for reinforcement learning (RL). Despite the wide-spread application of deep RL techniques, learning generalized policy representations that work across domains remains a challenging problem. We demonstrate that textual descriptions of environments provide a compact intermediate channel to facilitate effective policy transfer. Specifically, by learning to ground the meaning of text to the dynamics of the environment such as transitions and rewards, an autonomous agent can effectively bootstrap policy learning on a new domain given its description. We employ a model-based RL approach consisting of a differentiable planning module, a model-free component and a factorized state representation to effectively use entity descriptions. Our model outperforms prior work on both transfer and multi-task scenarios in a variety of different environments. For instance, we achieve up to 14% and 11.5% absolute improvement over previously existing models in terms of average and initial rewards, respectively.Comment: JAIR 201

    Biasing MCTS with Features for General Games

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    This paper proposes using a linear function approximator, rather than a deep neural network (DNN), to bias a Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) player for general games. This is unlikely to match the potential raw playing strength of DNNs, but has advantages in terms of generality, interpretability and resources (time and hardware) required for training. Features describing local patterns are used as inputs. The features are formulated in such a way that they are easily interpretable and applicable to a wide range of general games, and might encode simple local strategies. We gradually create new features during the same self-play training process used to learn feature weights. We evaluate the playing strength of an MCTS player biased by learnt features against a standard upper confidence bounds for trees (UCT) player in multiple different board games, and demonstrate significantly improved playing strength in the majority of them after a small number of self-play training games.Comment: Accepted at IEEE CEC 2019, Special Session on Games. Copyright of final version held by IEE

    Expert iteration

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    In this thesis, we study how reinforcement learning algorithms can tackle classical board games without recourse to human knowledge. Specifically, we develop a framework and algorithms which learn to play the board game Hex starting from random play. We first describe Expert Iteration (ExIt), a novel reinforcement learning framework which extends Modified Policy Iteration. ExIt explicitly decomposes the reinforcement learning problem into two parts: planning and generalisation. A planning algorithm explores possible move sequences starting from a particular position to find good strategies from that position, while a parametric function approximator is trained to predict those plans, generalising to states not yet seen. Subsequently, planning is improved by using the approximated policy to guide search, increasing the strength of new plans. This decomposition allows ExIt to combine the benefits of both planning methods and function approximation methods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the ExIt paradigm by implementing ExIt with two different planning algorithms. First, we develop a version based on Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), a search algorithm which has been successful both in specific games, such as Go, Hex and Havannah, and in general game playing competitions. We then develop a new planning algorithm, Policy Gradient Search (PGS), which uses a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm for online planning. Unlike MCTS, PGS does not require an explicit search tree. Instead PGS uses function approximation within a single search, allowing it to be applied to problems with larger branching factors. Both MCTS-ExIt and PGS-ExIt defeated MoHex 2.0 - the most recent Hex Olympiad winner to be open sourced - in 9 × 9 Hex. More importantly, whereas MoHex makes use of many Hex-specific improvements and knowledge, all our programs were trained tabula rasa using general reinforcement learning methods. This bodes well for ExIt’s applicability to both other games and real world decision making problems
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