47 research outputs found

    Revue de littérature et Benchmark des facteurs clés de succès de l’implémentation d’un ERP : cas de la Jordanie, la Chine et la Belgique

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    A travers cette contribution, nous cherchons à explorer les facteurs qui déterminent le succès des projets d’implémentation de PGI en entreprises. Sur la base de l’analyse de contributions disparates, notre article se focalise sur un benchmark des facteurs clés de succès de l’implémentation d’un ERP dans trois pays à caractéristiques démographiques, culturelles et économiques distinctes : la Jordanie, la Chine et la Belgique. Outre une revue de la littérature assez riche sur la thématique, l'objectif principal de cette recherche est de comprendre s'il existe des points de ressemblance ou de divergence dans les FCS, dans les trois études analysées, pouvant impacter la réussite des projets de mise en œuvre des ERP. Notre benchmark fait ressortir le management du changement, la précision des données intégrées dans le PGI, la composition de l’équipe projet et le support du Top Management comme des FCS transversaux entre les trois pays. Seule la Jordanie se distingue par des FCS spécifiques

    A Critical Hermeneutics Analysis of SME ERP Implementation Project Management Practices

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    Consumer reviews on retailer-hosted platforms present an internal source of information for customers before considering the purchase of a product. While related literature has established a strong link between review ratings and retailer sales, research that integrates external sources is still in its infancy. This is particularly true for the role of social media, in which user actions can induce other users to behave in a similar way. This paper thus examines the role of social media in the assessment of product reviews on retailer-hosted platforms. We find that a higher deviation of a review rating from a product’s social media popularity has a positive effect on the perceived helpfulness of the review. Moreover, we see that negative reviews are more likely to receive a helpful vote if the product enjoys substantial popularity on social media, whereas we observe the opposite effect for products with low popularity

    Development of a hybrid methodology (MCDM) for ERP system selection (Case study: Mahan Airlines)

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    Increasing importance of software systems for organizations converted organization resources systems into one of the main priorities for companies. The aim of organization resources planning systems is to integrate, synchronize and concentrate. Usually, ERP are considered as vital tools to be successful in rapidly changing global markets for companies. Due to its high acquisition, selection of ERP systems is important and difficult decision and since there is a vast tangible and intangible criteria which shall be considered, it is often decided as multifaceted nature of problem. Due to varying nature of problem, in this research, a three stages hybrid methodology is suggested. This process started with identification of most prevalent criteria and then because of importance of variables, fuzzy analytic hierarchical process is applied to obtain importance and relative weighed criteria. Then, the weighted criteria are used as inputs for ranking priorities by similarity with ideal solution to rank decision alternatives. The proposed methodology is suggested as a descriptive method in real world in order to select ERP systems in Mahan airlines. Because of collaborative and systematic nature of methodology, this process is highly satisfactory and trustworthy for decision makers

    A framework for the successful implementation of food traceability systems in China

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    Implementation of food traceability systems in China faces many challenges due to the scale, diversity and complexity of China’s food supply chains. This study aims to identify critical success factors specific to the implementation of traceability systems in China. Twenty-seven critical success factors were identified in the literature. Interviews with managers at four food enterprises in a pre-study helped identify success criteria and five additional critical success factors. These critical success factors were tested through a survey of managers in eighty-three food companies. This study identifies six dimensions for critical success factors: laws, regulations and standards; government support; consumer knowledge and support; effective management and communication; top management and vendor support; and information and system quality

    Development of a Model to Understand How Consultants Manage Conflicts during ERP Change Process: A Dialectic Perspective

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    ERP implementation and post-implementation initiatives involve changes and thus are regarded as ERP change processes. Conflicts due to various stakeholders’ engagement regularly arise in such a change process. Consultants can help mediate many of these conflicts, but their contribution in managing conflicts is not adequately understood. The aim of this research-in-progress paper is thus to develop a theory-driven model to understand how ERP consultants manage conflicts during ERP change process. The dialectic perspective is used as appropriate theoretical lens which could potentially provide valuable and rich insights into understanding the broader ERP change process phenomenon

    A Study of Critical Success Factors for Enterprise Systems Implementation by SMEs

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    Due to the unique characteristics of small-and-medium sized enterprises (SMEs), critical success factors (CSFs) identified in the context of large enterprises may not be readily applicable to SMEs. This paper aims to enhance the current understanding of CSFs for ES implementation in SMEs. It synthesizes a set of CSFs that are likely to be significant for ES implementation in SMEs and then explores the perception of 30 SMEs regarding influential CSFs through an analysis of online customer success stories. The study highlights some differences in CSF identified in the literature and those perceived by SMEs. By identifying CSFs of high importance within the context of SMEs this study improves the prospects of successful ES implementation. It also identifies knowledge gaps that could be addressed in future studies to enhance the current understanding of CSFs for ES implementations in SMEs

    Adoption of ERP system: An empirical study of factors influencing the usage of ERP and its impact on end user

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    AbstractComplex information systems like the ERP integrate the data of all business areas within the organization. The implementation of ERP is a difficult process as it involves different types of end users. Based on literature, we proposed a conceptual framework and examined it to find the effect of some of the individual, organizational, and technological factors on the usage of ERP and its impact on the end user. The results of the analysis suggest that computer self-efficacy, organizational support, training, and compatibility have a positive influence on ERP usage which in turn has significant influence on panoptic empowerment and individual performance