6 research outputs found

    Diseño y desarrollo del modelo óptimo de asignación y cronograma de remolques en el sistema de cadena de suministro con consideración de cross dock con planificación estocástica

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    Todays, transportation, and logistics engineering processes are among the important issues of organizations in the competitive market. Considering the logistical structure of the logistics engineering and the more attention paid to the logistical tools and, in particular, such as the use of these tools, such as containers (pallets, containers, etc.), transportation equipment (trailer, forklift trucks, etc.), and The art of building the supply and distribution network concerning the main warehouses, cross-dock, and temporary storage, is one of the most critical and contemplative cases. In fact, all these tools work together to maximize system efficiency in the field of logistics concerning the leading impact indicators, including the time of shipment (loading, disloading, the allocation of trailers, etc.). This paper's main goal is to present and develop a mathematical model of trailer schedule planning in possible conditions in the cross-dock. In fact, the main function of this mathematical model is to minimize the total time of the logistics process from the stage of emptying the pallets from the materials producers in the cross docks and assigning the trailer to the door, and finally reloading the pallets to be distributed to the production sites. To solve this model and to analyze the outputs, mixed integer programming was used by GAMS software.Hoy en día, los procesos de ingeniería de transporte y logística se encuentran entre los temas importantes de las organizaciones en el mercado competitivo. Teniendo en cuenta la estructura logística de la ingeniería logística y la mayor atención prestada a las herramientas logísticas y, en particular, como el uso de estas herramientas, como contenedores (pallets, contenedores, etc.), equipos de transporte (remolque, carretillas elevadoras, etc.), y El arte de construir la red de suministro y distribución con respecto a los almacenes principales, cross dock y almacenamiento temporal, es uno de los casos más importantes y contemplativos. De hecho, todas estas herramientas trabajan juntas para maximizar la eficiencia del sistema en el campo de la logística con respecto a los principales indicadores de impacto, incluido el tiempo de envío (carga, descarga, asignación de remolques, etc.). El objetivo principal de este artículo es presentar y desarrollar un modelo matemático de planificación de horarios de remolques en las posibles condiciones en el muelle de cruce. De hecho, la función principal de este modelo matemático es minimizar el tiempo total del proceso logístico desde la etapa de vaciado de los pallets de los productores de materiales en los cross docks y la asignación del remolque a la puerta y finalmente la recarga de los pallets a distribuir. a los sitios de producción. Para resolver este modelo y analizar las salidas, el software GAMS utilizó la programación de enteros mixtos

    Cross-docking: A systematic literature review

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    This paper identifies the major research concepts, techniques, and models covered in the cross-docking literature. A systematic literature review is conducted using the BibExcel bibliometric analysis and Gephi network analysis tools. A research focus parallelship network (RFPN) analysis and keyword co-occurrence network (KCON) analysis are used to identify the primary research themes. The RFPN results suggest that vehicle routing, inventory control, scheduling, warehousing, and distribution are most studied. Of the optimization and simulation techniques applied in cross-docking, linear and integer programming has received much attention. The paper informs researchers interested in investigating cross-docking through an integrated perspective of the research gaps in this domain. This paper systematically reviews the literature on cross-docking, identifies the major research areas, and provides a survey of the techniques and models adopted by researchers in the areas related to cross-docking

    A Review: Mathematical Modles for Cross Docking Planning

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    This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of mathematical models in cross docking planning. From the reviews, the models are classified in three different levels regarding its decisions level which are operational, tactical, and strategic level. The researches in operational level are mainly related to develop model in scheduling, dock door assignment, transhipment problem, vehicle routing, and product allocation. For tactical and strategic level, the researches are mainly proposing model to design the layout and the network of cross docking respectively. The contribution of this paper is to realize the gaps of knowledge in strategic, tactical and operational levels and point out the future research directions in cross docking

    Optimization Models for Locating Cross-docks under Capacity Uncertainty

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop mathematical models for locating cross-docks in a supply chain. Cross-docking is a strategy which can help consolidate the goods in the supply chain and save costs by reducing the number of truck trips. In this thesis four optimization models were developed. First two optimization models termed Model A and Model B were deterministic models. The goal of model A was to choose exactly P locations to locate cross-docks so that the transportation and handling costs are minimized. The goal of model B is to locate as many cross-docks as needed so that total routing, handling, and facility location costs are minimized. Then we developed a chance constraint model and a recourse model which accounted for capacity uncertainties at cross-dock location. The chance constraint model accounts for day to day operational uncertainties whereas the recourse model accounts to drastic reductions in capacities due to disruptions. Extensive computational analysis was conducted on two networks with parameters consistent with real world freight operations. The results reveal that cross-docking provides significant savings when the demand sizes are small and there is more potential for consolidation. For larger demands where the potential for consolidation is less, cross-dock savings diminish. The results were found to be consistent across a variety of capacity uncertainty scenarios

    Metodología para diseñar una operación cross-docking aplicada en cuatro cadenas de suministro de productos agrícolas en Cundinamarca

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    Los productos alimenticios tienen características inherentes a su naturaleza que hacen que su tratamiento tenga condiciones particulares. Esto se debe, en parte, a que pueden ser altamente perecederos o susceptibles al daño mecánico causado por la manipulación. Uno de los aspectos importantes por los que estos productos se ven afectados es el tiempo total que transcurre desde que son cosechados hasta que llegan al consumidor final, además de los diferentes eslabones por los cuales deben pasar. Para reducir este tiempo, se estudia el impacto que tendría una estrategia cross-docking en el manejo de 4 productos alimenticios cultivados en zonas rurales de Cundinamarca, las cuales se caracterizan por presentar diferencias en los pisos térmicos y deficiencias en su infraestructura de transporte. El objeto de esta investigación es proponer un marco de análisis para identificar las potencialidades y oportunidades de la implantación de centros de cross-dock para alimentos perecederos, así como guiar su diseño y desarrollo. Para esto, se analizan las características de cada producto a través de un estudio cualitativo, se describen sus cadenas de suministro y se estudian los requerimientos de un centro cross-dock. De acuerdo a este análisis, se determina la viabilidad de este proceso para los productos estudiados y se formulan las etapas que se deben tener en cuenta para el diseño de una instalación de tipo cross-docking. Por medio de simulación se analiza el impacto del número de operarios del cross-dock sobre el tiempo de ciclo del producto, concluyendo que éste sí se ve altamente afectado por este número. Se recomienda continuar con el análisis de factores que influencien el tiempo de ciclo en el caso de productos perecederos.Abstract: Food products have characteristics inherent to their nature that make their treatment have particular conditions. This is due, in part, to the fact that they can be highly perishable or susceptible to mechanical damage caused by handling. One of the important aspects that affect these products is the total time that elapses from when they are harvested until they reach the final consumer, in addition to the different actors through which they must pass. To reduce this time, the impact of a cross-docking strategy on the management of 4 food products grown in rural areas of Cundinamarca, which are characterized by differences in thermal floors and deficiencies in their transport infrastructure, is studied. The purpose of this research is to propose a framework of analysis to identify the potential and opportunities of the implementation of cross-dock centers for perishable food, as well as to guide its design and development. In order to do this, the characteristics of each product are analyzed through a qualitative study, its supply chains are described and the requirements of a cross-docking center are studied. According to this analysis, the viability of this process is determined for the products studied and the stages that must be taken into account for the design of a cross-docking installation are formulated. By means of simulation, the impact of the number of cross-dock operators on the product's cycle time is analyzed, concluding that it is highly affected by this number. It is recommended to continue with the analysis of factors that influence the cycle time in the case of perishable products.Maestrí

    Cross Dock Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithms

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