3 research outputs found

    Creation and evaluation of large keyphrase extraction collections with multiple opinions

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    While several automatic keyphrase extraction (AKE) techniques have been developed and analyzed, there is little consensus on the definition of the task and a lack of overview of the effectiveness of different techniques. Proper evaluation of keyphrase extraction requires large test collections with multiple opinions, currently not available for research. In this paper, we (i) present a set of test collections derived from various sources with multiple annotations (which we also refer to as opinions in the remained of the paper) for each document, (ii) systematically evaluate keyphrase extraction using several supervised and unsupervised AKE techniques, (iii) and experimentally analyze the effects of disagreement on AKE evaluation. Our newly created set of test collections spans different types of topical content from general news and magazines, and is annotated with multiple annotations per article by a large annotator panel. Our annotator study shows that for a given document there seems to be a large disagreement on the preferred keyphrases, suggesting the need for multiple opinions per document. A first systematic evaluation of ranking and classification of keyphrases using both unsupervised and supervised AKE techniques on the test collections shows a superior effectiveness of supervised models, even for a low annotation effort and with basic positional and frequency features, and highlights the importance of a suitable keyphrase candidate generation approach. We also study the influence of multiple opinions, training data and document length on evaluation of keyphrase extraction. Our new test collection for keyphrase extraction is one of the largest of its kind and will be made available to stimulate future work to improve reliable evaluation of new keyphrase extractors

    A tree based keyphrase extraction technique for academic literature

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    Automatic keyphrase extraction techniques aim to extract quality keyphrases to summarize a document at a higher level. Among the existing techniques some of them are domain-specific and require application domain knowledge, some of them are based on higher-order statistical methods and are computationally expensive, and some of them require large train data which are rare for many applications. Overcoming these issues, this thesis proposes a new unsupervised automatic keyphrase extraction technique, named TeKET or Tree-based Keyphrase Extraction Technique, which is domain-independent, employs limited statistical knowledge, and requires no train data. The proposed technique also introduces a new variant of the binary tree, called KeyPhrase Extraction (KePhEx) tree to extract final keyphrases from candidate keyphrases. Depending on the candidate keyphrases the KePhEx tree structure is either expanded or shrunk or maintained. In addition, a measure, called Cohesiveness Index or CI, is derived that denotes the degree of cohesiveness of a given node with respect to the root which is used in extracting final keyphrases from a resultant tree in a flexible manner and is utilized in ranking keyphrases alongside Term Frequency. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is evaluated using an experimental evaluation on a benchmark corpus, called SemEval-2010 with total 244 train and test articles, and compared with other relevant unsupervised techniques by taking the representatives from both statistical (such as Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and YAKE) and graph-based techniques (PositionRank, CollabRank (SingleRank), TopicRank, and MultipartiteRank) into account. Three evaluation metrics, namely precision, recall and F1 score are taken into consideration during the experiments. The obtained results demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed technique over other similar techniques in terms of precision, recall, and F1 scores