1,531 research outputs found

    Visualizing 2D Flows with Animated Arrow Plots

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    Flow fields are often represented by a set of static arrows to illustrate scientific vulgarization, documentary film, meteorology, etc. This simple schematic representation lets an observer intuitively interpret the main properties of a flow: its orientation and velocity magnitude. We propose to generate dynamic versions of such representations for 2D unsteady flow fields. Our algorithm smoothly animates arrows along the flow while controlling their density in the domain over time. Several strategies have been combined to lower the unavoidable popping artifacts arising when arrows appear and disappear and to achieve visually pleasing animations. Disturbing arrow rotations in low velocity regions are also handled by continuously morphing arrow glyphs to semi-transparent discs. To substantiate our method, we provide results for synthetic and real velocity field datasets

    Visualizing Magnitude and Direction in Flow Fields

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    In weather visualizations, it is common to see vector data represented by glyphs placed on grids. The glyphs either do not encode magnitude in readable steps, or have designs that interfere with the data. The grids form strong but irrelevant patterns. Directional, quantitative glyphs bent along streamlines are more effective for visualizing flow patterns. With the goal of improving the perception of flow patterns in weather forecasts, we designed and evaluated two variations on a glyph commonly used to encode wind speed and direction in weather visualizations. We tested the ability of subjects to determine wind direction and speed: the results show the new designs are superior to the traditional. In a second study we designed and evaluated new methods for representing modeled wave data using similar streamline-based designs. We asked subjects to rate the marine weather visualizations: the results revealed a preference for some of the new designs

    Two-dimensional unsteady flow visualization by animating evenly-spaced streamlets

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    Flow visualization has been widely used to display and discover patterns and features in vector fields. Common applications include the representation of ocean currents and weather model data. In this thesis, a flexible method for animating vector fields is developed, based on a generalization of a Poisson disc sampling method. The algorithm has two stages; in the first streamlets are drawn into an image buffer, larger than their intended size. Before they are drawn they are tested to see if they impact on already drawn areas; if they do, they are rejected. In the second stage the ones that pass the test are drawn normal size. The concept of a 3D streamlet object, which groups consecutive time step streamlets as a primitive rendering object, is introduced as part of a method for animating streamlets so that they have minimal overlap and show frame-to-frame coherence providing visual continuity when animating time varying vector fields. Acceptance schemes that allow for occasional overlap between streamlets are explored and found to improve both the speed and the overall quality. Both model data and real weather data are used to evaluate the method. The results show that the method produces good results and is flexible, allows for variable size and density of streamlets, and produces good results

    Automatic Stream Surface Seeding

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    Easy Integral Surfaces: A Fast, Quad-based Stream and Path Surface Algorithm

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    a fast, quad-based stream and path surface algorith

    Procedural band patterns

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    We seek to cover a parametric domain with a set of evenly spaced bands which number and widthvaries according to a density field. We propose an implicit procedural algorithm, that generates theband pattern from a pixel shader and adapts to changes to the control fields in real time. Each band isuniquely identified by an integer. This allows a wide range of texturing effects, including specifying adifferent appearance in each individual bands. Our technique also affords for progressive gradationsof scales, avoiding the abrupt doubling of the number of lines of typical subdivision approaches. Thisleads to a general approach for drawing bands, drawing splitting and merging curves, and drawingevenly spaced streamlines. Using these base ingredients, we demonstrate a wide variety of texturingeffects

    The perceptual optimization of two-dimensional flow visualizations using human-in-the-loop local hill climbing

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    Flow visualization is the graphical representation of vector fields or fluids that enables an observer to visually perceive the forces or motions involved. The fields being displayed are typically dynamic and complex, with a vector direction and magnitude at every point in the field, and often with additional underlying data that is also of interest to the observer. Distilling this mass of data into a static, two-dimensional image that captures the essential patterns and features in a way that is intuitively understandable can be a daunting task. Historically, there have been many different techniques and algorithms to generate visualizations of a flow field. These methods differ widely in implementation, but conceptually they involve the association of significant aspects of the data field (e.g., direction, velocity, temperature, vorticity) to certain visual parameters used in the graphic representation (e.g., size and orientation of lines or arrows, foreground and background color, density/sparsity of graphical elements). For example, the velocity of a field could be mapped to color, line width, line length, arrow head or glyph size, etc. There are many such potential parameter mappings within each technique, and many value ranges that can be used to constrain each parameter within a given mapping, resulting in a virtually limitless number of possible permutations for visually representing a flow field. So, how does one optimize the output? How can one determine which mappings and what values within each mapping produce the best results? Such optimization requires the ability to rapidly generate high-quality visualizations across a wide variety of parameter mappings and settings. We address this need by providing a highly-configurable interactive software system that allows rapid, human-in-the-loop optimization of two-dimensional flow visualization. This software is then used in a study to generate quality visual solutions to a two-dimensional ocean current flow plus surface temperature over a variety of parameter mappings. The results of this study are used to identify relevant rules and patterns governing the efficacy of each combination of parameters, and to draw some general conclusions concerning 2D flow visualization parameter mapping and values