1,781 research outputs found

    Time constrained fault tolerance and management framework for k-connected distributed wireless sensor networks based on composite event detection

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    Wireless sensor nodes themselves are exceptionally complex systems where a variety of components interact in a complex way. In enterprise scenarios it becomes highly important to hide the details of the underlying sensor networks from the applications and to guarantee a minimum level of reliability of the system. One of the challenges faced to achieve this level of reliability is to overcome the failures frequently faced by sensor networks due to their tight integration with the environment. Failures can generate false information, which may trigger incorrect business processes, resulting in additional costs. Sensor networks are inherently fault prone due to the shared wireless communication medium. Thus, sensor nodes can lose synchrony and their programs can reach arbitrary states. Since on-site maintenance is not feasible, sensor network applications should be local and communication-efficient self-healing. Also, as per my knowledge, no such general framework exist that addresses all the fault issues one may encounter in a WSN, based on the extensive, exhaustive and comprehensive literature survey in the related areas of research. As one of the main goals of enterprise applications is to reduce the costs of business processes, a complete and more general Fault Tolerance and management framework for a general WSN, irrespective of the node types and deployment conditions is proposed which would help to mitigate the propagation of failures in a business environment, reduce the installation and maintenance costs and to gain deployment flexibility to allow for unobtrusive installation

    Creation and maintenance of a communication tree in wireless sensor networks

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    A local reconfiguration algorithm (INP) for reliable routing in wireless sensor networks that consist of many static (fixed) energy-constrained nodes is introduced in the dissertation. For routing around crash fault nodes, a communication tree structure connecting sensor nodes to the base station (sink or root) is dynamically reconfigured during information dissemination. Unlike other location based routing approaches, INP does not take any support from a high costing system that gives position information such as GPS. For reconfigurations, INP uses only local relational information in the tree structure among nearby nodes by collaboration between the nodes that does not need global maintenance, so that INP is energy efficient and it scales to large sensor networks. The performance of the algorithm is compared to the single path with repair routing scheme (SWR) that uses a global metric and the modified GRAdient broadcast scheme (GRAB-F) that uses interleaving multiple paths by computation and by simulations. The comparisons demonstrate that using local relative information is mostly enough for reconfigurations, and it consumes less energy and mostly better delivery rates than other algorithms especially in dense environments. For the control observer to know the network health status, two new diagnosis algorithms (Repre and Local) that deal with crash faults for wireless sensor networks are also introduced in the dissertation. The control observer knows not only the static faults found by periodic testing but also the dynamic faults found by a path reconfiguration algorithm like INP that is invoked from evidence during information dissemination. With based on this information, the control observer properly treats the network without lateness. Local algorithm is introduced for providing scalability to reduce communication energy consumption when the network size grows. The performance of these algorithms is computationally compared with other crash faults identification algorithm (WSNDiag). The comparisons demonstrate that maintaining the communication tree with local reconfigurations in Repre and Local needs less energy than making a tree per each diagnosis procedure in WSNDiag. They also demonstrate that providing scalability in Local needs less energy than other approaches

    Quality assessment technique for ubiquitous software and middleware

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    The new paradigm of computing or information systems is ubiquitous computing systems. The technology-oriented issues of ubiquitous computing systems have made researchers pay much attention to the feasibility study of the technologies rather than building quality assurance indices or guidelines. In this context, measuring quality is the key to developing high-quality ubiquitous computing products. For this reason, various quality models have been defined, adopted and enhanced over the years, for example, the need for one recognised standard quality model (ISO/IEC 9126) is the result of a consensus for a software quality model on three levels: characteristics, sub-characteristics, and metrics. However, it is very much unlikely that this scheme will be directly applicable to ubiquitous computing environments which are considerably different to conventional software, trailing a big concern which is being given to reformulate existing methods, and especially to elaborate new assessment techniques for ubiquitous computing environments. This paper selects appropriate quality characteristics for the ubiquitous computing environment, which can be used as the quality target for both ubiquitous computing product evaluation processes ad development processes. Further, each of the quality characteristics has been expanded with evaluation questions and metrics, in some cases with measures. In addition, this quality model has been applied to the industrial setting of the ubiquitous computing environment. These have revealed that while the approach was sound, there are some parts to be more developed in the future

    Power grid-oriented cascading failure vulnerability identifying method based on wireless sensors

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    In our paper, we study the vulnerability in cascading failures of the real-world network (power grid) under intentional attacks. Here, we use three indexes (B, K, k-shell) to measure the importance of nodes; that is, we define three attacks, respectively. Under these attacks, we measure the process of cascade effect in network by the number of avalanche nodes, the time steps, and the speed of the cascade propagation. Also, we define the node’s bearing capacity as a tolerant parameter to study the robustness of the network under three attacks. Taking the power grid as an example, we have obtained a good regularity of the collapse of the network when the node’s affordability is low. In terms of time and speed, under the betweenness-based attacks, the network collapses faster, but for the number of avalanche nodes, under the degree-based attack, the number of the failed nodes is highest. When the nodes’ bearing capacity becomes large, the regularity of the network’s performances is not obvious. The findings can be applied to identify the vulnerable nodes in real networks such as wireless sensor networks and improve their robustness against different attacks

    Energy-aware test connection assignment for the self-diagnosis of a wireless sensor network

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    Abstract Sensor nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are prone to failures due to the fragile hardware, malicious attacks, or hostile or harsh environment. In order to assure reliable, long-term monitoring of the phenomenon under investigation, a major challenge is to detect node malfunctions as soon as possible and with an energy efficient approach. We address this problem by using a system-level diagnosis strategy in which the sink issues to the WSN a self-diagnosis task that involves a number of mutual tests among sensors. Based on the test outcomes, the sink executes the diagnosis procedure. This work presents an algorithm for the assignment of tests among the sensors of a WSN that assures the desired system diagnosability and that is aware of energy consumption. We show by simulation experiments that the present approach, as compared to a previous one, enables consistent energy savings on the sensors

    Fault Detection and Recovery in Wireless Sensor Network Using Clustering

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    Cyber-security internals of a Skoda Octavia vRS:a hands on approach

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    The convergence of information technology and vehicular technologies are a growing paradigm, allowing information to be sent by and to vehicles. This information can further be processed by the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and the Controller Area Network (CAN) for in-vehicle communications or through a mobile phone or server for out-vehicle communication. Information sent by or to the vehicle can be life-critical (e.g. breaking, acceleration, cruise control, emergency communication, etc. . . ). As vehicular technology advances, in-vehicle networks are connected to external networks through 3 and 4G mobile networks, enabling manufacturer and customer monitoring of different aspects of the car. While these services provide valuable information, they also increase the attack surface of the vehicle, and can enable long and short range attacks. In this manuscript, we evaluate the security of the 2017 Skoda Octavia vRS 4x4. Both physical and remote attacks are considered, the key fob rolling code is successfully compromised, privacy attacks are demonstrated through the infotainment system, the Volkswagen Transport Protocol 2.0 is reverse engineered. Additionally, in-car attacks are highlighted and described, providing an overlook of potentially deadly threats by modifying ECU parameters and components enabling digital forensics investigation are identified