2,002 research outputs found

    Creating adaptive and individual personalities in many characters without hand crafting behaviours

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    Believable characters significantly increase the immersion of users or players in interactive applications. A key component of believable characters is their personality, which has previously been implemented statically using the time consuming task of hand-crafting individuality for each character. Often personality has been modeled based on theories that assume behavior is the same regardless of situation and environment. This paper presents a simple affective and cognitive framework for interactive entertainment characters that allows adaptation of behavior based on the environment and emotions. Different personalities are reflected in behavior preferences which are generated based on individual experience. An initial version of the framework has been implemented in a simple scenario to explore which parameters have the greatest effect on agent diversity

    Artificial Companions with Personality and Social Role

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    Subtitle: "Expectations from Users on the Design of Groups of Companions"International audienceRobots and virtual characters are becoming increasingly used in our everyday life. Yet, they are still far from being able to maintain long-term social relationships with users. It also remains unclear what future users will expect from these so-called "artificial companions" in terms of social roles and personality. These questions are of importance because users will be surrounded with multiple artificial companions. These issues of social roles and personality among a group of companions are sledom tackled in user studies. In this paper, we describe a study in which 94 participants reported that social roles and personalities they would expect from groups of companions. We explain how the resulsts give insights for the design of future groups of companions endowed with social intelligence

