55 research outputs found

    Critical slope p-adic L-functions of CM modular forms

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    For ordinary modular forms, there are two constructions of a p-adic L-function attached to the non-unit root of the Hecke polynomial, which are conjectured but not known to coincide. We prove this conjecture for modular forms of CM type, by calculating the the critical-slope L-function arising from Kato's Euler system and comparing this with results of Bellaiche on the critical-slope L-function defined using overconvergent modular symbols.Comment: 14 page

    pp-adic Gross-Zagier formula at critical slope and a conjecture of Perrin-Riou

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    Let pp be an odd prime. Given an imaginary quadratic field K=Q(−DK)K=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-D_K}) where pp splits with DK>3D_K>3, and a pp-ordinary newform f∈Sk(Γ0(N))f \in S_k(\Gamma_0(N)) such that NN verifies the Heegner hypothesis relative to KK, we prove a pp-adic Gross-Zagier formula for the critical slope pp-stabilization of ff (assuming that it is non-θ\theta-critical). In the particular case when f=fAf=f_A is the newform of weight 22 associated to an elliptic curve AA that has good ordinary reduction at pp, this allows us to verify a conjecture of Perrin-Riou. The pp-adic Gross-Zagier formula we prove has applications also towards the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer formula for elliptic curves of analytic rank one.Comment: 35 pages, minor updates. Comments most welcome

    Plus/minus p-adic L-functions for GL2n

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    We generalise Pollack’s construction of plus/minus L-functions to certain cuspidal automorphic representations of GL2n using the p-adic L-functions constructed in work of Barrera Salazar et al. (On p-adic l-functions for GL2n in finite slope shalika families, 2021). We use these to prove that the complex L-functions of such representations vanish at at most finitely many twists by characters of p-power conductor

    On the asymptotic growth of Bloch-Kato-Shafarevich-Tate groups of modular forms over cyclotomic extensions

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    We study the asymptotic behaviour of the Bloch-Kato-Shafarevich-Tate group of a modular form f over the cyclotomic Zp-extension of Q under the assumption that f is non-ordinary at p. In particular, we give upper bounds of these groups in terms of Iwasawa invariants of Selmer groups defined using p-adic Hodge Theory. These bounds have the same form as the formulae of Kobayashi, Kurihara and Sprung for supersingular elliptic curves.Comment: To appear in Canad. J. Mat

    Dieudonne crystals and Wach modules for p-divisible fgroups

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    Let kk be a perfect field of characteristic p>2p>2 and KK an extension of F=FracW(k)F=\mathrm{Frac} W(k) contained in some F(μpr)F(\mu_{p^r}). Using crystalline Dieudonn\'e theory, we provide a classification of pp-divisible groups over OK\mathscr{O}_K in terms of finite height (φ,Γ)(\varphi,\Gamma)-modules over S:=W(k)[[u]]\mathfrak{S}:=W(k)[[u]]. Although such a classification is a consequence of (a special case of) the theory of Kisin--Ren, our construction gives an independent proof and allows us to recover the Dieudonn\'e crystal of a pp-divisible group from the Wach module associated to its Tate module by Berger--Breuil or by Kisin--Ren
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