65 research outputs found

    Crime Pattern Detection Using Data Mining

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    Can crimes be modeled as data mining problems? We will try to answer this question in this paper. Crimes are a social nuisance and cost our society dearly in several ways. Any research that can help in solving crimes faster will pay for itself. Here we look at use of clustering algorithm for a data mining approach to help detect the crimes patterns and speed up the process of solving crime. We will look at k-means clustering with some enhancements to aid in the process of identification of crime patterns. We will apply these techniques to real crime data from a sheriff’s office and validate our results. We also use semi-supervised learning technique here for knowledge discovery from the crime records and to help increase the predictive accuracy. We also developed a weighting scheme for attributes here to deal with limitations of various out of the box clustering tools and techniques. This easy to implement machine learning framework works with the geo-spatial plot of crime and helps to improve the productivity of the detectives and other law enforcement officers. It can also be applied for counter terrorism for homeland security

    i-JEN: Visual interactive Malaysia crime news retrieval system

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    Supporting crime news investigation involves a mechanism to help monitor the current and past status of criminal events. We believe this could be well facilitated by focusing on the user interfaces and the event crime model aspects. In this paper we discuss on a development of Visual Interactive Malaysia Crime News Retrieval System (i-JEN) and describe the approach, user studies and planned, the system architecture and future plan. Our main objectives are to construct crime-based event; investigate the use of crime-based event in improving the classification and clustering; develop an interactive crime news retrieval system; visualize crime news in an effective and interactive way; integrate them into a usable and robust system and evaluate the usability and system performance. The system will serve as a news monitoring system which aims to automatically organize, retrieve and present the crime news in such a way as to support an effective monitoring, searching, and browsing for the target users groups of general public, news analysts and policemen or crime investigators. The study will contribute to the better understanding of the crime data consumption in the Malaysian context as well as the developed system with the visualisation features to address crime data and the eventual goal of combating the crimes

    Social Bots for Online Public Health Interventions

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    According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States hundreds of thousands initiate smoking each year, and millions live with smoking-related dis- eases. Many tobacco users discuss their habits and preferences on social media. This work conceptualizes a framework for targeted health interventions to inform tobacco users about the consequences of tobacco use. We designed a Twitter bot named Notobot (short for No-Tobacco Bot) that leverages machine learning to identify users posting pro-tobacco tweets and select individualized interventions to address their interest in tobacco use. We searched the Twitter feed for tobacco-related keywords and phrases, and trained a convolutional neural network using over 4,000 tweets dichotomously manually labeled as either pro- tobacco or not pro-tobacco. This model achieves a 90% recall rate on the training set and 74% on test data. Users posting pro- tobacco tweets are matched with former smokers with similar interests who posted anti-tobacco tweets. Algorithmic matching, based on the power of peer influence, allows for the systematic delivery of personalized interventions based on real anti-tobacco tweets from former smokers. Experimental evaluation suggests that our system would perform well if deployed. This research offers opportunities for public health researchers to increase health awareness at scale. Future work entails deploying the fully operational Notobot system in a controlled experiment within a public health campaign

    A platform for discovering and sharing confidential ballistic crime data.

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    Criminal investigations generate large volumes of complex data that detectives have to analyse and understand. This data tends to be "siloed" within individual jurisdictions and re-using it in other investigations can be difficult. Investigations into trans-national crimes are hampered by the problem of discovering relevant data held by agencies in other countries and of sharing those data. Gun-crimes are one major type of incident that showcases this: guns are easily moved across borders and used in multiple crimes but finding that a weapon was used elsewhere in Europe is difficult. In this paper we report on the Odyssey Project, an EU-funded initiative to mine, manipulate and share data about weapons and crimes. The project demonstrates the automatic combining of data from disparate repositories for cross-correlation and automated analysis. The data arrive from different cultural/domains with multiple reference models using real-time data feeds and historical databases

    Online Crime Fraud Detection System

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    Due to dramatically increased usage of internet we are proposing our system online. Crimeidentification should be in such a way that the crime measures get reduced in society. Crime identification is the very crucial stage nowadays. Hence we are trying to propose a new web application, to ease of access, by the views of Police and Public. In this paper, not only we are having the crime identification system but also we are going to add some more features like fraud detection system of Government Identity Proof, Home owner’s renter’s verification. We are trying to implement this application at district level under consideration of Crime measures and process of crime registration. After successful implementation, we will try to make it worldwide. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16044

    Использование метода компараторной идентификации для динамического наполнения тезауруса оперативно-розыскной деятельности

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    В работе показана необходимость использования специализированного тезауруса для повышения полноты и точности работы интегрированной информационно-криминалистической системы. Рассмотрены основные этапы автоматического формирования объектно-ориентированного динамически наполняемого тезауруса оперативно-розыскной деятельности. Предложено использование метода компараторной идентификации для выделения общих содержательных признаков ключевых слов, что позволило автоматизировать этап дескрипторизации словарных статей тезауруса

    Predicting Crime Using Spatial Features

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    Our study aims to build a machine learning model for crime prediction using geospatial features for different categories of crime. The reverse geocoding technique is applied to retrieve open street map (OSM) spatial data. This study also proposes finding hotpoints extracted from crime hotspots area found by Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (HDBSCAN). A spatial distance feature is then computed based on the position of different hotpoints for various types of crime and this value is used as a feature for classifiers. We test the engineered features in crime data from Royal Canadian Mounted Police of Halifax, NS. We observed a significant performance improvement in crime prediction using the new generated spatial features.Comment: Paper accepted to 31st Canadian Conference in Artificial Intelligence, 201