    Affective automotive user interfaces

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    Technological progress in the fields of ubiquitous sensing and machine learning has been fueling the development of user-aware human-computer interaction in recent years. Especially natural user interfaces, like digital voice assistants, can benefit from understanding their users in order to provide a more naturalistic experience. Such systems can, for example, detect the emotional state of users and accordingly act in an empathic way. One major research field working on this topic is Affective Computing, where psycho-physiological measures, speech input, and facial expressions are used to sense human emotions. Affective data allows natural user interfaces to respond to emotions, providing promising perspectives not only for user experience design but also for safety aspects. In automotive environments, informed estimations of the driver’s state can potentially avoid dangerous errors and evoking positive emotions can improve the experience of driving. This dissertation explores Affective Automotive User Interfaces using two basic interaction paradigms: firstly, emotion regulation systems react to the current emotional state of the user based on live sensing data, allowing for quick interventions. Secondly, emotional interaction synthesizes experiences which resonate with the user on an emotional level. The constituted goals of these two interaction approaches are the promotion of safe behavior and an improvement of user experience. Promoting safe behavior through emotion regulation: Systems which detect and react to the driver’s state are expected to have great potential for improving road safety. This work presents a model and methods needed to investigate such systems and an exploration of several approaches to keep the driver in a safe state. The presented methods include techniques to induce emotions and to sample the emotional state of drivers. Three driving simulator studies investigate the impacts of emotionaware interventions in the form of implicit cues, visual mirroring and empathic speech synthesis. We envision emotion-awareness as a safety feature which can detect if a driver is unfit or in need of support, based on the propagation of robust emotion detection technology. Improving user experience with emotional interaction: Emotional perception is an essential part of user experience. This thesis entails methods to build emotional experiences derived from a variety of lab and simulator studies, expert feedback, car-storming sessions and design thinking workshops. Systems capable of adapting to the user’s preferences and traits in order to create an emotionally satisfactory user experience do not require the input of emotion detection. They rather create value through general knowledge about the user by adapting the output they generate. During this research, cultural and generational influences became evident, which have to be considered when implementing affective automotive user interfaces in future cars. We argue that the future of user-aware interaction lies in adapting not only to the driver’s preferences and settings but also to their current state. This paves the way for the regulation of safe behavior, especially in safety-critical environments like cars, and an improvement of the driving experience.Aktuelle Fortschritte in den Bereichen des Machine Learning und Ubiquitous Computing ermöglichen es heute adaptive Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen zu realisieren. Vor allem natürliche Interaktion, wie wir sie von Sprachassistenten kennen, profitiert von einem verbesserten VerstĂ€ndnis des Nutzerverhaltens. Zum Beispiel kann ein Assistent mit Informationen über den emotionalen Zustand des Nutzers natürlicher interagieren, vielleicht sogar Empathie zeigen. Affective Computing ist das damit verbundene Forschungsfeld, das sich damit beschĂ€ftigt menschliche Emotionen durch Beobachtung von physiologischen Daten, Sprache und Mimik zu erkennen. Dabei ermöglicht Emotionserkennung natürliche Interaktion auf Basis des Fahrer/innenzustands, was nicht nur vielversprechend in Bezug auf die Gestaltung des Nutzerelebnisses klingt, sondern auch Anwendungen im Bereich der Verkehrssicherheit hat. Ein Einsatz im Fahrkontext könnte so vermeidbare UnfĂ€lle verringern und gleichzeitig Fahrer durch emotionale Interaktion begeistern. Diese Dissertation beleuchtet Affective Automotive User Interfaces – zu Deutsch in etwa Emotionsadaptive Benutzerschnittstellen im Fahrzeug – auf Basis zweier inhaltlicher SĂ€ulen: erstens benutzen wir AnsĂ€tze zur Emotionsregulierung, um im Falle gefĂ€hrlicher FahrerzustĂ€nde einzugreifen. Zweitens erzeugen wir emotional aufgeladene Interaktionen, um das Nutzererlebnis zu verbessern. Erhöhte Sicherheit durch Emotionsregulierung: Emotionsadaptiven Systemen wird ein großes Potenzial zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit zugeschrieben. Wir stellen ein Modell und Methoden vor, die zur Untersuchung solcher Systeme benötigt werden und erforschen AnsĂ€tze, die dazu dienen Fahrer in einer Gefühlslage zu halten, die sicheres Handeln erlaubt. Die vorgestellten Methoden beinhalten AnsĂ€tze zur Emotionsinduktion und -erkennung, sowie drei Fahrsimulatorstudien zur Beeinflussung von Fahrern durch indirekte Reize, Spiegeln von Emotionen und empathischer Sprachinteraktion. Emotionsadaptive Sicherheitssysteme können in Zukunft beeintrĂ€chtigten Fahrern Unterstützung leisten und so den Verkehr sicherer machen, vorausgesetzt die technischen Grundlagen der Emotionserkennung gewinnen an Reife. Verbesserung des Nutzererlebnisses durch emotionale Interaktion: Emotionen tragen einen großen Teil zum Nutzerlebnis bei, darum ist es nur sinnvoll den zweiten Fokuspunkt dieser Arbeit auf systeminitiierte emotionale Interaktion zu legen.Wir stellen die Ergebnisse nutzerzentrierter Ideenfindung und mehrer Evaluationsstudien der resultierenden Systeme vor. Um sich den Vorlieben und Eigenschaften von Nutzern anzupassen wird nicht zwingend Emotionserkennung benötigt. Der Mehrwert solcher Systeme besteht vielmehr darin, auf Basis verfügbarer Verhaltensdaten ein emotional anspruchsvolles Erlebnis zu ermöglichen. In unserer Arbeit stoßen wir außerdem auf kulturelle und demografische Einflüsse, die es bei der Gestaltung von emotionsadaptiven Nutzerschnittstellen zu beachten gibt. Wir sehen die Zukunft nutzeradaptiver Interaktion im Fahrzeug nicht in einer rein verhaltensbasierten Anpassung, sondern erwarten ebenso emotionsbezogene Innovationen. Dadurch können zukünftige Systeme sicherheitsrelevantes Verhalten regulieren und gleichzeitig das Fortbestehen der Freude am Fahren ermöglichen

    Customizing Experiences for Mobile Virtual Reality

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    A criação manual de conteĂșdo para um jogo Ă© um processo demorado e trabalhoso que requer um conjunto de habilidades diversi cado (normalmente designers, artistas e programadores) e a gestĂŁo de diferentes recursos (hardware e software especializados). Dado que o orçamento, tempo e recursos sĂŁo frequentemente muito limitados, os projetos poderiam bene ciar de uma solução que permitisse poupar e investir noutros aspectos do desenvolvimento. No contexto desta tese, abordamos este desa o sugerindo a criação de pacotes especĂ­ cos para a geração de conteĂșdo per sonalizĂĄvel, focados em aplicaçÔes de Realidade Virtual (RV) mĂłveis. Esta abordagem divide o problema numa solução com duas facetas: em primeiro lugar, a Geração Procedural de ConteĂșdo, alcançada atravĂ©s de mĂ©todos convencionais e pela utilização inovadora de Grandes Modelos de Lin guagem (normalmente conhecidos por Large Language Models). Em segundo lugar, a Co-Criação de ConteĂșdo, que enfatiza o desenvolvimento colaborativo de conteĂșdo. Adicionalmente, dado que este trabalho se foca na compatibilidade com RV mĂłvel, as limitaçÔes de hardware associadas a capacetes de RV autĂłnomos (standalone VR Headsets) e formas de as ultrapassar sĂŁo tambĂ©m abordadas. O conteĂșdo serĂĄ gerado utilizando mĂ©todos actuais em geração procedural e facilitando a co-criação de conteĂșdo pelo utilizador. A utilização de ambas estas abordagens resulta em ambi entes, objectivos e conteĂșdo geral mais re-jogĂĄveis com muito menos desenho. Esta abordagem estĂĄ actualmente a ser aplicada no desenvolvimento de duas aplicaçÔes de RV distintas. A primeira, AViR, destina-se a oferecer apoio psicolĂłgico a indivĂ­duos apĂłs a perda de uma gravidez. A se gunda, EmotionalVRSystem, visa medir as variaçÔes nas respostas emocionais dos participantes induzidas por alteraçÔes no ambiente, utilizando tecnologia EEG para leituras precisas

    Affective automotive user interfaces

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    Technological progress in the fields of ubiquitous sensing and machine learning has been fueling the development of user-aware human-computer interaction in recent years. Especially natural user interfaces, like digital voice assistants, can benefit from understanding their users in order to provide a more naturalistic experience. Such systems can, for example, detect the emotional state of users and accordingly act in an empathic way. One major research field working on this topic is Affective Computing, where psycho-physiological measures, speech input, and facial expressions are used to sense human emotions. Affective data allows natural user interfaces to respond to emotions, providing promising perspectives not only for user experience design but also for safety aspects. In automotive environments, informed estimations of the driver’s state can potentially avoid dangerous errors and evoking positive emotions can improve the experience of driving. This dissertation explores Affective Automotive User Interfaces using two basic interaction paradigms: firstly, emotion regulation systems react to the current emotional state of the user based on live sensing data, allowing for quick interventions. Secondly, emotional interaction synthesizes experiences which resonate with the user on an emotional level. The constituted goals of these two interaction approaches are the promotion of safe behavior and an improvement of user experience. Promoting safe behavior through emotion regulation: Systems which detect and react to the driver’s state are expected to have great potential for improving road safety. This work presents a model and methods needed to investigate such systems and an exploration of several approaches to keep the driver in a safe state. The presented methods include techniques to induce emotions and to sample the emotional state of drivers. Three driving simulator studies investigate the impacts of emotionaware interventions in the form of implicit cues, visual mirroring and empathic speech synthesis. We envision emotion-awareness as a safety feature which can detect if a driver is unfit or in need of support, based on the propagation of robust emotion detection technology. Improving user experience with emotional interaction: Emotional perception is an essential part of user experience. This thesis entails methods to build emotional experiences derived from a variety of lab and simulator studies, expert feedback, car-storming sessions and design thinking workshops. Systems capable of adapting to the user’s preferences and traits in order to create an emotionally satisfactory user experience do not require the input of emotion detection. They rather create value through general knowledge about the user by adapting the output they generate. During this research, cultural and generational influences became evident, which have to be considered when implementing affective automotive user interfaces in future cars. We argue that the future of user-aware interaction lies in adapting not only to the driver’s preferences and settings but also to their current state. This paves the way for the regulation of safe behavior, especially in safety-critical environments like cars, and an improvement of the driving experience.Aktuelle Fortschritte in den Bereichen des Machine Learning und Ubiquitous Computing ermöglichen es heute adaptive Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen zu realisieren. Vor allem natürliche Interaktion, wie wir sie von Sprachassistenten kennen, profitiert von einem verbesserten VerstĂ€ndnis des Nutzerverhaltens. Zum Beispiel kann ein Assistent mit Informationen über den emotionalen Zustand des Nutzers natürlicher interagieren, vielleicht sogar Empathie zeigen. Affective Computing ist das damit verbundene Forschungsfeld, das sich damit beschĂ€ftigt menschliche Emotionen durch Beobachtung von physiologischen Daten, Sprache und Mimik zu erkennen. Dabei ermöglicht Emotionserkennung natürliche Interaktion auf Basis des Fahrer/innenzustands, was nicht nur vielversprechend in Bezug auf die Gestaltung des Nutzerelebnisses klingt, sondern auch Anwendungen im Bereich der Verkehrssicherheit hat. Ein Einsatz im Fahrkontext könnte so vermeidbare UnfĂ€lle verringern und gleichzeitig Fahrer durch emotionale Interaktion begeistern. Diese Dissertation beleuchtet Affective Automotive User Interfaces – zu Deutsch in etwa Emotionsadaptive Benutzerschnittstellen im Fahrzeug – auf Basis zweier inhaltlicher SĂ€ulen: erstens benutzen wir AnsĂ€tze zur Emotionsregulierung, um im Falle gefĂ€hrlicher FahrerzustĂ€nde einzugreifen. Zweitens erzeugen wir emotional aufgeladene Interaktionen, um das Nutzererlebnis zu verbessern. Erhöhte Sicherheit durch Emotionsregulierung: Emotionsadaptiven Systemen wird ein großes Potenzial zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit zugeschrieben. Wir stellen ein Modell und Methoden vor, die zur Untersuchung solcher Systeme benötigt werden und erforschen AnsĂ€tze, die dazu dienen Fahrer in einer Gefühlslage zu halten, die sicheres Handeln erlaubt. Die vorgestellten Methoden beinhalten AnsĂ€tze zur Emotionsinduktion und -erkennung, sowie drei Fahrsimulatorstudien zur Beeinflussung von Fahrern durch indirekte Reize, Spiegeln von Emotionen und empathischer Sprachinteraktion. Emotionsadaptive Sicherheitssysteme können in Zukunft beeintrĂ€chtigten Fahrern Unterstützung leisten und so den Verkehr sicherer machen, vorausgesetzt die technischen Grundlagen der Emotionserkennung gewinnen an Reife. Verbesserung des Nutzererlebnisses durch emotionale Interaktion: Emotionen tragen einen großen Teil zum Nutzerlebnis bei, darum ist es nur sinnvoll den zweiten Fokuspunkt dieser Arbeit auf systeminitiierte emotionale Interaktion zu legen.Wir stellen die Ergebnisse nutzerzentrierter Ideenfindung und mehrer Evaluationsstudien der resultierenden Systeme vor. Um sich den Vorlieben und Eigenschaften von Nutzern anzupassen wird nicht zwingend Emotionserkennung benötigt. Der Mehrwert solcher Systeme besteht vielmehr darin, auf Basis verfügbarer Verhaltensdaten ein emotional anspruchsvolles Erlebnis zu ermöglichen. In unserer Arbeit stoßen wir außerdem auf kulturelle und demografische Einflüsse, die es bei der Gestaltung von emotionsadaptiven Nutzerschnittstellen zu beachten gibt. Wir sehen die Zukunft nutzeradaptiver Interaktion im Fahrzeug nicht in einer rein verhaltensbasierten Anpassung, sondern erwarten ebenso emotionsbezogene Innovationen. Dadurch können zukünftige Systeme sicherheitsrelevantes Verhalten regulieren und gleichzeitig das Fortbestehen der Freude am Fahren ermöglichen

    A conceptual affective design framework for the use of emotions in computer game design

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    The purpose of this strategy of inquiry is to understand how emotions influence gameplay and to review contemporary techniques to design for them in the aim of devising a model that brings current disparate parts of the game design process together. Emotions sit at the heart of a game player’s level of engagement. They are evoked across many of the components that facilitate gameplay including the interface, the player’s avatar, non-player characters and narrative. Understanding the role of emotion in creating truly immersive and believable environments is critical for game designers. After discussing a taxonomy of emotion, this paper will present a systematic literature review of designing for emotion in computer games. Following this, a conceptual framework for affective design is offered as a guide for the future of computer game design

    The World of Dungeons and Dragons as a Therapeutic Approach to Complex Trauma

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    This qualitative dissertation delves into the therapeutic potential of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) as an intervention for individuals coping with trauma and related mental health challenges. Drawing from a diverse sample of participants with varying gender identities, age groups, and D&D experience levels, this study employs a grounded theory approach to unravel the intricate interplay between D&D engagement and mental health outcomes. The study identifies several key implications, including the importance of creating inclusive therapeutic spaces, the lifespan relevance of D&D interventions, the potential for tailored interventions addressing relationship dynamics, and the accessibility of D&D as a therapeutic tool. Delimitations highlight the contextual specificity, limited generalizability, sample characteristics, subjective perceptions, therapeutic emphasis, temporal constraints, and cultural considerations inherent to this research

    EMDR Gaming Recovery and Insight Protocol (E-GRIP): An Approach For Treating Video Game Addiction

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    The prevalence of video game addiction has escalated with the advancement of digital technologies, posing significant psychological and social challenges. This dissertation introduces the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) Gaming Recovery and Insight Protocol (E-GRIP), a novel therapeutic approach designed to address the complexities of video game addiction. Grounded in the principles of EMDR therapy and incorporating insights into video game culture, E-GRIP aims to treat individuals struggling with problematic gaming behaviors by integrating their gaming experiences and preferences into the therapeutic process. The E-GRIP methodology extends the conventional EMDR framework by including an in-depth exploration of the client’s gaming behavior, character identification, and the utilization of gaming jargon to enhance the relevance and efficacy of the therapy. Through the lens of video game character archetypes and gaming scenarios, the protocol addresses the emotional, cognitive, and somatic components of addiction, facilitating a comprehensive treatment strategy that resonates with the gaming community

    Interdependent Self-Construal: A Link to Psychological Resilience

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    In the course of figuring out one’s identity, the proactive manner in which an individual defines one’s self or builds one’s character is an important aspect of the venture. Markus and Kitayama (1991) described and contrasted interdependent self-construal and independent self-construal, two forms of self-construction. This paper presents the theoretical link between interdependent self-construal and psychological resilience. Identity development is viewed through the interdependent self-construal perspective and it is explained how interdependence provides an individual with more and better opportunities for identity development. Through a conceptual tie to self-compassion, interdependent self-construal may be a key component to experiencing psychological resilience

    The Mechanics of ESL/EFL Writing Performance at the Tertiary Level

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    After exploring different theories of teaching and learning ESL/EFL writing, along with successful models of writing courses and instructional methods, this study investigates the internal complexity of ESL/EFL writing at the tertiary level, as well as the contributing factors in students’ writing performance. The characteristics of different types of language learners are identified in conjunction with the plasticity and lateralization of the bilingual brain and the critical period hypothesis. The study also delves into certain biases and heuristics while it analyzes Kahneman’s System 1 and 2 of thinking and various personality theories in order to determine students’ innate abilities to excel in ESL/EFL writing tasks. Furthermore, the paper elucidates the importance of psychological equivalence in the writing process with the help of Pym’s translation theories, and explains students’ interconnectedness through Berne’s transactional analysis and the ego states of each personality. By integrating neuropsychological perspectives with established pedagogical approaches, such as the scaffolding, product, process, genre and grammar-translation techniques, the article offers a holistic framework for educators and policymakers to enhance ESL/EFL writing instruction, and ultimately proposes future research directions for a better understanding of ESL/EFL students’ needs
